Covid-19 Issue a Sign of Things to Come

Most of the cuts involved overseas activities rather than inside the US

Overseas activities? You mean containing a virus when it was still in another country and not here?

One of the countries CDC had to end operations in? China, of course.

Seems kind of dumb now.

We have a massive deficit and the federal budget cannot always go up

The only reason why we have deficits is because Trump cut taxes for rich people and corporations.
Trump hasn't cut a dime from the CDC.

The dishonestly is amazing.
On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
We should also remember Trump came into office with an intention to destroy any policies instituted by Obama including those related to public health threats.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

"The cuts started in 2018, as the White House focused on eliminating funding to Obama-era disease security programs.

"In March of that year, Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, whose job it was to lead the U.S. response in the event of a pandemic, abruptly left the administration and his global health security team was disbanded.

"That same year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was forced to slash its efforts to prevent global disease outbreak by 80% as its funding for the program began to run out.

"The agency, at the time, opted to focus on 10 priority countries and scale back in others, including China."
Actually, the CDC is saying the Corona Virus is not a major threat here at this time...

CDC director says coronavirus threat in US remains low, but warns there will be new cases

Statistics show that the FLU is a much greater threat to public health...

Flu vs Coronavirus: Which one is more dangerous? Facts that will blow your mind

Seriously if you believe that then you have to ignore actual world experts.

Robert Redfield seems competent on paper but is very much a Trump political appointee. He so far has messed up the:
  • The bringing back of US COVID carriers on public transport and met with Fed agents with no protection.
  • Lack of tests
This has the similar metrics as Spanish Flu, so no worries is on Trump's orders... You can put gag orders on people and then expect trust..
Actually, I can see why the Democrats are so alarmed....

With 86 confirmed cases in the US (most of them in Liberal areas), the Corona Virus has actually infected more people than attend the the Democrat presidential candidates' rallies!!!

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS
Most of the cuts involved overseas activities rather than inside the US

Overseas activities? You mean containing a virus when it was still in another country and not here?

One of the countries CDC had to end operations in? China, of course.

Seems kind of dumb now.

We have a massive deficit and the federal budget cannot always go up

The only reason why we have deficits is because Trump cut taxes for rich people and corporations.
Thats nonsense

we cant contain a virus overseas with $100 billion

we have deficits because the federal government spends too much money

every president including trump and every congress overspends because up to now there have been no consequences

but the day of reckoning will come eventually
Trump hasn't cut a dime from the CDC.
Really? Wow, who did? "President’s Budget Request"? Hmm, dang it, sometimes words can be so hard!

I suppose he didn't really fire the U.S. Pandemic Response Team either. ..And that the buck never actually stops with him..?

As shown before, Trump consolidated the massive bureaucracy machine into a much smaller and controllable command/control structure. The CDC response team was NEVER CUT! The smaller and more responsive team was hot on this virus in early January when democrats had our government paralyzed with fake impeachments. Trump however was doing his damn job for WE THE PEOPLE while dimwits were masturbating.

None of the lower echelon changes (requests) were done. Only the Command and Control were down sized.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


Bullshit. Trump has been cutting staff and money from the CDC since 2018.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

Trump's obsession with destroying everything that Obama built, is going to be his down fall. Dismantling the pandemnic response team and decapitating the CDC, as well as Homeland Security was always a dumb move. It prevented the CDC from preparing and approving a safe, fast testing system for covid19, and now people in the USA are dying and Trump's stripped down CDC is just starting to ship tests today.

Furthermore, with a death of 2.3% (yes, double that of the regular flu), the fact that there have already been two deaths in the USA, indicates that the virus has been speading in the USA for weeks, but because the USA had no test for the virus, it's gotten a very big toehold in the country.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


Bullshit. Trump has been cutting staff and money from the CDC since 2018.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

Trump's obsession with destroying everything that Obama built, is going to be his down fall. Dismantling the pandemnic response team and decapitating the CDC, as well as Homeland Security was always a dumb move. It prevented the CDC from preparing and approving a safe, fast testing system for covid19, and now people in the USA are dying and Trump's stripped down CDC is just starting to ship tests today.

Furthermore, with a death of 2.3% (yes, double that of the regular flu), the fact that there have already been two deaths in the USA, indicates that the virus has been speading in the USA for weeks, but because the USA had no test for the virus, it's gotten a very big toehold in the country.
Honey, worry about your own. You have 24 confirmed cases there, you know. Now tell me, where is your outrage with Canadian officials?
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

No....that wall was being built long before the hysteria over corona......

The ones turning it into a political football are your asshats, the democrat party....

And this hysteria will end, just like Y2K, Ebola, Sars, hetersexual AIDs, with the democrat party members in the press looking for the next hysteria to attack Trump....
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

No....that wall was being built long before the hysteria over corona......

The ones turning it into a political football are your asshats, the democrat party....

And this hysteria will end, just like Y2K, Ebola, Sars, hetersexual AIDs, with the democrat party members in the press looking for the next hysteria to attack Trump....[ /QUOTE]

As with all of your posts; what you are writing is simply not true. If your fellow blob supporters could muster some honesty...they’d tell you the same thing. You are a dishonest loser
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


Bullshit. Trump has been cutting staff and money from the CDC since 2018.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

Trump's obsession with destroying everything that Obama built, is going to be his down fall. Dismantling the pandemnic response team and decapitating the CDC, as well as Homeland Security was always a dumb move. It prevented the CDC from preparing and approving a safe, fast testing system for covid19, and now people in the USA are dying and Trump's stripped down CDC is just starting to ship tests today.

Furthermore, with a death of 2.3% (yes, double that of the regular flu), the fact that there have already been two deaths in the USA, indicates that the virus has been speading in the USA for weeks, but because the USA had no test for the virus, it's gotten a very big toehold in the country.

The blob could hAve tripled funding; it wouldn’t have made a difference on the COVID-19 issue
The CDC response team was NEVER CUT!
Sure, sure, uh huh,.. because your word on stuff is just so damned authoritative and precious... Meanwhile, back in the real world:
as Foreign Policy’s Laurie Garrett recently explained, the administration has spent years enacting policies and putting forth budgets that have weakened the U.S. government’s ability to prepare for and respond to an outbreak like this one, both in the U.S. and abroad. In addition, as Garrett highlights, the administration’s notoriously dysfunctional personnel drama and haphazard efforts to reduce the size of the government haven’t helped either:

In May 2018, Trump ordered the NSC’s entire global health security unit shut down, calling for reassignment of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer and dissolution of his team inside the agency. The month before, then-White House National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert, to resign along with his team. Neither the NSC nor DHS epidemic teams have been replaced. The global health section of the CDC was so drastically cut in 2018 that much of its staff was laid off and the number of countries it was working in was reduced from 49 to merely 10. Meanwhile, throughout 2018, the U.S. Agency for International Development and its director, Mark Green, came repeatedly under fire from both the White House and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And though Congress has so far managed to block Trump administration plans to cut the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by 40 percent, the disease-fighting cadres have steadily eroded as retiring officers go unreplaced.
Trump hasn't cut a dime from the CDC.
Really? Wow, who did? "President’s Budget Request"? Hmm, dang it, sometimes words can be so hard!

I suppose he didn't really fire the U.S. Pandemic Response Team either. ..And that the buck never actually stops with him..?
They sure can be hard. Like, "Request".

It means to ask for something. You know what it does not mean? It does not mean it has been done.

Tell me, has Congress granted this request?
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

No....that wall was being built long before the hysteria over corona......

The ones turning it into a political football are your asshats, the democrat party....

And this hysteria will end, just like Y2K, Ebola, Sars, hetersexual AIDs, with the democrat party members in the press looking for the next hysteria to attack Trump....[ /QUOTE]

As with all of your posts; what you are writing is simply not true. If your fellow blob supporters could muster some honesty...they’d tell you the same thing. You are a dishonest loser
The wall wasn't an issue and being built before the advent of the Corvid 19 virus?

You speak of honesty.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.
I have no pity for a fuckwits like Trump and the pseudocon tard herd who politicized the living shit out of Ebola to make attacks on Obama.

None. Zip. Nada. Zero.
Trump hasn't cut a dime from the CDC.
Really? Wow, who did? "President’s Budget Request"? Hmm, dang it, sometimes words can be so hard!

I suppose he didn't really fire the U.S. Pandemic Response Team either. ..And that the buck never actually stops with him..?

As shown before, Trump consolidated the massive bureaucracy machine into a much smaller and controllable command/control structure. The CDC response team was NEVER CUT! The smaller and more responsive team was hot on this virus in early January when democrats had our government paralyzed with fake impeachments. Trump however was doing his damn job for WE THE PEOPLE while dimwits were masturbating.

None of the lower echelon changes (requests) were done. Only the Command and Control were down sized.
On top of all that, the Republican lead congress a few years ago actually strengthened the CDC AND aided in implementing a rapid response plan to pandemics.

A response plan that is STILL in effect.
The CDC response team was NEVER CUT!
Sure, sure, uh huh,.. because your word on stuff is just so damned authoritative and precious... Meanwhile, back in the real world:
as Foreign Policy’s Laurie Garrett recently explained, the administration has spent years enacting policies and putting forth budgets that have weakened the U.S. government’s ability to prepare for and respond to an outbreak like this one, both in the U.S. and abroad. In addition, as Garrett highlights, the administration’s notoriously dysfunctional personnel drama and haphazard efforts to reduce the size of the government haven’t helped either:

In May 2018, Trump ordered the NSC’s entire global health security unit shut down, calling for reassignment of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer and dissolution of his team inside the agency. The month before, then-White House National Security Advisor John Bolton pressured Ziemer’s DHS counterpart, Tom Bossert, to resign along with his team. Neither the NSC nor DHS epidemic teams have been replaced. The global health section of the CDC was so drastically cut in 2018 that much of its staff was laid off and the number of countries it was working in was reduced from 49 to merely 10. Meanwhile, throughout 2018, the U.S. Agency for International Development and its director, Mark Green, came repeatedly under fire from both the White House and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. And though Congress has so far managed to block Trump administration plans to cut the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps by 40 percent, the disease-fighting cadres have steadily eroded as retiring officers go unreplaced.
Please show me the DEMOCRAT BILL, which passed the house, that authorized the cuts. I'll wait..
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.
Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


Bullshit. Trump has been cutting staff and money from the CDC since 2018.

Trump administration budget cuts could become a major problem as coronavirus spreads

Trump's obsession with destroying everything that Obama built, is going to be his down fall. Dismantling the pandemnic response team and decapitating the CDC, as well as Homeland Security was always a dumb move. It prevented the CDC from preparing and approving a safe, fast testing system for covid19, and now people in the USA are dying and Trump's stripped down CDC is just starting to ship tests today.

Furthermore, with a death of 2.3% (yes, double that of the regular flu), the fact that there have already been two deaths in the USA, indicates that the virus has been speading in the USA for weeks, but because the USA had no test for the virus, it's gotten a very big toehold in the country.

The blob could hAve tripled funding; it wouldn’t have made a difference on the COVID-19 issue
Actually, the death rate is below 1% so far....

But Iran and China seem to be getting hit pretty good, according to CNN's map...

Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS

Maybe it's time for a travel ban from certain countries to keep people infected with the Corona Virus out of the US....


In Opinion: The boom in Chinese smuggled across the U.S. border

California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico
First you need to know that no funds were cut from the CDC, there were proposed cuts but none were enacted, just the opposite is true, funds were increased. That's just one of the lies being spread by the commiecrats.

Also there is no evidence that Covid 19 is any more dangerous than the flu. The same populations that are susceptible to complications from the flu are susceptible to complications from Covid 19, people with chronic conditions are more likely to die from both.


So the blob wanted to cut funds for the CDC?

Are you having trouble reading tonight? Is it past your bedtime?


"there were proposed cuts"

Your move.

Wow, you can copy and paste, can you still not read? WTF did I say?


You said someone proposed cutting the CDC in your unsourced post. LOL. Perhaps you're having amnesia?

I did, and it was accurate, I guess you can read after all. One of your fellow commies has posted a thread that the funds were actually cut, which was a lie, as I said in my original post in this thread. Perhaps you should keep up.

Just a quick thought.

On one hand, you have conservative idiots stressing the need for a wall on our southern border as a way of keeping out a disease that originated in mainland China.

On the other hand, you have liberal idiots swearing that Trump is allowing this disease to attack our nation because he cut some funding for the CDC when there is zero--zippo--nada evidence that any of the funds that were cut was going to study Covid-19.

One would think that a killer disease that doesn't discriminate between young/old, native/foreigner, male/female, would be our common enemy like the flu, cancer, alcoholism, etc... But instead you dopes on both sides have turned this into the latest political football.

There are differences between the ideologies and debate (snarky and otherwise) is, if nothing else, helpful in at least bringing the issue to light. For example, I didn't know about this hilarious "operation chaos" the conservatives tried in SC yesterday.

But for crying out loud...does everything have to devolve into these moronic arguments about blaming a political figure or building a wall when clearly neither is germane to the disease?

Thank you for your time.

No....that wall was being built long before the hysteria over corona......

The ones turning it into a political football are your asshats, the democrat party....

And this hysteria will end, just like Y2K, Ebola, Sars, hetersexual AIDs, with the democrat party members in the press looking for the next hysteria to attack Trump....[ /QUOTE]

As with all of your posts; what you are writing is simply not true. If your fellow blob supporters could muster some honesty...they’d tell you the same thing. You are a dishonest loser
The wall wasn't an issue and being built before the advent of the Corvid 19 virus?

You speak of honesty.

It was.

Zero references to COVID19 as a reason for the wall’s existence were made before 2/20.

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