COVID: What's next?

You're completely lost, huh little one?

Lush: 600K vaccinated people in Florida died from Covid

Lush: People in Florida staying inside because it's hot reduces spreading Covid

You're WAY too lost to be asking me what I mean, LOL
you're WAYYY to stupidly dishonest to deal with. I said NONE of that
I know that. They average anywhere from $25 to $40 dollars. That's not cheap, even if you're well off.

If you have had to go to a private place to get the test it can cost up to 265 dollars here.

If you go to a public test site it's free.

If you go to a site that is sponsored by an Airline you can get a discount and it's usually 90 dollars.

How do I know this?

I went to Hawaii in June. A covid text was required to enter the state.

The prices I quoted were the prices I was quoted to get the test.
I went to a public test site. It was fast, only took a couple minutes. I got my results the next morning.
Meaning everyone must strive to be just like you
It would be a good start.
obviously modesty is your best quality
No need to be modest when you're 100% correct. The vaccine is incredibly effective. Not taking it is dumb and irresponsible.
the agent for change, the antidote to business as usual in washington was in the oval office and you could not wait to drive him out of town and replace him with joe biden who will get you no change whatsoever elected a billionaire who hired other billionaires to fix the system that made them billionaires.

Yeah, you're pretty dumb.
trolls gotta troll huh liar?
It seem there are a lot of trolls from all sides spreading misinformation, and yet you have no issue when it is the left doing it!

Fact is people who have been vaccinated are dying from the virus and yet Dana7360 stated in a thread I linked that no one that has been vaccinated has died from the virus!

Fact is vaccination is not going to stop this virus at this point and it has mutated many times so far that a booster is needed but none of you one the left will admit this and why?

Also many of you on the left are acting like if everyone is vaccinated then the virus will be gone but that is untrue and those like Dana are as dangerous as the ant-vaccination posters!
Oh I see. We have to post every caveat in every statement to make dishonest assholes like you happy.

Very very FEW die who have been vaccinated

Another lie from you!

I have the CDC numbers and it is more than a few people, and yet you lie about it!

So now you have been shown she said it you are angry at me for showing you the truth!

Now how many people have died from the delta variant that have been vaccinated?

Do you know?

The CDC has the number and it is more than a few!
It seem there are a lot of trolls from all sides spreading misinformation, and yet you have no issue when it is the left doing it!

Fact is people who have been vaccinated are dying from the virus and yet Dana7360 stated in a thread I linked that no one that has been vaccinated has died from the virus!

Fact is vaccination is not going to stop this virus at this point and it has mutated many times so far that a booster is needed but none of you one the left will admit this and why?

Also many of you on the left are acting like if everyone is vaccinated then the virus will be gone but that is untrue and those like Dana are as dangerous as the ant-vaccination posters!
Dumb Joe thinks no one vaxxed has died either. LOL
Oh I see. We have to post every caveat in every statement to make dishonest assholes like you happy.

Very very FEW die who have been vaccinated
CDC number and over 1200 people have died while being vaccinated!

That is more than a few!
And, in an effort to return to the point of the thread:

According to a study published in Jama Internal Medicine, in the first six months of the pandemic, 94 percent of hospitals studied improved mortality rates by at least 25 percent. The study noted hospitals were able to improve outcomes when they had less cases to treat.

There’s hope that this quick progression of knowledge in fighting COVID-19, could lead to many more advances in the future, like how to better selectively turn the immune system down so it doesn’t cause damage to the body, how to more quickly develop fast and inexpensive tests for new diseases, and how to better fight sepsis. Sepsis is a life threatening response to many different infections including COVID-19, and according to the CDC, each year at least 1.7 million American adults develop it.
And, in an effort to return to the point of the thread:

According to a study published in Jama Internal Medicine, in the first six months of the pandemic, 94 percent of hospitals studied improved mortality rates by at least 25 percent. The study noted hospitals were able to improve outcomes when they had less cases to treat.

There’s hope that this quick progression of knowledge in fighting COVID-19, could lead to many more advances in the future, like how to better selectively turn the immune system down so it doesn’t cause damage to the body, how to more quickly develop fast and inexpensive tests for new diseases, and how to better fight sepsis. Sepsis is a life threatening response to many different infections including COVID-19, and according to the CDC, each year at least 1.7 million American adults develop it.
Well if you're asking what's next? My guess is no lockdowns (no appetite for it, the economy would tank and we may not recover this time) or mandatory mask mandates except in those few places where it is spreading like wildfire. I've already noticed more people wearing masks this weekend in public. And getting that wary look back into their eyes. My hope is that for the most part, masking and social distancing will become ingrained in most people so that they condition themselves to be careful. Something that should have happened last year. I also think that science and medicine will keep up with the virus curve and come up with better and more efficient treatments so that in all but the most extreme cases, hospitalization won't be necessary. As one poster said, it will become just like the seasonal flu, you'll get a vaccine for it.

I'm also hoping that this pandemic kick starts something in the medical and scientific community that government research institutions can help with. Planning for the next debacle and trying to develop treatments for not only COVID variants, but a renewed effort toward trying to cure a lot of diseases and prevent a lot of viruses. Pipe dream pie-in-the-sky...but one can hope. :)
Its joes fault that 30% of the illegal aliens released into the US interior refuse to get vaccinated
So it's Joe's fault the immigrants are vaccinated at a far higher rate than white male republicans?


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