Crazy Candace Owens breaks social media by not disavowing Hitler when asked about him

More attempts by the dishonest left to stir up anger and discord over nothing at all really.
So Candace Owens thinks nationalism is great.So what?
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."

What’s the problem?
She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?
aoc: this is an incredible year, we have more women in leadership than ever before!

david duke: *peers over at candace owens* us too
White guy trashing black woman. Not racist.

i fixed the title so that y'all stop complaining

You mean you changed your title when you realized you had misread the article you linked too LOL
no no no...if you guys didn't complain, i wouldn't have changed it. i still personally think she praised Hitler, but the title needs to reflect the majority opinion
Because opinion, and the feelz, are way more important than facts...
More attempts by the dishonest left to stir up anger and discord over nothing at all really.
So Candace Owens thinks nationalism is great.So what?

I do have a problem with nationalism, but from a conservative viewpoint.

Nationalism is used by collectivists to create a centralized collectivist state, but only as a spring board towards a larger international collectivist state.

Problem is, once the collectivist has centralized power within a given state via tools such as nationalism, then it gets in the way for globalism and needs to be discarded.

Now that Progressives have created the centralized collectivist state in the US, as Federalism has died in favor of the Feds run everything, they now need a way to destroy what they created. Nationalism must now be trashed.
Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?
So you think Owens approves of what Hitler did in Germany itself? All of it? Or just the part that was nationalistic in nature as an expression of sovereignty?

I don't think that's a rational or realistic position to take and I wonder if you can find any evidence that Owens approves of the round up of Jews in Germany by Hitler.
I doubt it.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


This only proves that Hitler was both a globalist and a socialist.

Surprise, surprise.

For you see, socialism does not work UNLESS it is imposed on everyone.

Sadly, if that does happen it will still fail.
There are alternative history views. Hitler was uplifted by the globalist financiers and money people and then screwed over by them. The globalists want a world government and have to reduce the nations or at least their fighting back. The EU is an example of that. A loose confederation of at least several entities and may be some more is the goal. The United States is part of the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. The type of government system is an experiment to see what most of us will live in. So was it Hitler's? Was it The Communist system? Was it the Socialism System? The Capitalist system is the most distant from them but the own and control many of the companies anyway.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


This only proves that Hitler was both a globalist and a socialist.

Surprise, surprise.

For you see, socialism does not work UNLESS it is imposed on everyone.

Sadly, if that does happen it will still fail.
There are alternative history views. Hitler was uplifted by the globalist financiers and money people and then screwed over by them. The globalists want a world government and have to reduce the nations or at least their fighting back. The EU is an example of that. A loose confederation of at least several entities and may be some more is the goal. The United States is part of the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. The type of government system is an experiment to see what most of us will live in. So was it Hitler's? Was it The Communist system? Was it the Socialism System? The Capitalist system is the most distant from them but the own and control many of the companies anyway.

The US was centralized at the turn of the 20th century by such Presidents as Wilson and FDR to help fight off the collectivist hordes in Europe. Ever since then, the US has been at war seemingly nonstop, only, they no longer declare war.

But that is merely the byproduct of the collectivist state. They are world conquering war machines.

Problem is, how do you survive them without becoming like them in order to fight them off?

I don't have an answer for that just yet, as if there is an answer.

Corporations used as a weapon by the state was created by the UK. The East Indies Co. even had their own "private" army as they single handedly subdued the country of India for the UK.

Most people think that the Boston Tea Party was over higher taxes when in all actuality taxes went down. What they were protesting was the takeover of Tea by the East Indies Co. as a monopoly

Both the military and corporations are creations of the state and used for very similar purposes.
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She didn't praise Hitler.

It's simply astounding how many people on the left and the right post links on this board that do not say what they claim they say.

We truly need to revamp our entire educational system that has obviously failed so many of you idiots.
You do understand it was the things he did inside of Germany that was sort of bad too right?

People were not outraged over what happened at Buchenwald and Dachau because the trains were late......

Yes she appeased Neo-Nazis by pussy footing around the subject by saying Hitler was wrong for what he wanted to do "outside of Germany"

So as long as he only murdered the Jews inside of Germany and didn't take it outside of Germany....yay Nationalism?

Hint: when you have to put what the person said, in "other words" in order to attack them,

you are lying about what they said.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.
she blew the answer by not saying explicitly he was evil incarnate

She blew it like Kamala
Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.

Yet she couldn't get why his Nationalism was a bad thing.

Here's the thing. We all kind of have to share this planet, and we all have to get along.

The MAGA hatters say the same thing about Mexicans the Nazis said about Jews.

You can see where this is going, right?
Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.

Yet she couldn't get why his Nationalism was a bad thing.

Here's the thing. We all kind of have to share this planet, and we all have to get along.

The MAGA hatters say the same thing about Mexicans the Nazis said about Jews.

You can see where this is going, right?

She SAID it, dopey!! He wanted a GLOBAL GERMANY; not JUST making Germany a well run country. She equated Hitler's German Globalism with Nazism...sounds reasonable. Did you miss something?

More attempts by the dishonest left to stir up anger and discord over nothing at all really.
So Candace Owens thinks nationalism is great.So what?

I do have a problem with nationalism, but from a conservative viewpoint.

Nationalism is used by collectivists to create a centralized collectivist state, but only as a spring board towards a larger international collectivist state.

Problem is, once the collectivist has centralized power within a given state via tools such as nationalism, then it gets in the way for globalism and needs to be discarded.

Now that Progressives have created the centralized collectivist state in the US, as Federalism has died in favor of the Feds run everything, they now need a way to destroy what they created. Nationalism must now be trashed.

You mistake Nationalism with Totalitarianism. It's an easy error made by partisan stupid people.

Candace Owens: "If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, okay, fine. The problem is that he wanted... he had dreams outside of Germany."

Yeah, I don't think that's the biggest problem with Hitler, Candace.
Candace Owens: "If Hitler Just Wanted To Make Germany Great And Have Things Run Well, OK, Fine."


This only proves that Hitler was both a globalist and a socialist.

Surprise, surprise.

For you see, socialism does not work UNLESS it is imposed on everyone.

Sadly, if that does happen it will still fail.
There are alternative history views. Hitler was uplifted by the globalist financiers and money people and then screwed over by them. The globalists want a world government and have to reduce the nations or at least their fighting back. The EU is an example of that. A loose confederation of at least several entities and may be some more is the goal. The United States is part of the North American Union with Canada and Mexico. The type of government system is an experiment to see what most of us will live in. So was it Hitler's? Was it The Communist system? Was it the Socialism System? The Capitalist system is the most distant from them but the own and control many of the companies anyway.

The US was centralized at the turn of the 20th century by such Presidents as Wilson and FDR to help fight off the collectivist hordes in Europe. Ever since then, the US has been at war seemingly nonstop, only, they no longer declare war.

But that is merely the byproduct of the collectivist state. They are world conquering war machines.

Problem is, how do you survive them without becoming like them in order to fight them off?

I don't have an answer for that just yet, as if there is an answer.

Corporations used as a weapon by the state was created by the UK. The East Indies Co. even had their own "private" army as they single handedly subdued the country of India for the UK.

Most people think that the Boston Tea Party was over higher taxes when in all actuality taxes went down. What they were protesting was the takeover of Tea by the East Indies Co. as a monopoly

Both the military and corporations are creations of the state and used for very similar purposes.

Horse hockey!!!!

She SAID it, dopey!! He wanted a GLOBAL GERMANY; not JUST making Germany a well run country. She equated Hitler's German Globalism with Nazism...sounds reasonable. Did you miss something?

Did you? Hitler didn't want Global Germany. His vision was dividing the world between the US, UK, Japan and Germany.

His kind of Nationalism that put the interests of Germany above the good of humanity was the problem.
Pathetic spin. She didn't praise Hitler. She defended the concept of Nationalism as being acceptable when not combined with his racial purity and globalist agenda.

Yet she couldn't get why his Nationalism was a bad thing.

Here's the thing. We all kind of have to share this planet, and we all have to get along.

The MAGA hatters say the same thing about Mexicans the Nazis said about Jews.

You can see where this is going, right?
Then prove it with your gaia loving largesse on this planet we all share. Move to Venezuela or Cuba or Zimbabwe or Haiti or other nations and give up the comforts you have. Talk is bullchitt. Share the planet and give your assets to others to prove it. Not one of you do. Progressive Socialism is a religion whether you know or not. A cold hearted one that uses Alinsky tactics to blame others for what you do. At this point in history we have about 8 billion people. Lets start by cutting salaries and checks sent out by at least half. Then we can send the money saved to other nations in this planet we all share. Of course to many stupid loans will be removed also because of it. And then we reduce medical care as to increase medical care for everyone else in this planet we share. Our standard of living being reduced means we live a more austere life and it will be good for us. Mexicans and Jews? You are the nazis you stupid azz.

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