Cost of fossil fuel


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Romney want to increase fossil fuel production. Build the XL Pipeline. That is oil and coal which is detrimental to the environment. Including nuclear energy. We need to develop green energy like wind. And sun.

Romney is dead wrong in his plan to increase fossil fuel, oil and coal, for future energy. Like he is dead wrong majority of other issues facing the nation. Now and in the future. This show how out of touch he is with reality.
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Fossil Fuels: How Do They Negatively Affect the Environment?

Here are some eye-popping statistics from the Energy Information Administration:

3.2 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide annually.
More than 2.5 million metric tons of carbon is produced by power plants.
98 percent of U.S. energy production comes from non-renewable sources, a.k.a. fossil fuels.
The U.S. consumes more than 20 million barrels of oil per day, with more than one million tons of coal consumed annually as well.
The increased awareness surrounding global warming and the importance of renewable energy is vital, but the fact remains that fossil fuel production and consumption has hundreds of years of history, and the use of renewable energy is still in its infancy.
The Effect of Fossil Fuels on the Environment | GreenEnergyChoice's Green Guide
The United States of America's Declaration of Independence from Fossil Fuels.
There comes a time when a country's citizens must choose not to degrade the national and world environment that belongs to their descendants. There comes a time when they must choose, as a nation, to no longer promote and utilize fossil fuels as their primary energy source.

We will work towards eliminating fossil fuels from our society by:

*Note: Due to the environmental problems associated with nuclear energy, the undersigned do not define nuclear energy as a renewable or sustainable energy source
The United States of America's Declaration of Independence from Fossil Fuels Petition
Wind is there for 40 minutes and gone for 20 minutes. Wind DOES NOT QUALIFY as a reliable PRIMARY energy source.. And WIND has very little to do with powering a car.

If OIL is your problem --- don't give us solutions for ELECTRICITY independence. We are already INDEPENDENT for electrical generation..

What else ya got granny??? Besides laugable quotes like the XL pipeline would INCREASE gas prices... :eusa_clap:
Denmark’s Road Map for Fossil Fuel Independence
In Brief….Last year, the Danish Commission on Climate Change Policy found that Denmark can remove fossil fuels entirely from its energy system—including transport—by 2050 without introducing nuclear energy or carbon capture and storage. In response, the Danish government immediately adopted the goal of becoming independent of fossil fuels by 2050. Removal of fossil fuels would bring Denmark in line with the EU policy goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80–95 percent by 2050.

Key Concepts;

Romney is dead wrong in increasing fossil fuel for future energy. XL Pipeline does nothing lower gasoline prices or put is closer to being oil independent. WE are sitting on 200 years of oil reserve.
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We are not even close to fossil fuel independence because it is not cost effective to process. And will cost us our future. Fossil fuel is dirty energy and we need to be independent from it asap instead of producing more oil and coal. Another energy Denmark as developed is capping the sun for energy. We have nothing to gain through an Xl Pipe line. Jobs are temporary and refining the oil too expensive to save on oil consumption and cost. Pipeline will help Mexico more than us. And plus we ALREADY get most of our oil from Canada. Put of further away from being fossil fuel independent.

Stop the Keystone XL pipeline...

Why should you sign this petition?

Stop the Keystone XL pipeline... | Ian Somerhalder Foundation
Besides laugable quotes like the XL pipeline would INCREASE gas prices... :eusa_clap:

It's true.

– The Keystone XL pipeline could cause gas prices to rise: The Keystone XL pipeline would move dirty Canadian tar sands oil across America for export. It will not improve U.S. oil production. Since it will ship oil past Midwestern refineries toward the Gulf, Bloomberg estimates that it would cause gas prices to increase for some Americans.

– Boosting domestic oil production doesn’t prevent gas price shocks:

As Gas Prices Rise, Republicans Once Again Propose Big Oil 'Solutions' That Don't Solve The Problem | ThinkProgress
Increase of oil production will no lower the cost of gasoline. XL pipeline pipes Canadian oil to Mexico for Mexico to refine and export. WTF is in in for us? A few temporary jobs? A mess and costly to clean up if there is a spill and a spill is guarenteed.
Increase of oil production will no lower the cost of gasoline. XL pipeline pipes Canadian oil to Mexico for Mexico to refine and export. WTF is in in for us? A few temporary jobs? A mess and costly to clean up if there is a spill and a spill is guarenteed.

You are FOS. Increased oil production will bring down the price of oil and the Keystone is going to bring cheap crude to refineries that are set up to handle it.

Tell us what you know about refining. Please.

A few temporary jobs ? This isn't just about oil pipelines, it's about the industry cheaper energy will drive.

You really need to STFU.
Wind is there for 40 minutes and gone for 20 minutes. Wind DOES NOT QUALIFY as a reliable PRIMARY energy source.. And WIND has very little to do with powering a car.

If OIL is your problem --- don't give us solutions for ELECTRICITY independence. We are already INDEPENDENT for electrical generation..

What else ya got granny??? Besides laugable quotes like the XL pipeline would INCREASE gas prices... :eusa_clap:

A combination of wind and sun. Begin to work not toward eliminating oil and coal as much as possible and develop in sun and wind for energy in the future.
As Gas Prices Rise, Republicans Once Again Propose Big Oil ‘Solutions’ That Don’t Solve The Problem

The Keystone XL pipeline could cause gas prices to rise: The Keystone XL pipeline would move dirty Canadian tar sands oil across America for export. It will not improve U.S. oil production. Since it will ship oil past Midwestern refineries toward the Gulf, Bloomberg estimates that it would cause gas prices to increase for some Americans.

– Boosting domestic oil production doesn’t prevent gas price shocks:
As Gas Prices Rise, Republicans Once Again Propose Big Oil 'Solutions' That Don't Solve The Problem | ThinkProgress
What is the reason that liberals want to keep Saudi Arabia in power when we have the capacity to be independent of foreign oil? Do libs still think America is hogging all the energy and the poor Tanzanians aren't getting their share? What the fuk is the problem with libs?
Wind is there for 40 minutes and gone for 20 minutes. Wind DOES NOT QUALIFY as a reliable PRIMARY energy source.. And WIND has very little to do with powering a car.

If OIL is your problem --- don't give us solutions for ELECTRICITY independence. We are already INDEPENDENT for electrical generation..

What else ya got granny??? Besides laugable quotes like the XL pipeline would INCREASE gas prices... :eusa_clap:

A combination of wind and sun. Begin to work not toward eliminating oil and coal as much as possible and develop in sun and wind for energy in the future.

Sun doesn't shine at night.. Wind doesn't blow on Tues, 1/2 of Wednesday and most of Friday.. What else ya got???

During the summer in Cali --- the grid demand at 9PM is 80% of daytime peak.. What role does solar or wind have in THAT context?

I tried to get you to realize that OIL is not a part of electricity generation.. But I don't think your brain is really engaged here. Wind and Solar don't power transportation.. And to change all of transport to electricity, we'd have to virtually double the size of the grid and generation capability.. You leftists have us pulling out light bulbs right now to CONSERVE electricity and you want to DOUBLE THE GRID capacity?

There's no indication that you understand the role that oil and gas play in the economy. And less understanding of the limitations for wind and solar..

But carry on.. THrow a hissy fit. Create your own reality... The rest of us will figure out how to keep this country from becoming a third world basket case...
As Gas Prices Rise, Republicans Once Again Propose Big Oil ‘Solutions’ That Don’t Solve The Problem

The Keystone XL pipeline could cause gas prices to rise: The Keystone XL pipeline would move dirty Canadian tar sands oil across America for export. It will not improve U.S. oil production. Since it will ship oil past Midwestern refineries toward the Gulf, Bloomberg estimates that it would cause gas prices to increase for some Americans.

– Boosting domestic oil production doesn’t prevent gas price shocks:
As Gas Prices Rise, Republicans Once Again Propose Big Oil 'Solutions' That Don't Solve The Problem | ThinkProgress

Why has the price of natural gas drop so much?? Is it because we have limited production? or have we increased production??

oil/gas= same resource

Wind and solar have a nitch market that can and should be filled,but you won't drive an 18 wheeler over the Rockies with a sail.
This thread is garbage.

There is no reason to expect the Keystone will raise gasoline prices.
This thread is garbage.

There is no reason to expect the Keystone will raise gasoline prices.

It's internal politics that creates those trash "studies".. It's a fight over WHICH REFINERIES get connected to the pipeline.. The winners are waaaaaay for it. The losers try to kill it by scaring folks with "soaring prices"..

Truth is -- we haven't built a NEW refinery in this country for 30 Freaking years. And yes we do make money and jobs exporting SOME gasoline.. The answer to the problem is to build NEW refineries as well.

That'll make little ole ladies' heads explode...

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