Mormons have a quaint food-hoarding custom, awaiting a second-coming. Bureaucrats and School teachers have a less quaint custom, hoarding gobs and gobs of wealth in pension funds--that usually need to be bailed out due to excesses and abuses. Scottish Presbyterians foisted this off as wonderful in Adam Smith's. "Wealth of Nations." In Matthew 25:14-30, The problem of fixed percentage usury shows how that is wrong. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. In the Spirit of Christ, generally adored by Pope's and leaders of Her Majesty's Christianity: It is not stated that the outcome is that the rich Jewish Houses, (aka, Lehman Brothers), all come tumbling on down. It is not so-stated that CalPers continuously needs a bail-out. It is not so-stated that the famous homosexual, of the Keynesian school of thought: Would become entirely famous, "For he bade the people bend over and await the public works(?)!
Holocaust would otherwise be construed the outcome of Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Early Christians accepted the Moses Atrocity as Deity Directed. Usury was not allowed, except that Jews were not considered Christians, even by Jews. Gouging commenced, and likely anti-Semitism arose in Europe.
What does a Senator Sanders now propose? Federally funded public colleges and universities. Some of that money will be hoarded into pension funds--of various types--subject to the original math of the Moses Atrocity.
Now is the Good Socialist proposing dismantling the pension hoarding, and distributing the funds to the poor of the world?
This Jew is just as crazy as the others--and Holy Father and Archbishops included, and of course: The Moslems of the Stupid, violent-world invoking Mohammed.
The crazy elitists of North Korea tend to the brand, and the Chinese Communists are creating a hoarding class.
Using their $900.00 I-phones, Democrats Overseas did not send their money off to the feed the poor. They voted for Senator Sanders, instead!
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations only recently now learning ways of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!")
Holocaust would otherwise be construed the outcome of Deuteronomy 23:19-20. Early Christians accepted the Moses Atrocity as Deity Directed. Usury was not allowed, except that Jews were not considered Christians, even by Jews. Gouging commenced, and likely anti-Semitism arose in Europe.
What does a Senator Sanders now propose? Federally funded public colleges and universities. Some of that money will be hoarded into pension funds--of various types--subject to the original math of the Moses Atrocity.
Now is the Good Socialist proposing dismantling the pension hoarding, and distributing the funds to the poor of the world?
This Jew is just as crazy as the others--and Holy Father and Archbishops included, and of course: The Moslems of the Stupid, violent-world invoking Mohammed.
The crazy elitists of North Korea tend to the brand, and the Chinese Communists are creating a hoarding class.
Using their $900.00 I-phones, Democrats Overseas did not send their money off to the feed the poor. They voted for Senator Sanders, instead!
"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Lands of Many Nations only recently now learning ways of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven!")