Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting


Diamond Member
Mar 13, 2012
While Americans are arguing over the cost of healthcare, the government continues to waste their money on useless wars in the Middle East. Think about it, $3.7 trillion wasted already, think about how that money could have been used to improve the standard of living and the infrastructure in the US.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting
Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters
While Americans are arguing over the cost of healthcare, the government continues to waste their money on useless wars in the Middle East. Think about it, $3.7 trillion wasted already, think about how that money could have been used to improve the standard of living and the infrastructure in the US.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting
Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

wasnt obama getting us out of Iraq by 2012 and 2014 and now something liek 2025? Didnt he and Biden crack champagne over the victory of the Iraq war? If we won how come the boys and girls are still over there?
While Americans are arguing over the cost of healthcare, the government continues to waste their money on useless wars in the Middle East. Think about it, $3.7 trillion wasted already, think about how that money could have been used to improve the standard of living and the infrastructure in the US.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting
Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies. (Home | Costs of War)

Brown University is about as left-wing as you can get without being arrested. Any "study" put out by that university is absolutely worthless.
While Americans are arguing over the cost of healthcare, the government continues to waste their money on useless wars in the Middle East. Think about it, $3.7 trillion wasted already, think about how that money could have been used to improve the standard of living and the infrastructure in the US.

Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting
Cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting | Reuters

The final bill will run at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research project "Costs of War" by Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies. (Home | Costs of War)

Brown University is about as left-wing as you can get without being arrested. Any "study" put out by that university is absolutely worthless.

So are unecessary, meaningless wars regardless of their costs.
The GOP doesn't care, non-stop war and the insane spending to pay for it is "patriotic"
In terms of % of GDP, the wars today are peanuts compared to World War II.....but don't let facts get in the way of a rant.

Also, it is stupid to claim the money was "wasted" when it was used to kill terrorists and remove the Taliban and Saddam from power in addition to provide jobs to people in the defense and intelligence industries.

The planes, bullets, etc built in a war effort does in fact stimulate the economy more than some craphole Green energy scams like Solyndra. Engineers and tech workers in the defense industry provide more technology to the average American than some solar cell plant that can't compete with the Chinese.

The same idiots complaining about spending money to kill terrorists think that money is better spent ignoring the terrorist threats and giving the money to people on welfare so they can have their free healthcare, PS3, apartment, etc.
Dumbfuck, I have a don't.

I did more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than you did talking shit on the internet.

I still have friends flying over Afghanistan right now, you don't.

You're just a dumbfuck on the internet that hides behind the military but uses the costs of war to get your ultimate goal of gutting the military.


Yes GoneBezerk, we all know how brave you are with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of others.

We are in a war that we can't win, just like vietnam. If congressmen died during this war it would be over. If the ratio of congressmen to soilders was say 500:1 then ever time 500 soliders die one congress has to die the war ends tomorrow. As always with war it is about power and money not peace.
Dumbfuck, I have a don't.

I did more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than you did talking shit on the internet.

I still have friends flying over Afghanistan right now, you don't.

You're just a dumbfuck on the internet that hides behind the military but uses the costs of war to get your ultimate goal of gutting the military.


Yes GoneBezerk, we all know how brave you are with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of others.


Ironic, you're acting like a liberal. "You weren't in the military, so shut up."

Either way, tough shit. The fact remains that you're very brave with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of OTHERS. You can make your own life choices for yourself.

Wrong, we're in a war we can win, but we need to know when to stop.

Bush put in motion the withdrawl from Iraq but there was a plan to keep a small combat force there to help them maintain control from the terrorists and Iran...but Obamination didn't follow through.

Afghanistan is pretty much a stalemate against the Taliban since they will never own the country as long as we can drop bombs on their head. We are just wasting time, money and resources today trying to train the goat herders into soldiers.

Stop the "training" mission of Afghanistan and downsize our military there only leaving select combat units to kill and blow up shit when required because the Taliban will never go away as long as Pakistan supports them.

The US can only kill off the evil people, but fixing their own country and running it is the responsibility of Iraq and Afghanistan.

We are in a war that we can't win, just like vietnam. If congressmen died during this war it would be over. If the ratio of congressmen to soilders was say 500:1 then ever time 500 soliders die one congress has to die the war ends tomorrow. As always with war it is about power and money not peace.
You didn't serve and don't have security clearance, so you are worthless compared to me. In a public debate, you would be told to get off the stage when people like me show up.

If we want an opinion on eating shit, then we'll let you speak.

Dumbfuck, I have a don't.

I did more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than you did talking shit on the internet.

I still have friends flying over Afghanistan right now, you don't.

You're just a dumbfuck on the internet that hides behind the military but uses the costs of war to get your ultimate goal of gutting the military.


Yes GoneBezerk, we all know how brave you are with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of others.


Ironic, you're acting like a liberal. "You weren't in the military, so shut up."

Either way, tough shit. The fact remains that you're very brave with the lives, limbs, minds, families and dollars of OTHERS. You can make your own life choices for yourself.

You didn't serve and don't have security clearance, so you are worthless compared to me. In a public debate, you would be told to get off the stage when people like me show up.

If we want an opinion on eating shit, then we'll let you speak.


Wow. Would this be considered a fine example of our military?


Just the Asshole Brigade.
You're a nobody in the military debate.

Would you be allowed to give your opinion on some debate about heart surgery around cardiologists? No.

You don't know shit about what is going on around the world behind the scenes. You watch TV and surf the internet finding lies about what the US military did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your opinion is worthless.

You tell people like me that served that we didn't serve when you didn't serve. :cuckoo: You're a fucking idiot...and scumbag.

You didn't serve and don't have security clearance, so you are worthless compared to me. In a public debate, you would be told to get off the stage when people like me show up.

If we want an opinion on eating shit, then we'll let you speak.


Wow. Would this be considered a fine example of our military?

You're a nobody in the military debate.

Would you be allowed to give your opinion on some debate about heart surgery around cardiologists? No.

You don't know shit about what is going on around the world behind the scenes. You watch TV and surf the internet finding lies about what the US military did in Iraq and Afghanistan. Your opinion is worthless.

You tell people like me that served that we didn't serve when you didn't serve. :cuckoo: You're a fucking idiot...and scumbag.


As if you could stop me from saying something. Too funny.

Grow the fuck up.


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