Corsi sues Mueller over alleged grand jury leaks, seeks $350M in damages: report

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Couldn’t Corsi demand proof that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC. The DNC wouldn’t allow the FBI to look at their server. That was all part of the plan. The FBI didn’t want to look at the server because they KNEW it wasn’t the Russians. They knew it was Seth Rich.

So, has any proof ever been shown that it was the Russians?...Hmmmm!

Jerome Corsi, the conservative author accused of lying under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, filed a federal lawsuit late Sunday accusing Mueller of leaking grand jury items and various constitutional violations, including illegal surveillance, reports said.

Politico reported that the newly filed suit claims that Mueller tried to get Corsi to give testimony that Corsi said is false. He is reportedly seeking $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in damages due to injury to his reputation.

The author has theorized that investigators hoped that he would admit to a connection with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange. The connection would bolster their Russian collusion investigation, he said. A link between Corsi and Assange would make it easy to tie in President Trump's former adviser Roger Stone, he said.

American intelligence agencies have assessed that Russia was the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 election that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mueller’s office is trying to determine whether Stone and other associates of President Trump had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.

Corsi, the former Washington bureau chief of the conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars, rejected a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. He said he could not lie to something he knew to be false, even if it meant living out his life in prison.

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Larry Klayman is the scum who started judicial watch. Hardly credible. I highly doubt Whitaker is going to get involved in this nightmare, even if he is a nightmare himself.
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250 million for damage to his reputation!? Hilarious. Corsi had a terrible reputation long before this investigation.
Don’t be shocked when this lawsuit gets laughed out of court. Corsi has a long history of filling suits only to get them tossed. Hell, just last year he sued Esquire is for several hundred millions for writing a satire piece about one of his books. The man is nuttier than a Jiff factory.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
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And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
Thank you. Don't feel like going thru this every time these tards throw this out there. They are desperate to believe they is edumacated.
New York Times Co. v. United States - Wikipedia

Remember that case...........Corsi is a news outlet............whether you like info wars or not......I don't watch it............and that land mark case on stolen classified material is the precedent way back from Nixon.............That the Post and New York times could report it and couldn't be prosecuted under the 1st Amendment of the Constitution............

Mueller is trying to pin Assange stealing on Corsi................But that Supreme court decision takes precedent............Mueller would have to prove that Corsi stole the material or went to Assange to get stolen Wiki leaks emails.......................Corsi didn't hack the system..............Assange did.

Thing about it is.............Assange leaked the truth..............and ticked off have of Europe like Germany when they exposed the NSA spying on them.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
The 2 surveys that said you`re stupid were taken by Fairleigh Dickinson U. and the University of Maryland and they haven`t been debunked. Try again. Do you know what the capital of Canada is? Do you know what religion the Dalai Lama is? Do you need help locating South Carolina on a map?
A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
The 2 surveys that said you`re stupid were taken by Fairleigh Dickinson U. and the University of Maryland and they haven`t been debunked. Try again. Do you know what the capital of Canada is? Do you know what religion the Dalai Lama is? Do you need help locating South Carolina on a map?
A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

So are you saying HuffPo lied? They're making it up, publishing the article? Show me the details of the "scientific survey" taken by this University you name.So where are the details????

Dude, the study was FAKE. Get over it. The guy who was in charge of the "study" said it was. It wouldn't meet the minimum standards for a valid report. He goes into DETAIL about how he arrived at his conclusion.

Was this report peer reviewed? No.
Does this report meet minimum requirements for a valid scientific study? No.
Did this "study" start out with a conclusion that they wanted to reach? Yes
Does the person in charge admit it was fake? Yes.

You're done, dumbass. But by all means, keep pushing this. It makes you look like the true idiot you are.

“I would not have published it were it completely fraudulent,” he said, pointing out that to do so might have crossed some legal boundaries and “nobody wanted to do that.” Hence his claim that the study was actually commissioned and performed, even though it would never meet the most minimal standards for a valid scientific report.

Get a life. Show me ONE peer reviewed scientific study that was conducted in a completely non biased manner by a legit source. You CAN'T. Your link is not a study. Why is this "study" so vague? Why are all the details hidden? A valid study publishes all the information used to come up with it's conclusion. Yet I've never seen one single thing about this study, and the details of how it was conducted. It's nothing more than biased bullshit. Even when my source is one of your godchildren, HuffPo, you completely ignore it with your head up your ass saying "no no, it's true!!!!"

Fox News Slams Professors Who Claimed Its Viewers Were Ill-Informed

Dan Cassino, one of the professors of political science at FDU who authored the two studies, told The Hollywood Reporter it was regrettable so many bloggers focused on the low results of FNC but ignored almost equally low results for MSNBC.

What's really funny, is that MSNBC viewers scored equally "poorly" on the "survey" yet that information NEVER made it out to the media. Bias, anyone?

Get the fuck outta here, you're not ready to play with the adults yet.
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Couldn’t Corsi demand proof that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC. The DNC wouldn’t allow the FBI to look at their server. That was all part of the plan. The FBI didn’t want to look at the server because they KNEW it wasn’t the Russians. They knew it was Seth Rich.

So, has any proof ever been shown that it was the Russians?...Hmmmm!

Jerome Corsi, the conservative author accused of lying under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, filed a federal lawsuit late Sunday accusing Mueller of leaking grand jury items and various constitutional violations, including illegal surveillance, reports said.

Politico reported that the newly filed suit claims that Mueller tried to get Corsi to give testimony that Corsi said is false. He is reportedly seeking $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in damages due to injury to his reputation.

The author has theorized that investigators hoped that he would admit to a connection with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange. The connection would bolster their Russian collusion investigation, he said. A link between Corsi and Assange would make it easy to tie in President Trump's former adviser Roger Stone, he said.

American intelligence agencies have assessed that Russia was the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 election that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mueller’s office is trying to determine whether Stone and other associates of President Trump had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.

Corsi, the former Washington bureau chief of the conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars, rejected a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. He said he could not lie to something he knew to be false, even if it meant living out his life in prison.

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It's nothing more than a delaying tactic. We all know this is going nowhere.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
Thank you. Don't feel like going thru this every time these tards throw this out there. They are desperate to believe they is edumacated.
Says the guy who watches the only news station that de-educates people.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
Thank you. Don't feel like going thru this every time these tards throw this out there. They are desperate to believe they is edumacated.
Says the guy who watches the only news station that de-educates people.

Says the only idiot that believes it! LOL

MSNBC viewers scored just as poorly. Did you hear about that? Nah. Why not? Because the media is biased.
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Couldn’t Corsi demand proof that it was the Russians who hacked the DNC. The DNC wouldn’t allow the FBI to look at their server. That was all part of the plan. The FBI didn’t want to look at the server because they KNEW it wasn’t the Russians. They knew it was Seth Rich.

So, has any proof ever been shown that it was the Russians?...Hmmmm!

Jerome Corsi, the conservative author accused of lying under oath to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators, filed a federal lawsuit late Sunday accusing Mueller of leaking grand jury items and various constitutional violations, including illegal surveillance, reports said.

Politico reported that the newly filed suit claims that Mueller tried to get Corsi to give testimony that Corsi said is false. He is reportedly seeking $100 million in actual damages and $250 million in damages due to injury to his reputation.

The author has theorized that investigators hoped that he would admit to a connection with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange. The connection would bolster their Russian collusion investigation, he said. A link between Corsi and Assange would make it easy to tie in President Trump's former adviser Roger Stone, he said.

American intelligence agencies have assessed that Russia was the source of hacked material released by WikiLeaks during the 2016 election that damaged Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Mueller’s office is trying to determine whether Stone and other associates of President Trump had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans.

Corsi, the former Washington bureau chief of the conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars, rejected a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. He said he could not lie to something he knew to be false, even if it meant living out his life in prison.

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Oh....looks like he needs some financial help...make sure to send him money for this law suit to go forward. Give til it hurts.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
Thank you. Don't feel like going thru this every time these tards throw this out there. They are desperate to believe they is edumacated.
Says the guy who watches the only news station that de-educates people.

Says the only idiot that believes it! LOL

MSNBC viewers scored just as poorly. Did you hear about that? Nah. Why not? Because the media is biased.
Not many people actually watch MSNBC. I never have. Unlike FOX, they don`t have a large cult following and they do have competition.

And that's been debunked many times. It was based on a questionnaire in which the answers were left leaning. Even Huffpo says so. It was based on a study by the "Intelligence Institute" which doesn't exist. Fake study.

Lead "researcher" admits to bias:

Nichols himself brought up the fact that the study was designed to reach the conclusion they were looking for: that is, to show that self-identified conservatives who watched FOX News were less smart than conservatives who didn’t. “They told me what they wanted to do and I said I could do it,” he claimed.

Huffington Post article:

Exclusive: PR Guru Behind Fake Fox News "Study" Speaks Up | HuffPost

So in conclusion, the only idiot here is you who continue to post links to this bogus "study."
Thank you. Don't feel like going thru this every time these tards throw this out there. They are desperate to believe they is edumacated.
Says the guy who watches the only news station that de-educates people.

Says the only idiot that believes it! LOL

MSNBC viewers scored just as poorly. Did you hear about that? Nah. Why not? Because the media is biased.
Have you located South Carolina on a map yet? Look below North Carolina.
A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

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