Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home — with body bags


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home — with body bags

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Gabrielle Fonrouge, Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
The first coronavirus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under a controversial state mandate arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags, The Post has learned.
An executive at the facility — which was previously free of the deadly disease — said the bags were in the shipment of personal protective equipment received the same day the home was forced to begin treating two people discharged from hospitals with COVID-19.
“My colleague noticed that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. Curious as to what could possibly be making that particular box so much heavier than the rest, he opened it,” the exec told The Post Thursday.
“The first two coronavirus patients were accompanied by five body bags.”
Within days, three of the bags were filled with the first of 30 residents who would die there after Gov. Cuomo’s Health Department handed down its March 25 directive that bars nursing homes from refusing to admit “medically stable” coronavirus patients, the exec said.
Like clockwork, the nursing home has received five body bags a week — every week — from city officials.
“Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” the health care executive added.
“It’s their primary responsibility like it’s a hospital’s primary responsibility. And hospitals ran into problems, nursing homes ran into problems.”
“This is a national story, right? Turn on the national news any given time, and you have people saying, ‘We can’t get enough PPE,’ right?” he added.
A member of Cuomo’s coronavirus task force — SUNY-Empire State College president Jim Malatras — said the state had distributed 417,000 surgical grade masks, 101,000 gowns, 85,000 face shields, 422,000 gloves and 5,000 gallons of hand sanitizer to nursing homes over the last two weeks.

Why in the world would Cuomo order and force a Nursing Home to accept active, full blown Covid-19 patients thus exposing the elderly to the virus. This was purposely done and it caused those in the Home to ultimately die.
Emperor Cuomo, earlier today, said that it’s the nursing homes responsibility to keep their facilities safe....yet, he’s the one sending infected patients to them.. It's like the British giving Indians Small-Pox contaminated blankets.
What really struck me, was how Fredo's brother didn’t say, when asked about the big nursing home problem, in NY, something like,
we’re working on a solution, together...with experts/ find a solution.
Instead, and, not surprisingly, he threw the nursing homes under the bus.
It's no wonder that the numbers of dead are so high in NYC alone.... and why he's not running for President and he is not talking about his meeting with the President.
Seems Andy's political animus toward Trump overshadowed Cuomo's logic that caused the deaths of those elderly in the Nursing home.
Both New Jersey and New York (Blue States) require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.
INHO, this policy constitutes mass murder.
Cuomo has placed himself squarely as a villain in the whole Covid 19 era and his conduct has been
egotistical. contentious and ill-informed when it comes to the matter.
His argument with a reporter about forcing people to stay home shows what an ignorant ideologue he is.

Over twice as many people who contract the corona virus recover than die. what is mortality rate for corona virus - Google Search

The people of New York have only themselves to blame electing such a spectacular fool their governor.
California, Michigan, Virginia are in the same boat.
New York is one fucked-up state/city.

Guess who's been in charge?

Can't agree with you more. As a recent late resident of New York city and State, I'm enjoying my freedom in North Carolina. In taxes alone I increased my income by nearly $8,000 per year in taxes I no longer pay....
Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home — with body bags

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Gabrielle Fonrouge, Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
The first coronavirus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under a controversial state mandate arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags, The Post has learned.
An executive at the facility — which was previously free of the deadly disease — said the bags were in the shipment of personal protective equipment received the same day the home was forced to begin treating two people discharged from hospitals with COVID-19.
“My colleague noticed that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. Curious as to what could possibly be making that particular box so much heavier than the rest, he opened it,” the exec told The Post Thursday.
“The first two coronavirus patients were accompanied by five body bags.”
Within days, three of the bags were filled with the first of 30 residents who would die there after Gov. Cuomo’s Health Department handed down its March 25 directive that bars nursing homes from refusing to admit “medically stable” coronavirus patients, the exec said.
Like clockwork, the nursing home has received five body bags a week — every week — from city officials.
“Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” the health care executive added.
“It’s their primary responsibility like it’s a hospital’s primary responsibility. And hospitals ran into problems, nursing homes ran into problems.”
“This is a national story, right? Turn on the national news any given time, and you have people saying, ‘We can’t get enough PPE,’ right?” he added.
A member of Cuomo’s coronavirus task force — SUNY-Empire State College president Jim Malatras — said the state had distributed 417,000 surgical grade masks, 101,000 gowns, 85,000 face shields, 422,000 gloves and 5,000 gallons of hand sanitizer to nursing homes over the last two weeks.

Why in the world would Cuomo order and force a Nursing Home to accept active, full blown Covid-19 patients thus exposing the elderly to the virus. This was purposely done and it caused those in the Home to ultimately die.
Emperor Cuomo, earlier today, said that it’s the nursing homes responsibility to keep their facilities safe....yet, he’s the one sending infected patients to them.. It's like the British giving Indians Small-Pox contaminated blankets.
What really struck me, was how Fredo's brother didn’t say, when asked about the big nursing home problem, in NY, something like,
we’re working on a solution, together...with experts/ find a solution.
Instead, and, not surprisingly, he threw the nursing homes under the bus.
It's no wonder that the numbers of dead are so high in NYC alone.... and why he's not running for President and he is not talking about his meeting with the President.
Seems Andy's political animus toward Trump overshadowed Cuomo's logic that caused the deaths of those elderly in the Nursing home.
Both New Jersey and New York (Blue States) require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.
INHO, this policy constitutes mass murder.
This is Cuomo's version of "Throw Granny Off The Cliff". Time for the families of New York nursing home residents to sue the shit out of him.
This happened at the same time they ordered EMT'S and Paramedics to not resuscitate any patient. Had the whole order been looked at properly this would never have occurred.

This should never have occurred as they were never at a loss for hospital beds to deal with active patients. There was never any need to move these people into areas where high risk people were..
It's Cuomo at work trying to inflate death from Corona virus numbers so as to reflect negatively on
the open the country up people. He's a real rotten apple.
Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home — with body bags

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Gabrielle Fonrouge, Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
The first coronavirus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under a controversial state mandate arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags, The Post has learned.
An executive at the facility — which was previously free of the deadly disease — said the bags were in the shipment of personal protective equipment received the same day the home was forced to begin treating two people discharged from hospitals with COVID-19.
“My colleague noticed that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. Curious as to what could possibly be making that particular box so much heavier than the rest, he opened it,” the exec told The Post Thursday.
“The first two coronavirus patients were accompanied by five body bags.”
Within days, three of the bags were filled with the first of 30 residents who would die there after Gov. Cuomo’s Health Department handed down its March 25 directive that bars nursing homes from refusing to admit “medically stable” coronavirus patients, the exec said.
Like clockwork, the nursing home has received five body bags a week — every week — from city officials.
“Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” the health care executive added.
“It’s their primary responsibility like it’s a hospital’s primary responsibility. And hospitals ran into problems, nursing homes ran into problems.”
“This is a national story, right? Turn on the national news any given time, and you have people saying, ‘We can’t get enough PPE,’ right?” he added.
A member of Cuomo’s coronavirus task force — SUNY-Empire State College president Jim Malatras — said the state had distributed 417,000 surgical grade masks, 101,000 gowns, 85,000 face shields, 422,000 gloves and 5,000 gallons of hand sanitizer to nursing homes over the last two weeks.

Why in the world would Cuomo order and force a Nursing Home to accept active, full blown Covid-19 patients thus exposing the elderly to the virus. This was purposely done and it caused those in the Home to ultimately die.
Emperor Cuomo, earlier today, said that it’s the nursing homes responsibility to keep their facilities safe....yet, he’s the one sending infected patients to them.. It's like the British giving Indians Small-Pox contaminated blankets.
What really struck me, was how Fredo's brother didn’t say, when asked about the big nursing home problem, in NY, something like,
we’re working on a solution, together...with experts/ find a solution.
Instead, and, not surprisingly, he threw the nursing homes under the bus.
It's no wonder that the numbers of dead are so high in NYC alone.... and why he's not running for President and he is not talking about his meeting with the President.
Seems Andy's political animus toward Trump overshadowed Cuomo's logic that caused the deaths of those elderly in the Nursing home.
Both New Jersey and New York (Blue States) require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.
INHO, this policy constitutes mass murder.
This is Cuomo's version of "Throw Granny Off The Cliff". Time for the families of New York nursing home residents to sue the shit out of him.
Since Cuomo included extra body bags, it's obvious he knew that he would be causing additional deaths...

And he still sent the patients there knowing that!!!

He needs to be criminally charged with first degree murder!!!
Cuomo is rightly getting hammered for this and his other spectacular screwups. Claiming the nursing home deaths “weren’t his fault” because he “knew nothing” about a state policy in a state where NOTHING gets put in without King Cuomo’s okay. Then telling people struggling financially and wondering where they’re going to get the money for the bills to go get an essential job. Even in NYC, the “snitch line” for people to snitch on social distancing violators got flooded with middle fingers and dick pics. Businesses Upstate will likely reopen soon, regardless of what this idiot thinks. People across the country are sick of these Dim governors being dictators and violating Constitutional rights.
Coronavirus patients admitted to Queens nursing home — with body bags

23 Apr 2020 ~~ By Gabrielle Fonrouge, Bernadette Hogan and Bruce Golding
The first coronavirus patients admitted to a Queens nursing home under a controversial state mandate arrived along with some grim accessories — a supply of body bags, The Post has learned.
An executive at the facility — which was previously free of the deadly disease — said the bags were in the shipment of personal protective equipment received the same day the home was forced to begin treating two people discharged from hospitals with COVID-19.
“My colleague noticed that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. Curious as to what could possibly be making that particular box so much heavier than the rest, he opened it,” the exec told The Post Thursday.
“The first two coronavirus patients were accompanied by five body bags.”
Within days, three of the bags were filled with the first of 30 residents who would die there after Gov. Cuomo’s Health Department handed down its March 25 directive that bars nursing homes from refusing to admit “medically stable” coronavirus patients, the exec said.
Like clockwork, the nursing home has received five body bags a week — every week — from city officials.
“Cuomo has blood on his hands. He really does. There’s no way to sugarcoat this,” the health care executive added.
“It’s their primary responsibility like it’s a hospital’s primary responsibility. And hospitals ran into problems, nursing homes ran into problems.”
“This is a national story, right? Turn on the national news any given time, and you have people saying, ‘We can’t get enough PPE,’ right?” he added.
A member of Cuomo’s coronavirus task force — SUNY-Empire State College president Jim Malatras — said the state had distributed 417,000 surgical grade masks, 101,000 gowns, 85,000 face shields, 422,000 gloves and 5,000 gallons of hand sanitizer to nursing homes over the last two weeks.

Why in the world would Cuomo order and force a Nursing Home to accept active, full blown Covid-19 patients thus exposing the elderly to the virus. This was purposely done and it caused those in the Home to ultimately die.
Emperor Cuomo, earlier today, said that it’s the nursing homes responsibility to keep their facilities safe....yet, he’s the one sending infected patients to them.. It's like the British giving Indians Small-Pox contaminated blankets.
What really struck me, was how Fredo's brother didn’t say, when asked about the big nursing home problem, in NY, something like,
we’re working on a solution, together...with experts/ find a solution.
Instead, and, not surprisingly, he threw the nursing homes under the bus.
It's no wonder that the numbers of dead are so high in NYC alone.... and why he's not running for President and he is not talking about his meeting with the President.
Seems Andy's political animus toward Trump overshadowed Cuomo's logic that caused the deaths of those elderly in the Nursing home.
Both New Jersey and New York (Blue States) require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.
INHO, this policy constitutes mass murder.


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