COVID may never fully disappear. Here's how we live with it.

Good post, but - - how did you make the leap from COVID to concentration camps??
Look around, the progression of hostility towards anyone who doesn't want the experimental covid treatment keeps escalating. It all begins when Biden missed his voluntary goal of 70%. After that the push has been increasingly aggressive. Hesitancy has become anti-vax, anti-vax has become a threat to the 'vaccinated'. What's next?
OMG...Viruses never go away. They will always exist. The cold always existed

Viruses never go away, they can hide. Get Herpes for further clarification
It would make sense for us to eat healthier and exercise since COVID19 seems to mostly kill obese people and or really old people. Hence Lesh is hiding under his bed.


People knew...
People knew what real money was. People knew what a Federal Senator was. People knew what taxes were before it was stolen from them. then the 19th amendment ended our nation.
What I don't understand, is why hospitals are supposedly overloaded.
In previous pandemics where hospitals got to the point they were "full", the military was called in, and organizations like the Red Cross were called in, to set up mobile hospitals, turn warehouses and storage buildings into hospitals, and even popped up tent hospitals in remote areas.

So WHY has this not been done NOW????

Just another point of truth, that this is a SCAMdemic, and not a PANdemic. It's being used and abused as a political weapon, nothing more.
There is not enough doctors and nurses, and medical equipment in tents to treat the car accident victim, give dialysis, or chemo, put you on a respirator or heart monitor etc...

Hospitals are using tents, and cafeterias and hallways as waiting rooms for the patients to get in.

My father in Florida, had a mild stroke Tuesday night, he waited 6 hours in the emergency room, before they could admit him and give him tests and care.... 6 hours....
Hope your dad is ok.

This is what they want. Complete chaos and a 3rd world society. if things dont get worse, how can you blame "the others" for all your problems? It isnt a bug in their plan, it's the main feature.
That is so untrue.


EVERYONE KNEW about the pandemics we have had, mitigation methods were taken to the best of their medical knowlege during the epidemics, and millions upon millions upon millions died....wiping out communities and their economies.

The difference was we didn't have hospitals on every corner of the earth, there for modern medical treatments curing other diseases and ailments, being filled up with virus patients, and unable to medically help others in need.
Yep. Dying at home was much more popular, due to lack of medical care to mitigate the carnage.
This is what all scientists and related doctors, are saying.... And it makes sense....we just need enough people with severe sickness immunity from either vaccines or previous infection for community protection to be high enough to prevent our hospitals from collapsing and unable to treat other medical ailments.
You promote people who are obese as normal. In fact 200 pound women and heavier are pushed as sexual beauties in this modern age. This is just one agenda that is weakening us all.


People knew...

Actually, the 1968 Hong Kong flu was one of the deadliest pandemics in history killing between one to four million globally. The death toll here in the U.S. was around 100k on the high end, which would be over 200k today given population adjustments. Not as serious as COVID has become ( in the U.S., though it appears it would have been worse on the global scale), but when it was ripping through society there was barely a blip about it in the media. In fact, I remember reading that a high ranking official in the Johnson administration even died from it, but there was no panic, no economic shut downs, no mask Nazis, etc. No behavior like today's Branch Covidians.
...humans adapt...the human body adapts ....people need to start taking care of their OWN bodies---humans are not created/designed to be obese ....
But this virus was created in a lab, where they made sure that antibodies formed to create herd immunity disappeared quickly.
Actually, the 1968 Hong Kong flu was one of the deadliest pandemics in history killing between one to four million globally. The death toll here in the U.S. was around 100k on the high end, which would be over 200k today given population adjustments. Not as serious as COVID has become ( in the U.S., though it appears it would have been worse on the global scale), but when it was ripping through society there was barely a blip about it in the media. In fact, I remember reading that a high ranking official in the Johnson administration even died from it, but there was no panic, no economic shut downs, no mask Nazis, etc. No behavior like today's Branch Covidians.
Ok, so this is over 3x worse. What exactly is your point?
But this virus was created in a lab, where they made sure that antibodies formed to create herd immunity disappeared quickly.
.humans adapt...the human body adapts ....people need to start taking care of their OWN bodies---humans are not created/designed to be obese ....
But this virus was created in a lab, where they made sure that antibodies formed to create herd immunity disappeared quickly.
You know how it ended for The Peoples Temple in Guyana. That is your fate.
...humans adapt...the human body adapts ....people need to start taking care of their OWN bodies---humans are not created/designed to be obese ....
I second this. If certain people don't trust what would be their surroundings, they can't expect everyone else to be in bubble wrap due to whoever doesn't have it in them to stay home.

God bless you always!!!

It would make sense for us to eat healthier and exercise since COVID19 seems to mostly kill obese people and or really old people. Hence Lesh is hiding under his bed.
Excuse me!!!......That is Dr Lesh to you and I.

He is the lead doctor here at USMB Hospital and Old Aged Home. Top of his class at Google Medical College

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