Covington Catholic Closes For Day Due To Threats, Concern For Safety Of Students, Staff

The kids should be expelled and that is that.
They'll hopefully learn and grow from the experience.
for what exactly? visiting DC? when did that become a crime and a punishable offense. If it is, get all them vijay jay bitches in jail.
The kids should be expelled and that is that.
Expelled on what grounds?
The kids should be expelled and that is that.
They'll hopefully learn and grow from the experience.

Expelled for what?

For wearing MAGA hats?

For being pro-life?

For being white?

Who knows with the left today?
if you don't think like a leftist, you should die.
I feel sorta sorry for the kid. But wtf was a school or his parents thinking in sending him to DC for a "right to life" march/protest? Which was held to counter the women's march. What could possibly have gone wrong with that.
Trump's America has emboldened these far rightwing guttersnipe to crawl from their deep, dank, and dingy caves into the light of day.
You REALLY don't like your racism being challenged, do you?
The school is in Kentucky, so how much does inbreeding play a role here?

"The school is in Kentucky, so how much does inbreeding play a role here?"

about as much as it does in NYC.

Or, do you have proof otherwise?
The school is in Kentucky, so how much does inbreeding play a role here?

"The school is in Kentucky, so how much does inbreeding play a role here?"

about as much as it does in NYC.

Or, do you have proof otherwise?
You had to spank one of your own, lol. Who did it hurt more, you or jc? :biggrin:

You had to spank one of your own, lol.

Problem with the question?

BTW, I was spanking you, Jeb.
Threats against these high school students and their families, threats that cause the school to be shut down, should be considered 'terrorist threats', and those who have made them should be held accountable accordingly.
The story about these kids and the MAGA hats much like the BuzzFeed story was not as advertised.
Care to present the accurate story as you understand it then?
It has been presented these kids were waiting for their bus to leave the Native American approached them they did not go to him by all accounts there were no racial slurs, insults or threats made much like with BuzzFeed you have people trying to create the story they want instead of reporting the truth. That’s it as you on the love to say it’s settled case closed.
The media must be working overtime to try and change the narrative. I imagine just about all of them have hired temps to look into all the social media pages they can dig up on all these teens and their parents to find anything they can spin as racist.
Fake News is now retracting that the mindless drum beater was never in Vietnam. They’ve been caught making up shit again!
Marcalt has made it clear in his mind the kids should be expelled for being there, wearing MAGA hats, having a look on their face he disapproves of and being white.

He had no issue with the Homophobic slurs or words of hate by the Black Hebrews and believe they were the victims along with the Native American.

Let face the reality those like Marcalt will condone hate and violence and will blame the kids because of a hat and look...
I take back one thing, the boys shouldn't be expelled, just suspended. It's their teachers/chaperones that should all be fired. They sat there and allowed this, therefore condoning the thug and mob mentality these boys engaged in.

I can't blame them, as once being a boy, I'm well aware of boys being boys. But the ADULTS....OFF w/their heads!!!



You still are in denial about what the Black Hebrews were saying, or are you telling this board you condone verbal abuse as long as it is done by those you agree with?

So now you are calling for the suspension of the boys from school and also calling for their parents to lose their job along with teachers?

Then you should also call for the Black Hebrews to lose their jobs, be jailed and deported back to Israel, right?

Of course not because you are perfectly fine with homophobic and racial slurs as long as it is being uttered at White Catholics!

You know what is really Hilarious is I am Jewish, hate Trump and yet I know when those like you are WRONG!

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