Corporate Lobby Welfare Reform


Jan 15, 2004
Corporate Lobby Welfare Reform
The Republican Party and the mass media will use smoke screens and mirrors to deflect the American people from the real political issues. Taking the religious high road on emotional moral issues that effect only a few people?s personal lives. Ruling by majority leaving no room for the minority and their ways that differ from mainstream. Gay marriage and the abortion, issues are personal decisions that the Federal government has no business in, best left to the state, local community, family and the person evolved. To politicize personal moral issues will only polarize the public bring out the worst instincts in the human race.

Not wanting to deal with the real issues and problems that effect all of us as a nation. They divert the focus of the real issues and problems through the politics of fear and not wisdom usually making the problems worst. There is more common sense and wisdom on the streets outside the DC Belt Way. The legal grafts by the corporate lobbies have hijacked our political and judicial system for what is in their self-interest.

Real campaign finance reform that will affect the lobbyists the closes people to our elected officials is a good place to start. With so many of our problems inter connected and related so are the answers. The strongest lobbies are behind many of our greatest problems with the mass media being one of the king fish that stinks. What has to be done is not in the best interest of the mass media and corporate lobbyists for they are part of the big problem.

The military industrial complex, energy, communication, banking, and the insurance industries lobbies are the domestic comer stones lobbies with the State of Israel having the strongest foreign lobby in the United States. The corporate and foreign welfare programs passed by their lobbing efforts are not usually in the best interest of the people, the nation and the people of the world at large. -David
Why do you cut n paste your same messages everywhere? I've seen you post all your writings on various boards. Not to mention you pasted this same writing in the political races section yesterday.
It is frightening to think people like Columnist Charles Krauthammer represent the current administration viewpoints to national and global policies and security. The amount of hate and contempt for others that have a different philosophical foundation to their principles and believes is no different than a fascist. Columnist Charles Krauthammer is a leading national columnist for the neo-cons doctrine of dominance. Speaking in contempt against the United Nations or any other international organizations in behalf of United States domination in a militarily dictatorial role. All is right, disguised in the name of freedom and democracy with the neo-cons taking the religious high road to condom anyone who does not believe in their ways.

The Bush Cheney neo-cons have a clear vision of the corporate military dominance that will dictate international policies regarding international resources as part of United States national security. With many of the Islamic nations being a road bump in this plan. The American Enterprise Institute, one of the bases of the neo-cons use to guide and influence the Bush Cheney administration towards global dominance by military and economic policies.

The corporate greed of a few people is dictating global policies onto the people of the world for what is in the best of there own self-interest. These policies are threatening peace and security throughout the world. The lack of balance in fairness and truth has corrupted the system from within leading the wrong way in many of our policies and actions around the world. Without correcting our domestic policies at home there will be no foreign policies that will bring us security and peace around the world.

The neo-cons, people such as Columnist Charles Krauthammer see no role what so ever for the role of international organizations like the United Nations. Without a balance between universal, national and local interests power there will be no stability or security for the people on either side. As long as we want to dictate policies to our allies and enemy from a unilateral platform in Washington DC for what is in the best interest of a few global corporations. This will lead to great social, political, and economic unrest, destabilizing the future of our planet. -David

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