Could It Be Atheists Don't Like God Because It's Hard for Them to Follow Rules?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

The thought has crossed my mind, but didn't know how to say it until watching a liberal woman doing house sitting. She gets paid $200 if she follows what seems like seven simple rules. Could you follow the rules and have $200 in your account the next morning?
No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?
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No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?

Per capita, there are more Christians in our country. 65% Christians to 4 % atheists. Therefore...
No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?

I disagree with your second sentence. How do you know God or gods do not exist to lay down the rules for objective morality? Isn't it your faith in no God nor gods that makes you believe and state what you just stated? Atheists generally say they want proof, but no evidence is satisfactory for them.

As for your first sentence, I can only speak for Christians, but one of the rules and the first one from the ten commandments is:

You shall have no other gods before Me.

Not believing in God or gods would violate rule #1. Disbelief is a sin.

Plenty of verses in the Bible about disbelief -- What Does the Bible Say About Disbelief?.

Christians believe Adam committed the first sin by disobeying God and eating a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was a negative test. Today, we have the positive test of John 3:16, "“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." However, this rule is not followed and is too difficult for atheists to believe. This wasn't made up by humans, but by God.

The thought has crossed my mind, but didn't know how to say it until watching a liberal woman doing house sitting. She gets paid $200 if she follows what seems like seven simple rules. Could you follow the rules and have $200 in your account the next morning?

When I was an Atheist it was because I didn't really like the preaching from some. I was young, not really raised on Faith. In time, I found God on my own.

Not sure if people don't like following rules, though there could be some impact on some in this regard. I think some just believe "science is the answer", or, they don't appreciate being preached to by another human, reject the idea of being responsible beyond this life and this legal system.

There is the possibility that many guilty humans refuse to believe in a higher power because of their own actions in life. They justify their actions as being right based on their own internal compass and standards. Nobody can judge them, certainly not an imaginary man in the sky. They firmly believe this, just as others firmly believe in God.

Nobody knows the answers, so, I just figure better to be straight with it all and not try to pretend. I believe in a God. If someone doesn't, may the best man win. We are all going to find out one day.
Many atheists started out as believers and then something destroyed that belief. It's why so many have a chip on their shoulder. God failed them.
This headline is confusing. How would a person dislike something that they don't believe exists?

Boring video.

BTW: I don't know why you referred to a "liberal woman." There are no politics in this video at all. There also is no reference to what this character's beliefs are.

The thought has crossed my mind, but didn't know how to say it until watching a liberal woman doing house sitting. She gets paid $200 if she follows what seems like seven simple rules. Could you follow the rules and have $200 in your account the next morning?

There never has existed an atheist. ALL individuals have a god of choice they believe in. The god of choice may be a political ideology, $$$$$, a Dominatrix, a world leader, war, theirself, a Pharoah, misery, an alien, sex, technology, etc. Whatever a person dwells on the most is usually what they end up worshipping.
Nobody knows the answers, so, I just figure better to be straight with it all and not try to pretend. I believe in a God. If someone doesn't, may the best man win. We are all going to find out one day.

I disagree because of the discovery of the Bible and how faith in God leads us to the Holy Spirit entering and residing inside us. I think he's the only God person in this universe. While Jesus came as human one time, he resides in our hearts for what he did for us. Thus, faith leads us to the truth and the answer. God the Father is not here either, but what he did still remains. This is the science that we end up arguing about and how Jesus gave us eternal life. If death and eternal life is what tells you of the truth, then you are missing something with your faith.

As to that which the atheists believe with their faith in no God or gods, I think they really do believe in the science of atheism -- evolution. Without it, then they won't have much to stand on. They are presented with limited evidence and told how things could just have happened through natural causes. It is a hypothesis that has become the best theory in the science of atheism because of many advanced scientists and scholars believing in it. It is taught in simple terms early on and has now become a full course in evolutionary biology and the philosophy of science. It has affected our cosmology. It is sort of a minority rules and group think as there hasn't been any scientifc breakthroughs in terms of the scientific method. It also goes against the authority of God, so there must be some sort of glee in that and getting away with things. That's why I thought they wanted to break God's rules. It's like speeding or breaking some of our human laws and getting some kind of satisfaction. For one, it satisfies the quest for higher "knowledge" and then it eventually leads to thinking that God doesn't exist, so no objective morals and laws of behavior exists. One will not be held accountable in another life because this is all there is.
Many atheists started out as believers and then something destroyed that belief. It's why so many have a chip on their shoulder. God failed them.

Probably evolution being taught in universities and higher education helped destroy that belief. People who are atheists are usually better educated per the Pew Report.
There never has existed an atheist. ALL individuals have a god of choice they believe in. The god of choice may be a political ideology, $$$$$, a Dominatrix, a world leader, war, theirself, a Pharoah, misery, an alien, sex, technology, etc. Whatever a person dwells on the most is usually what they end up worshipping.

I wish atheists didn't exist, but they do by definition. They have faith in no God nor gods. I suppose there are varying degrees of it.

Mainly, I have to disagree with your statements because your 'god of choice' are ideas, ideals, political beliefs, sexual likes and dislikes, likes or dislikes based on human leaders, wanting war, or interest in any of the existing or non-existing things you listed.

But that doesn't answer my question do atheists not like, have interest, follow, or believe in God/gods because they rather not accept authority and follow all the rules or laws. It could be because there are too many or that we can't follow the Ten Commandments, for example.
This headline is confusing. How would a person dislike something that they don't believe exists?

Boring video.

BTW: I don't know why you referred to a "liberal woman." There are no politics in this video at all. There also is no reference to what this character's beliefs are.

One can’t ‘dislike’ something that doesn’t exist as perceived by theists.
Many atheists started out as believers and then something destroyed that belief. It's why so many have a chip on their shoulder. God failed them.

Probably evolution being taught in universities and higher education helped destroy that belief. People who are atheists are usually better educated per the Pew Report.
In the end faith is a personal thing. It's easy to believe in a good, merciful God when things turn out good for you. It's a lot harder when life takes a shit on you or you watch someone good die a cruel slow death. If someone wants atheist indoctrination it's there to be found but so is religion. If the world was not inherently unfair and cruel it would not be so hard to convince some people that God loves them.
No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?

I disagree with your second sentence. How do you know God or gods do not exist to lay down the rules for objective morality? Isn't it your faith in no God nor gods that makes you believe and state what you just stated? Atheists generally say they want proof, but no evidence is satisfactory for them.

As for your first sentence, I can only speak for Christians, but one of the rules and the first one from the ten commandments is:

You shall have no other gods before Me.

Not believing in God or gods would violate rule #1. Disbelief is a sin.

Plenty of verses in the Bible about disbelief -- What Does the Bible Say About Disbelief?.

Christians believe Adam committed the first sin by disobeying God and eating a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was a negative test. Today, we have the positive test of John 3:16, "“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." However, this rule is not followed and is too difficult for atheists to believe. This wasn't made up by humans, but by God.

What makes you think God exist??
No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?

I disagree with your second sentence. How do you know God or gods do not exist to lay down the rules for objective morality? Isn't it your faith in no God nor gods that makes you believe and state what you just stated? Atheists generally say they want proof, but no evidence is satisfactory for them.

As for your first sentence, I can only speak for Christians, but one of the rules and the first one from the ten commandments is:

You shall have no other gods before Me.

Not believing in God or gods would violate rule #1. Disbelief is a sin.

Plenty of verses in the Bible about disbelief -- What Does the Bible Say About Disbelief?.

Christians believe Adam committed the first sin by disobeying God and eating a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was a negative test. Today, we have the positive test of John 3:16, "“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." However, this rule is not followed and is too difficult for atheists to believe. This wasn't made up by humans, but by God.

What makes you think God exist??

Logic, common sense and scientific probability.
No. Atheists do not believe in gods, because gods do not exist as theists describe them to be. The rules that the gods are credited with delivering to humans were composed by humans - community leaders.

Atheists can follow rules. Most atheists follow the rules of state law. There are very few atheists convicted of crimes compared to Christians convicted of crimes in America - why do so many Christians have difficulty following the rules for good community???

Why were you unable to recognize this simple argument to your proposal?

I disagree with your second sentence. How do you know God or gods do not exist to lay down the rules for objective morality? Isn't it your faith in no God nor gods that makes you believe and state what you just stated? Atheists generally say they want proof, but no evidence is satisfactory for them.

As for your first sentence, I can only speak for Christians, but one of the rules and the first one from the ten commandments is:

You shall have no other gods before Me.

Not believing in God or gods would violate rule #1. Disbelief is a sin.

Plenty of verses in the Bible about disbelief -- What Does the Bible Say About Disbelief?.

Christians believe Adam committed the first sin by disobeying God and eating a fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It was a negative test. Today, we have the positive test of John 3:16, "“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." However, this rule is not followed and is too difficult for atheists to believe. This wasn't made up by humans, but by God.
As for your first sentence, I can only speak for Christians, but one of the rules and the first one from the ten commandments is:

You shall have no other gods before Me.

Not believing in God or gods would violate rule #1. Disbelief is a sin.
the ten commandments were made up for the very purpose bond is using them to assure a predetermined outcome to their arguments through neocertainties they themselves created - such as hatred for "liberal woman" as a religious conviction.
This fails as a strawman fallacy.

Could be. Like I said, I didn't know how to explain atheists may not want to follow rules as a motivation. Are you saying that being rebellious against authority would not be a motivation?
This headline is confusing. How would a person dislike something that they don't believe exists?

Boring video.

BTW: I don't know why you referred to a "liberal woman." There are no politics in this video at all. There also is no reference to what this character's beliefs are.

Atheists do not know God/gods do not exist because they keep asking for proof in arguments with theists. When you give them the "proof" or evidence, then they do not believe it, i.e. accept it. Furthermore, they do not have the evidence that God/gods do not exist. The scientific method shows God exists with biogenesis. Basically, the do not believe God/gods exists because of denial. It's based of faith and that makes atheism a religion.


I'm making an assumption she's liberal because she couldn't follow most of the rules. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You can critcize me for stereotyping, but being liberal doesn't just refer to poltics. It could mean R&E.

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