Cotton to schumer: 8 years ago I was getting miy ass shot at in Afghanistan

We get it you are a disloyal piece of human garbage that thinks he has rights and doesn't have to do anything for them.

And Iraq has WMD's.
They did as a matter of fact or perhaps all those veterans and active duty that got sick from the left overs were faking it?

Bogus war, the world knows it.
Look you cowardly fuckstain go cry to someone that did not volunteer and serve, you are a fucked up asshole that thinks people that serve their country are a problem while they protect your right to be that asshole and fuckstain.

People serve america in all kinds of ways, and I didn't say that, I just won't say what you want me to. Wait, Don, he serve?
Mind telling us your MOS?
Ya we have seen how you "serve" you attack the Country, its vets and its police. While bad mouthing half the population.

Not agreeing with you is not badmouthing anyone. If your system cannot stand the scrutiny and you cannot bear to see it questioned it's on pretty shaky ground.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.
We get it you are a disloyal piece of human garbage that thinks he has rights and doesn't have to do anything for them.

And Iraq has WMD's. By the way pard, those rights, they don't come from my creator anymore?
Your boy schummer looks like an idiot and your posting about wmds?????.
They have drugs for that. Adderall and Ritalin for starters.

You have boys, I don't have boys, and anyway Shume and Don are in lock step when it comes to serving concentrated corporate wealth and Goldman Sachs. Just like Hilary would have continued to be. Just like Obama was. Just like Bush was.
...and shummer is still a liar at any rate.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.
We get it you are a disloyal piece of human garbage that thinks he has rights and doesn't have to do anything for them.

And Iraq has WMD's. By the way pard, those rights, they don't come from my creator anymore?
Your boy schummer looks like an idiot and your posting about wmds?????.
They have drugs for that. Adderall and Ritalin for starters.

You have boys, I don't have boys, and anyway Shume and Don are in lock step when it comes to serving concentrated corporate wealth and Goldman Sachs. Just like Hilary would have continued to be. Just like Obama was. Just like Bush was.
...and shummer is still a liar at any rate.

Well of course he is.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
Could be the type of individual who feels he owes his country to enlist and serve.

The one way plane ticket to Cuba is on me.

They unfortunatly wind up serving arms dealers and corporate interests abroad.
We get it you hate the USA and yet you stay. I will glad contribute to a fund to fly you to the country of your choice.
The kind who gets fooled into furthering US corporate interests abroad in the name of global corporate hegemony.
We get it you are a disloyal piece of human garbage that thinks he has rights and doesn't have to do anything for them.

And Iraq has WMD's.
They did as a matter of fact or perhaps all those veterans and active duty that got sick from the left overs were faking it?
probably from uranium depleted US ammo...He had NOTHING usable. Stupidest war ever.

Bogus war, the world knows it.
Look you cowardly fuckstain go cry to someone that did not volunteer and serve, you are a fucked up asshole that thinks people that serve their country are a problem while they protect your right to be that asshole and fuckstain.
Duped again by the New BS GOP. ty ANYWAY.

Schumer can't herd cats. It's not like the bought off, brainwashed, lockstep New BS GOP.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
Could be the type of individual who feels he owes his country to enlist and serve.

The one way plane ticket to Cuba is on me.

They unfortunatly wind up serving arms dealers and corporate interests abroad.
We get it you hate the USA and yet you stay. I will glad contribute to a fund to fly you to the country of your choice.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, yeah, anyone who doesn't agree with you or questions the system "hates america".
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Ahh yes another retard that makes fun of the men and women of the US Military. Remind me are you even American?

He's only making fun of you boy, 'cause you're an idiot.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Socialist benefits.
When one EARNS benefits they are not socialist you fucking MORON.

Nah, it's just that in america, socialism is ok for some, not for others. Socialism is terrific for the aristocracy, Wall Street, and the "job creator" class for example.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Ahh yes another retard that makes fun of the men and women of the US Military. Remind me are you even American?

He's only making fun of you boy, 'cause you're an idiot.
He and you are scum and filth unfit to shine the shoes of a military recruit.
What kind of idiot signs up for what the military is used for today.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Socialist benefits.
When one EARNS benefits they are not socialist you fucking MORON.

Nah, it's just that in america, socialism is ok for some, not for others. Socialism is terrific for the aristocracy, Wall Street, and the "job creator" class for example.
Again RETARD EARNED benefits are not socialism.
The kind that loves their country and respects its citizens unlike scum like you.
Or couldn't find a job after HS....and wanted those great benefits...
Socialist benefits.
When one EARNS benefits they are not socialist you fucking MORON.

Nah, it's just that in america, socialism is ok for some, not for others. Socialism is terrific for the aristocracy, Wall Street, and the "job creator" class for example.
Again RETARD EARNED benefits are not socialism.

Blah, blah, blah, I know you need a rationalization to face it.

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