Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
What have we learned from the left?

We have learned that any recent spike in cases is the fault of the governor of the state and all who support that governor.

So….like the left did with Florida and Desantis in late summer…

…time to do it now with Minnesota and Walz.

Lets go lefties…you can do it.

Blast Walz and MN for the COVID SPIKE in MN.

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

What have we learned from the left?

We have learned that any recent spike in cases is the fault of the governor of the state and all who support that governor.

So….like the left did with Florida and Desantis in late summer…

…time to do it now with Minnesota and Walz.

Lets go lefties…you can do it.

Blast Walz and MN for the COVID SPIKE in MN.

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

Prove COVID-19 exists by posting a link to a scientific-medical research institution or bureau study which has isolated this so-called virus and published their findings. Otherwise, I and a growing number of other Americans shall continue to ignore and dismiss such outright "news". There's no bloody time left to play the Left/Right political blame game here in America. Divided we fall. That's it.
Prove COVID-19 exists by posting a link to a scientific-medical research institution or bureau study which has isolated this so-called virus and published their findings. Otherwise, I and a growing number of other Americans shall continue to ignore and dismiss such outright "news". There's no bloody time left to play the Left/Right political blame game here in America. Divided we fall. That's it.

It is the Marxist playbook.

I will continue to point out the hypocrisy of the left as I continue to support the Constitution, individual liberty, and big R God given Rights.

The right must attack the left in order to save the nation.

The left is straight up Marxist. It is no secret.

United, to the left, means everyone is under communist rule and they decide everything for you.
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It is the Marxist playbook.

I will continue to pount out the hypocrisy of the left as I continue to support the Constitution, individual liberty, and big R God given rights.

The right must attack the left in order to save the nation.

The left is straight up Marxist. It is no secret.

United, to the left, means everyone is under communist rule and they decide everything for you.

What I'm getting at is this, okay? What's going down with the mandates, restrictions and enforced vaccinations/passports is happening on a global scale. while I'll be the first to admit modern radical leftist ideology is insane, if America is going to survive then Americans of ALL political leanings, and I'm talking about everyday Americans not politicians, need to bury the hatchet and unite and together fight back. America is no longer a sovereign nation. Think about it. When all this COVID shit first went down EVERY SINGLE NATION on planet earth reacted the same way from the same playbook. Iran, North Korea, China, Russia ALL followed the same playbook as other nations they rarely if ever agree with on any other matters. Someone else is pulling the strings from somewhere high above our own government. The only way to get back American sovereignty is to take it back. We can't do that if we're divided among absurd party lines.
What I'm getting at is this, okay? What's going down with the mandates, restrictions and enforced vaccinations/passports is happening on a global scale. while I'll be the first to admit modern radical leftist ideology is insane, if America is going to survive then Americans of ALL political leanings, and I'm talking about everyday Americans not politicians, need to bury the hatchet and unite and together fight back. America is no longer a sovereign nation. Think about it. When all this COVID shit first went down EVERY SINGLE NATION on planet earth reacted the same way from the same playbook. Iran, North Korea, China, Russia ALL followed the same playbook as other nations they rarely if ever agree with on any other matters. Someone else is pulling the strings from somewhere high above our own government. The only way to get back American sovereignty is to take it back. We can't do that if we're divided among absurd party lines.

What have we learned from the left?

We have learned that any recent spike in cases is the fault of the governor of the state and all who support that governor.

So….like the left did with Florida and Desantis in late summer…

…time to do it now with Minnesota and Walz.

Lets go lefties…you can do it.

Blast Walz and MN for the COVID SPIKE in MN.

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

Minnesota right now: 51.4 positive cases per 100,000 people

Florida's recent spike: 135/100,000 at its peak

Not even close
What have we learned from the left?

We have learned that any recent spike in cases is the fault of the governor of the state and all who support that governor.

So….like the left did with Florida and Desantis in late summer…

…time to do it now with Minnesota and Walz.

Lets go lefties…you can do it.

Blast Walz and MN for the COVID SPIKE in MN.

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

Get vaccinated!

Checkmate, vaccinators!
What have we learned from the left?

We have learned that any recent spike in cases is the fault of the governor of the state and all who support that governor.

So….like the left did with Florida and Desantis in late summer…

…time to do it now with Minnesota and Walz.

Lets go lefties…you can do it.

Blast Walz and MN for the COVID SPIKE in MN.

Covid cases spike in Minnesota, with no end in sight​

Probably cold/flu mixing in knocking down people's immune systems. Anyway, best of luck to em.
It's probably evil Canadians. You just can't trust the other barbarians at the gates. Otherwise all that's left is shit liberal policies. We all know those never get the blame.
It's probably evil Canadians. You just can't trust the other barbarians at the gates. Otherwise all that's left is shit liberal policies. We all know those never get the blame.

Canada is left as fuck, and its crazy for a nation that uses guns for survival.
You lefties have to walk me through this.

COVID cases spike in Florida, and you blame DeSantis and his lax mask and lockdown policies.

COVID cases spike in Minnesota, and you say nothing.

Why is that?

I just need to undersand the logic.
Do you need an assistant? Just make your point.
Cases cases cases many are dying? How old are they when they die?


.1 overall? 80 Years?

No one talks about that do they?

Cause it's all fucking scare tactics....and you ass lickers CONTINUE to ignore those facts.
Spike in Florida.......ORNAGE MAN BAD!

Why don't you lefties ever get tired of being such frauds?

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