Court awards 4.6 million because she was stuck w/ hypo needle she picked up in a Target parking lot

This is why health care costs too much.

Um, no, this had nothing to do with health care. this had to do with a corporation's negligence and their refusal to make it right.
Nope. This is the lottery mentality that leads to frivolous lawsuits that drive the cost of healthcare up.

What drives up the cost of healthcare are greedy healthcare providers.
Nope. Frivolous lawsuits and ensuing increases in layers of malpractice insurance health care providers are forced into.
If you are old enough you would notice the increase in paperwork patients have to fill out compared to just thirty years ago.
The reason why rape victims don't get awards is because rapists usually don't have any money left after they've been convicted.

So a big corporation tries to push around a working person by not taking responsibility for its own negligence, and a jury of working people punish them for doing so.

Why is this a bad thing again? I promise you, Target will appeal and then settle this out of court for a lot less, and t hen they will make damned sure their parking lots are clean.
government should make us buy rape insurance. Every single male between the ages of puberty and depends should be required by law to have a policy.

Do you intend on committing rape?
But the majority of gun owners don't intend on killing people either, but the left was toying with the idea of gun insurance.
I figure that being in possession of a gun is just as bad as being in possession of a dick. Either way you have the ability to do wrong with it.
This is why health care costs too much.

Um, no, this had nothing to do with health care. this had to do with a corporation's negligence and their refusal to make it right.
Nope. This is the lottery mentality that leads to frivolous lawsuits that drive the cost of healthcare up.

What drives up the cost of healthcare are greedy healthcare providers.
Nope. Frivolous lawsuits and ensuing increases in layers of malpractice insurance health care providers are forced into.
If you are old enough you would notice the increase in paperwork patients have to fill out compared to just thirty years ago.

The majority of hospitals and providers in this country are owned by insurance companies. The providers increase their costs and bill more, then the insurance part raises premiums to cover the costs that THEY raised.
The reason why rape victims don't get awards is because rapists usually don't have any money left after they've been convicted.

So a big corporation tries to push around a working person by not taking responsibility for its own negligence, and a jury of working people punish them for doing so.

Why is this a bad thing again? I promise you, Target will appeal and then settle this out of court for a lot less, and t hen they will make damned sure their parking lots are clean.
government should make us buy rape insurance. Every single male between the ages of puberty and depends should be required by law to have a policy.

Do you intend on committing rape?
But the majority of gun owners don't intend on killing people either, but the left was toying with the idea of gun insurance.
I figure that being in possession of a gun is just as bad as being in possession of a dick. Either way you have the ability to do wrong with it.

Whats wrong with insurance to cover a loss caused by negligence?
The reason why rape victims don't get awards is because rapists usually don't have any money left after they've been convicted.

So a big corporation tries to push around a working person by not taking responsibility for its own negligence, and a jury of working people punish them for doing so.

Why is this a bad thing again? I promise you, Target will appeal and then settle this out of court for a lot less, and t hen they will make damned sure their parking lots are clean.

Did the woman actually contract Aids or Hepatitis? if not, this award is unwarranted. This is about rich Lawyers making their money, you know, those greedy one percenters? You go on about soulless Corporations, but its Lousy attorneys like this who put smaller businesses Out of business because they don't have the deep pockets that Target has. It sets very bad precidence. Its unreasonable to think a parking lot can be swept SO clean that everything as small as a nail will be picked up every time. Now, if you ask me, it was at least 50% the fault of the Mother. She sees a needle in her daughters hand and swipes at it? Is she an idiot? She should have calmly told the child to stop, and take it from her hand. She could have stuck her own daughter doing that.
I have written about it many times in many ways and virtually called the sin unforgivable and worthy of great chastisement.
But you were too busy looking for something to hate in every Christian's post.

But the point he was making is that while you are ready to forgive the Catholic Church collectively for their pedophile priests, you aren't willing to forgive Muslims for that very small percentage that turn to terrorism.
Did the woman actually contract Aids or Hepatitis? if not, this award is unwarranted. This is about rich Lawyers making their money, you know, those greedy one percenters? You go on about soulless Corporations, but its Lousy attorneys like this who put smaller businesses Out of business because they don't have the deep pockets that Target has. It sets very bad precidence. Its unreasonable to think a parking lot can be swept SO clean that everything as small as a nail will be picked up every time. Now, if you ask me, it was at least 50% the fault of the Mother. She sees a needle in her daughters hand and swipes at it? Is she an idiot? She should have calmly told the child to stop, and take it from her hand. She could have stuck her own daughter doing that.

I'm sure she acted impulsively...

Point was, the lawyers asked for $12,000. Target decided that they just had to crush this little person asking for compensation. Can't work up a lot of sympathy they got screwed.
Nope. Frivolous lawsuits and ensuing increases in layers of malpractice insurance health care providers are forced into.
If you are old enough you would notice the increase in paperwork patients have to fill out compared to just thirty years ago.

yet 90,000 Americans die every year due to the negligence of health care providers.

And,, yes, when you hear the horror stories about the guy who gets the wrong leg chopped off or the woman who had both breasts removed because a mistake at the lab, I'm kind of glad they are filling out extra paperwork to avoid a mistake, aren't you?
The reason why rape victims don't get awards is because rapists usually don't have any money left after they've been convicted.

So a big corporation tries to push around a working person by not taking responsibility for its own negligence, and a jury of working people punish them for doing so.

Why is this a bad thing again? I promise you, Target will appeal and then settle this out of court for a lot less, and t hen they will make damned sure their parking lots are clean.

The negligence was the person who picked up the needle

If that had happened on a public street the fucking government wouldn't have had to pay a fucking dime
The negligence was the person who picked up the needle

If that had happened on a public street the fucking government wouldn't have had to pay a fucking dime

So what's your point? The government spends billions of dollars trying to control the drug problem.

All Target had to do was sweep the parking lot.

All the government has to do is sweep the streets

How do you know Target doesn't sweep the lot? There are 24 hours in a day I suppose you think the lot should be swept once a minute right?

If you're stupid enough to pick up a syringe off the ground it's your own fault if you get stuck by it
I cannot understand this story. A girl picks up an abandoned hypo needle in a Target parking lot, her mother swipes it out of her hand and sticks herself. She sues. Asks for $12,000 and Target offers a shocking $750. Goes to a jury and they award $4.6 million. Punitive damages no doubt, punitive for what?,,,, for offering so little initially or for not scouring their parking lots constantly for abandoned objects?

Target is stupid or greedy or both, what an embarrassment.
But how does this warrant $4.6 million? The legal system is corrupt, they only care about going after deep pockets and shaking them down, not true justice. Sick. Remember in California where the woman's husband died of cancer from smoking and the liberal California jury awarded her $28 billion?

Meanwhile, the family of 16 year old Susie who was murdered got $0 dollars from her assailant. And rape victims, do they ever get huge judgments for their horrors suffered? But don't you dare slander anyone, that hurt is worth millions to you if the right pieces are in place. Or if a Macy's store employee mistakenly walks into a change room and a woman is half dressed, well that has to be worth at least $5 million Macy's, start ponying up.

Woman stuck by needle in Target parking lot awarded $4.6 million | Fox News

ANDERSON, S.C. – A jury has awarded a South Carolina woman more than $4.6 million after she was stuck by a hypodermic needle picked up in a Target parking lot.

The Independent-Mail of Anderson reported Carla Denise Garrison's award would be one of the largest in Anderson County history if it stands.

Court documents say the Anderson woman was in the retailer's parking lot in May 2014 when her daughter picked up a hypodermic needle. Garrison swatted it out of her hand and was stuck in her own palm.

Garrison was bedridden because of medication prescribed because of the potential risk of HIV.

The paper reports Garrison's attorney had offered Target a deal of $12,000. The company offered $750 in response.

Target spokeswoman Erika Winkels said the company is considering an appeal.
I'm actually ok with this. I wish it was 10 times more. There's cosmic justice in this happening to Target after they joined the forces of perversion in letting disturbed men use the restroom where my wife and daughter are. Fuck 'em. I hope this and a lot of other things drives them out of business.
I cannot understand this story. A girl picks up an abandoned hypo needle in a Target parking lot, her mother swipes it out of her hand and sticks herself. She sues. Asks for $12,000 and Target offers a shocking $750. Goes to a jury and they award $4.6 million. Punitive damages no doubt, punitive for what?,,,, for offering so little initially or for not scouring their parking lots constantly for abandoned objects?

Target is stupid or greedy or both, what an embarrassment.
But how does this warrant $4.6 million? The legal system is corrupt, they only care about going after deep pockets and shaking them down, not true justice. Sick. Remember in California where the woman's husband died of cancer from smoking and the liberal California jury awarded her $28 billion?

Meanwhile, the family of 16 year old Susie who was murdered got $0 dollars from her assailant. And rape victims, do they ever get huge judgments for their horrors suffered? But don't you dare slander anyone, that hurt is worth millions to you if the right pieces are in place. Or if a Macy's store employee mistakenly walks into a change room and a woman is half dressed, well that has to be worth at least $5 million Macy's, start ponying up.

Woman stuck by needle in Target parking lot awarded $4.6 million | Fox News

ANDERSON, S.C. – A jury has awarded a South Carolina woman more than $4.6 million after she was stuck by a hypodermic needle picked up in a Target parking lot.

The Independent-Mail of Anderson reported Carla Denise Garrison's award would be one of the largest in Anderson County history if it stands.

Court documents say the Anderson woman was in the retailer's parking lot in May 2014 when her daughter picked up a hypodermic needle. Garrison swatted it out of her hand and was stuck in her own palm.

Garrison was bedridden because of medication prescribed because of the potential risk of HIV.

The paper reports Garrison's attorney had offered Target a deal of $12,000. The company offered $750 in response.

Target spokeswoman Erika Winkels said the company is considering an appeal.
I'm actually ok with this. I wish it was 10 times more. There's cosmic justice in this happening to Target after they joined the forces of perversion in letting disturbed men use the restroom where my wife and daughter are. Fuck 'em. I hope this and a lot of other things drives them out of business.

Well that is an entirely different subject now isn't it?
But I am with you on that particular ---- the transgender bathrooms become family-friendly Target's act of "altruism." I cannot understand that move?
I cannot understand this story. A girl picks up an abandoned hypo needle in a Target parking lot, her mother swipes it out of her hand and sticks herself. She sues. Asks for $12,000 and Target offers a shocking $750. Goes to a jury and they award $4.6 million. Punitive damages no doubt, punitive for what?,,,, for offering so little initially or for not scouring their parking lots constantly for abandoned objects?

Target is stupid or greedy or both, what an embarrassment.
But how does this warrant $4.6 million? The legal system is corrupt, they only care about going after deep pockets and shaking them down, not true justice. Sick. Remember in California where the woman's husband died of cancer from smoking and the liberal California jury awarded her $28 billion?

Meanwhile, the family of 16 year old Susie who was murdered got $0 dollars from her assailant. And rape victims, do they ever get huge judgments for their horrors suffered? But don't you dare slander anyone, that hurt is worth millions to you if the right pieces are in place. Or if a Macy's store employee mistakenly walks into a change room and a woman is half dressed, well that has to be worth at least $5 million Macy's, start ponying up.

Woman stuck by needle in Target parking lot awarded $4.6 million | Fox News

ANDERSON, S.C. – A jury has awarded a South Carolina woman more than $4.6 million after she was stuck by a hypodermic needle picked up in a Target parking lot.

The Independent-Mail of Anderson reported Carla Denise Garrison's award would be one of the largest in Anderson County history if it stands.

Court documents say the Anderson woman was in the retailer's parking lot in May 2014 when her daughter picked up a hypodermic needle. Garrison swatted it out of her hand and was stuck in her own palm.

Garrison was bedridden because of medication prescribed because of the potential risk of HIV.

The paper reports Garrison's attorney had offered Target a deal of $12,000. The company offered $750 in response.

Target spokeswoman Erika Winkels said the company is considering an appeal.
I'm actually ok with this. I wish it was 10 times more. There's cosmic justice in this happening to Target after they joined the forces of perversion in letting disturbed men use the restroom where my wife and daughter are. Fuck 'em. I hope this and a lot of other things drives them out of business.

Well that is an entirely different subject now isn't it?
But I am with you on that particular ---- the transgender bathrooms become family-friendly Target's act of "altruism." I cannot understand that move?
I feel sorry for that mother and her daughter because I have a wife and daughter too. I refuse to step foot in Target, but my more liberally minded wife thinks I'm just being silly. So she takes the kidlets shopping there, meaning my daughter is exposed when entering the land of Target and Gomorrah.
I cannot understand this story. A girl picks up an abandoned hypo needle in a Target parking lot, her mother swipes it out of her hand and sticks herself. She sues. Asks for $12,000 and Target offers a shocking $750. Goes to a jury and they award $4.6 million. Punitive damages no doubt, punitive for what?,,,, for offering so little initially or for not scouring their parking lots constantly for abandoned objects?

Target is stupid or greedy or both, what an embarrassment.
But how does this warrant $4.6 million? The legal system is corrupt, they only care about going after deep pockets and shaking them down, not true justice. Sick. Remember in California where the woman's husband died of cancer from smoking and the liberal California jury awarded her $28 billion?

Meanwhile, the family of 16 year old Susie who was murdered got $0 dollars from her assailant. And rape victims, do they ever get huge judgments for their horrors suffered? But don't you dare slander anyone, that hurt is worth millions to you if the right pieces are in place. Or if a Macy's store employee mistakenly walks into a change room and a woman is half dressed, well that has to be worth at least $5 million Macy's, start ponying up.

Woman stuck by needle in Target parking lot awarded $4.6 million | Fox News

ANDERSON, S.C. – A jury has awarded a South Carolina woman more than $4.6 million after she was stuck by a hypodermic needle picked up in a Target parking lot.

The Independent-Mail of Anderson reported Carla Denise Garrison's award would be one of the largest in Anderson County history if it stands.

Court documents say the Anderson woman was in the retailer's parking lot in May 2014 when her daughter picked up a hypodermic needle. Garrison swatted it out of her hand and was stuck in her own palm.

Garrison was bedridden because of medication prescribed because of the potential risk of HIV.

The paper reports Garrison's attorney had offered Target a deal of $12,000. The company offered $750 in response.

Target spokeswoman Erika Winkels said the company is considering an appeal.
I'm actually ok with this. I wish it was 10 times more. There's cosmic justice in this happening to Target after they joined the forces of perversion in letting disturbed men use the restroom where my wife and daughter are. Fuck 'em. I hope this and a lot of other things drives them out of business.

Well that is an entirely different subject now isn't it?
But I am with you on that particular ---- the transgender bathrooms become family-friendly Target's act of "altruism." I cannot understand that move?
I feel sorry for that mother and her daughter because I have a wife and daughter too. I refuse to step foot in Target, but my more liberally minded wife thinks I'm just being silly. So she takes the kidlets shopping there, meaning my daughter is exposed when entering the land of Target and Gomorrah.

Maybe you should just teach your kids not to pick garbage up off of the ground then you wouldn't have to be so worried
I cannot understand this story. A girl picks up an abandoned hypo needle in a Target parking lot, her mother swipes it out of her hand and sticks herself. She sues. Asks for $12,000 and Target offers a shocking $750. Goes to a jury and they award $4.6 million. Punitive damages no doubt, punitive for what?,,,, for offering so little initially or for not scouring their parking lots constantly for abandoned objects?

Target is stupid or greedy or both, what an embarrassment.
But how does this warrant $4.6 million? The legal system is corrupt, they only care about going after deep pockets and shaking them down, not true justice. Sick. Remember in California where the woman's husband died of cancer from smoking and the liberal California jury awarded her $28 billion?

Meanwhile, the family of 16 year old Susie who was murdered got $0 dollars from her assailant. And rape victims, do they ever get huge judgments for their horrors suffered? But don't you dare slander anyone, that hurt is worth millions to you if the right pieces are in place. Or if a Macy's store employee mistakenly walks into a change room and a woman is half dressed, well that has to be worth at least $5 million Macy's, start ponying up.

Woman stuck by needle in Target parking lot awarded $4.6 million | Fox News

ANDERSON, S.C. – A jury has awarded a South Carolina woman more than $4.6 million after she was stuck by a hypodermic needle picked up in a Target parking lot.

The Independent-Mail of Anderson reported Carla Denise Garrison's award would be one of the largest in Anderson County history if it stands.

Court documents say the Anderson woman was in the retailer's parking lot in May 2014 when her daughter picked up a hypodermic needle. Garrison swatted it out of her hand and was stuck in her own palm.

Garrison was bedridden because of medication prescribed because of the potential risk of HIV.

The paper reports Garrison's attorney had offered Target a deal of $12,000. The company offered $750 in response.

Target spokeswoman Erika Winkels said the company is considering an appeal.
I'm actually ok with this. I wish it was 10 times more. There's cosmic justice in this happening to Target after they joined the forces of perversion in letting disturbed men use the restroom where my wife and daughter are. Fuck 'em. I hope this and a lot of other things drives them out of business.

Well that is an entirely different subject now isn't it?
But I am with you on that particular ---- the transgender bathrooms become family-friendly Target's act of "altruism." I cannot understand that move?
I feel sorry for that mother and her daughter because I have a wife and daughter too. I refuse to step foot in Target, but my more liberally minded wife thinks I'm just being silly. So she takes the kidlets shopping there, meaning my daughter is exposed when entering the land of Target and Gomorrah.

Maybe you should just teach your kids not to pick garbage up off of the ground then you wouldn't have to be so worried
The negligence was the person who picked up the needle

If that had happened on a public street the fucking government wouldn't have had to pay a fucking dime

So what's your point? The government spends billions of dollars trying to control the drug problem.

All Target had to do was sweep the parking lot.

All the government has to do is sweep the streets

How do you know Target doesn't sweep the lot? There are 24 hours in a day I suppose you think the lot should be swept once a minute right?

If you're stupid enough to pick up a syringe off the ground it's your own fault if you get stuck by it

Does a government entity have the same liability as the private business?

While I think that the award is excessive, and probably will be reduced, there has to be some question whether the business made an effort and failed, or more importantly, reduced an effort which caused the incident. ie; sweeping.

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