country music star Jason Aldean sparks controversy with his anti blm song

Well he is right. America is sick of blm's left wing terrorist shit. The have no right to do the crap they do.
Awww great, a white guy whitesplaining...

Everyone attention please a white guy is attempting to whitesplain something.
The BLM organization has no problem instigating riots in cities where burning, looting, and beatings take place while people at the top of the BLM rake in millions. Or, how about the BLM troops terrorizing families in restaurants making them chant “Black Lives Matter.” That’s not activism….. that’s terrorism.
1. Being a lawless shit head.
2, Disrespecting the police
3, Disrespecting the US
4, Generally being an asshole.

He literally lists the things you shouldnt "try in a small town". Good thing you're so outraged by a song you've never actually listened to..
My bad none of that ever happens in small white towns, it's just like Mayberry with Barney Fife.
No jobs, no entertainment, no medical care, no groceries, just funeral homes and fentanyl. Kind of like Florida.
So we don't have to worry about folks like you coming into our towns to commit your crimes.
That's good to know at least you're too stupid to leave the decaying cities
Nothing like listening to a good ole racist, hillbilly tune. I bet your favorite movie is Birth of a Nation.

And like clock work you repeat the democrat party talking point…,

Now, you have to tell us exactly what is racist about the song……..,,,,…which you can’t do……
I thought that the GOP was the defund the police party. And defund the FBI and let the ciminals go free. They should stay clear of law and order issues as they have no credibility.

No……the democrat party is the defund the police…..the Republican Party doesn’t want the FBI, DOJ, IRS and CIA used as the Stasi of the democrat party….but it would take an awareness of what is actually happening in this country to understand the truth, facts and reality….

Well he is right. America is sick of blm's left wing terrorist shit. The have no right to do the crap they do.

Matt Walsh explains the difference between Rap music and Jason Aldean‘s song in very clear terms………..if you want to understand the issues here, you will want to watch his video….

Racist? Why is it if people don’t swallow your junk and capitulate to your point of view that you call them a racist? Based on what?

Based on the fact that calling people racist is all they have to defend the policies that they support that do nothing but wreck the country and embolden our enemies.
You sound stupid, don't try what in your small town?
During the destructive Negro insurrection of 2020 the Negros tried to loot stores and intimidate Whites one night. Our Sheriff put an end to that real fast. No kissing their asses and letting them commit crimes like was going on in the Democrat controlled shitholes.
Only confused Moon Bats will call enforcing the law against looting, robbery, assault, murder and rioting "racists".

By the way, didn't the Moon Bats love Jason Aldean when he publicly called for more gun control laws?

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