Creationists suffer another legal defeat

For one thing thing evolution has never been proven, it is a lie. Another thing Christ beleiving is not fairy tales it is the truth, like I said before the truth scares satan worshipers. Besides this country was founded on biblical truths, but satan and his followers are lying to the American people and tearing this country apart. Budha was just a man, mohamed was a lier, and Jesus saves.

I'm going to go with schizotypal personality disorder. Either that or an 8 year old who still believes in santa......

Btw, I heard Budha beat up Jesus. What do you say to that?
What about it, National Center for Science Education still can't prove (without a shadow of doubt) how the world was created. So this just shows how some idiots follow one more than the other. it will all come clear at your death, but then if you followed the wrong one it will be to late to change sides.

not proven YET. religious people are always holding on to temporary beliefs as science knocks down more and more of their crap. its why when religion takes over the world as the christians did in the dark ages science is restricted because it always trumps their beliefs. what are you going to do in 20 or 30 years when science has proven how the world was created without the help of a god?
Wrong, idiot!!!

I find your use of the word "American" offensive. We aren't in great shape right now as a country but the average American is far superior to you in intellect and tolerance. On the other hand carry on. Your fundimentalist nonsense does a much better job than I can exposing your stupidity and willfull ignorance.
Why are you mad at Texas when they discriminate against gays, but cheer when they discriminate against Christians? Just odd

this isn't discrimination against Christians. its protection of vulnerable children in public schools so they are not brought up learning fairy tales and that if they don't follow ten rules they will burn in hell. it is about preserving our country and attempting to regain our former supremacy in math, science, and engineering instead of filling a generation's head with lunacy that directly contradicts provable science.
For one thing thing evolution has never been proven, it is a lie. Another thing Christ beleiving is not fairy tales it is the truth, like I said before the truth scares satan worshipers. Besides this country was founded on biblical truths, but satan and his followers are lying to the American people and tearing this country apart. Budha was just a man, mohamed was a lier, and Jesus saves.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Napoleon XIV: 'They're coming to take me away'‬‎[/ame]
Yeah, I been down this road with you folks many times. Christian teacher wears a cross to school and they are "shoving Christianity down my kids throat" :lol: Paranoid or what?

And what happens when the same organization refuses to accredit a school that endorses gays? You see the problem.........................

stay on topic idiot instead of your usual deflection. did I say anything about a cross? I said its a problem when christian teachers in public schools start teaching creationism and young earth nonsense instead of science. I am guessing you are avoiding that topic because you agree with their stupidity?
Stop calling Christians stupid. If you beleive in evolution which is a lie, you are stupid, stupid!!!!

not proven YET. religious people are always holding on to temporary beliefs as science knocks down more and more of their crap. its why when religion takes over the world as the christians did in the dark ages science is restricted because it always trumps their beliefs. what are you going to do in 20 or 30 years when science has proven how the world was created without the help of a god?
Wrong, idiot!!!

I find your use of the word "American" offensive. We aren't in great shape right now as a country but the average American is far superior to you in intellect and tolerance. On the other hand carry on. Your fundimentalist nonsense does a much better job than I can exposing your stupidity and willfull ignorance.

"Tolerance" is the reason why our country is in such bad shape right now. Thank G-d we had intolorant hateful islomophobic bigots for founding fathers. At least they set the country out on the right track.
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Don't go getting your knickers in a knot - just read the entire quote and you'll get the entire meaning (you can do that right?). Where did this array of species spring whole and in entirety from? The fertile imagination of a deity along with a bit of magical mud and some potter's skill and a spare rib? How DO you explain it within the constraints of science?

Again, I don't think you understand what you are typing. Do you or do you not want to talk about origins?

Nope. I'll type S-L-O-W-L-Y for you. Origin of species. Three simple words that even you should be able to make out.

You claim that all species came from one cell, I claim that all species exist in a similar form to what they are today as they continue to adapt and change as observed today.

I'm trying to make sense of your claim. Where did they come from?

I know, it is hard for you to make sense out of things that are right in front of you since you are to busy living in a world of fairy tales.

Up to this point, I've provided evidence. You have not.

Same evidence as yours, just minues the missing links and hoaxes. ;)

Back up and re-read. I'm being specific enough for even a paramecium to understand and I'm assuming you're at least a couple of cognitive levels above that unicellular creation.

Here is your quote:

"Your theory seems to be something along the line of ZAP! - flip the switch and there they are. Deus ex Machina - a bored deity, and empty universe. What evidence supports that theory? You seem to be dodging that pesky detail. "

What part of the word origin do you not understand?

Dreams and visions...that's pretty cool....but, I was hoping for something a bit more concrete?

Coming right up...

And there you go, you made my point - that's evolution.

You don't really understand what you believe do you?

Let me see if I can dumb it down even more. Being "exposed" to something doesn't mean something will "adapt" to it.

:clap2:You're gettin there. Keep up the good work. Climbing the mountain of truth takes awhile though so don't give up.

There has to be a need and a niche to fill.


Humanity long ago

Long ago and far away....

...a fairy tale is coming next...

broke off and committed to a land-running, plains dwelling social hunter


- a meat-eating development that gave us the energy to devote to building better brains and intricate hands instead of better guts -


a development which has served us well and isn't conducive to flight.

So if you eat meat you can't no... couldn't be that... birds eat meat.... think harder....

I've got it...

If you are smart you can't fly.:eusa_think::disbelief:

The guy at 1:07 must have had to big of a brain.:eusa_shifty:

[ame=""]YouTube - Man's Early Quest to Fly[/ame]

Desire isn't need and need is determined by environmental conditions and the opening of new niches to exploit - like the high altitude tibetans.

So what need is there to fly?

I answered that. Several times.

If you consider "Again, who created the creator? " an answer, then we have bigger problems than what I orignally thought.

Again, how did the giraffe evolve?

Now, how about you answer a question: who created the creator? Or...can you? Shall I be prepared for yet another dodge?

Again, do you want to talk about origins or not?
You do realize you just pulled that image off a website DREAMS OF THE GREAT EARTH CHANGES that promotes aliens making crop circles and other ridiculous ideas, right?


Yes, I noticed that. I was just looking for the image on google and was looking for one that was a small sized image. I figured it would give you something to complain about anyway. ;)

Then again, "aliens" and "dreams of great earth changes" those sound like terms an evolutionist would think up. Hey. Maybe not such a bad choice after all?:eusa_think:
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Nope. I'll type S-L-O-W-L-Y for you. Origin of species. Three simple words that even you should be able to make out.

You claim that all species came from one cell, I claim that all species exist in a similar form to what they are today as they continue to adapt and change as observed today.
No. No he never claimed all species came from one cell, nor has any evolutionist. YOU are the only one who continues to claim that a single cell popped out of nothing and all species sprung forth from it. I have continually pointed out your inaccuracy, and you have continued in your ignorance. Don't put words in his mouth because of your stupidity.

Same evidence as yours, just minues the missing links and hoaxes. ;)
Your evidence is the bible, and a pot from a dreams and visions website. Our evidence is overwhelming verifiable scientific data across multiple fields such as physiology, genetics, and paleontology. No, the two are not equal in quality nor quantity. You have yet to point out which missing links or hoaxes you've made up this time.

The remainder of your post in no way refutes any point of evolution, but instead resorts to mindless drivel and snippish out of context retorts on word choices instead of content or meaning.

Have you figured out what science or evolution is? You sure haven't demonstrated it, and it's amusing to see you try so hard to avoid answering those questions. Perhaps if you keep your eyes closed long enough with your fingers in your ears, all the truth in the world might go away?
You claim that all species came from one cell, I claim that all species exist in a similar form to what they are today as they continue to adapt and change as observed today.
No. No he never claimed all species came from one cell, nor has any evolutionist. YOU are the only one who continues to claim that a single cell popped out of nothing and all species sprung forth from it. I have continually pointed out your inaccuracy, and you have continued in your ignorance. Don't put words in his mouth because of your stupidity.[/QUOTE]

I know, single celled organism sounds more politically correct.

Your evidence is the bible, and a pot from a dreams and visions website. Our evidence is overwhelming verifiable scientific data across multiple fields such as physiology, genetics, and paleontology. No, the two are not equal in quality nor quantity. You have yet to point out which missing links or hoaxes you've made up this time.

The remainder of your post in no way refutes any point of evolution, but instead resorts to mindless drivel and snippish out of context retorts on word choices instead of content or meaning.

Have you figured out what science or evolution is? You sure haven't demonstrated it, and it's amusing to see you try so hard to avoid answering those questions. Perhaps if you keep your eyes closed long enough with your fingers in your ears, all the truth in the world might go away?

wow, you give up easy.:lol:
Turning a blind eye to facts and lying about conclusions is intellectual dishonesty in my book.

That is the only way creationists can support their "theory" because they don't have the facts on their side. Doesn't anyone find it odd that some creationist groups have a statement of faith that forbids their members from reaching any conclusions that contradict the bible? Their acceptance of that statement rules them out as scientists right there.

Whoooopy ding. ALL evolutionists vehamently oppose considering any idea but their own and refuse to accept anything that doesn't point to evolution. That stance should rule them out as scientists right there.

Can you show us where that has actually happened? Examples, please.
The theory of creation explains that all living things will bring forth after their own kind such that when a tree drops its seeds they will not hatch crocadiles but rather you will get another tree. And no matter how long a period of time, a dog sill be a dog and will still have 4 legs. No, just because 5 is a bigger number doesn't mean that a mutant dog with 5 legs is a good thing. Is all of this observable? Hell yeah.

I think I see your problem. You're criticizing a theory that you obviously know nothing about.
"Tolerance" is the reason why our country is in such bad shape right now. Thank G-d we had intolorant hateful islomophobic bigots for founding fathers. At least they set the country out on the right track.

Yeah, you're a troll (and one that doesn't embarrass easily). Goodbye.
"Tolerance" is the reason why our country is in such bad shape right now. Thank G-d we had intolorant hateful islomophobic bigots for founding fathers. At least they set the country out on the right track.

Yeah, you're a troll (and one that doesn't embarrass easily). Goodbye.

Yup, species Trollius Irritatingus Theobiologicus (commonly known as Tit) was once thought extinct but has had a resurgence due to increased habitat provided by an explosion of messageboards accross the internet. Although a minor pest, species identification is often hindered by it's clever mimicry of a Debator. This illusion is easily pierced however as it eventually resorts to circular arguments - a key marker of the species. It is thought this may be part of the Tit's mating ritual. More study is needed however.
"Tolerance" is the reason why our country is in such bad shape right now. Thank G-d we had intolorant hateful islomophobic bigots for founding fathers. At least they set the country out on the right track.

Yeah, you're a troll (and one that doesn't embarrass easily). Goodbye.

EXACTLY what evolutionists try to do to those who don't believe in their fairy tales.
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"Tolerance" is the reason why our country is in such bad shape right now. Thank G-d we had intolorant hateful islomophobic bigots for founding fathers. At least they set the country out on the right track.

Yeah, you're a troll (and one that doesn't embarrass easily). Goodbye.

Yup, species Trollius Irritatingus Theobiologicus (commonly known as Tit) was once thought extinct but has had a resurgence due to increased habitat provided by an explosion of messageboards accross the internet. Although a minor pest, species identification is often hindered by it's clever mimicry of a Debator. This illusion is easily pierced however as it eventually resorts to circular arguments - a key marker of the species. It is thought this may be part of the Tit's mating ritual. More study is needed however.

You running with your tail between your legs? It appears the questions tinkled around in your brain for a while and when nothing could come out, instead of admitting that evolution is a FAIL you just farted a pile of trash out of your brain.:lol:
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