Crazy are all of you doing?

37 degrees and raining.

First day this month above freezing!!:clap2:

It's now up to 44 degrees, and the rain has stopped.

How does the temp go up at NIGHT? :dunno:

It's going to be 55 this afternoon, so I'm going to have both our cars washed and waxed to get the salt off.

62 on Friday :woohoo:
It has been wet and dark and rainy, with a small hail shower today. We had snow in late november and Dec 19th, but nothing since then.

It is pretty chilly as when the kids are here I keep the thermometer at 55 and dress warm. Except the bathroom. The door there is closed and it is kept around 70.
Just finished digging out from under 32" of snow.
Oh my aching back!
We reached out high temp for the day (18) this morning at 12:00:01, steady falling temps all day, wind is sustained at 31 mph, snow should start soon, Blizzard watch in effect until Saturday morning.

Saw on HLN this morning that Fargo came in second, behind Milwuakee, as America's drunkest city.
We just can't win at anything. :(
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Blizzard Warning in effect. 5 degrees, 35 mph wind out of the north, -31 wind chill.
It's been raining all day.

Raining, in the frost belt, in December. :confused:

Are you there Algore? It's me, Sheldon.

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