Cops: We are leaving

That begs the question: Are all liberals inherently liars? You know, Brown was killed for shoplifting; Clinton was impeached over a BJ; Garner was killed for selling loose cigarettes; this guy died because of a parking violation?

The reason I ask is I'm trying to figure out this psychosis of the left since most all of you do the same thing. It's actually a pattern of the left. I'm trying to figure out if you lie to us hoping we are stupid or uninformed enough to believe you, or that this is some unconscious mental disability to convince yourselves. You know, like block the truth from your mind, and you actually believe this stuff.

Naw, man, the psychosis is thinking that people of color (and Bill Clinton) deserved to be abused over minor infractions that escalated into something much worse.

There was no reason to shoot this guy in the back because he fell asleep in a parking lot. In short, the cops ESCALATED the situation. Now he's dead and they are both out of jobs at at least one of them is probably going to jail where they just LOOOOOVE them some cops.

That's because rice started to pull the gun out when he exited the car. In the video, you can't see his hands because of the police car. What the expert pointed out was his right shoulder lifting up before he got shot.

He lifted up his right shoulder? That was it? Come on. Why would rice pull out a toy and point it at cops? that's just crazy.

Occam's razor, bud. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Loehmann panicked because he wasn't fit to be a cop to start with.

No, that's how the black Mayor got to keep his job at reelection.

That mayor never had a problem getting re-elected before. The real problem was when you had a lawyer in the room advocating for Tamir, the City didn't have a leg to stand on.

Someone should have explained to McGinty his job was to advocate for the victim, not the perpetrator. Well, I guess the voters explained that to him when they booted his ass out of office.
One of my former coworkers was a retired Cleveland police officer. I forget the event now that was similar to this one, but at the time he said "WTF do they want us to do? If a person starts fighting with us, we're supposed to say, okay, we won't arrest you today, maybe we'll arrest you another time when you're in a better mood??"

Contrary to so many false beliefs out there, police don't like arresting people they don't have to. We only see the arrest on dash cams or on television shows. What happens afterwards is the suspect fighting them in the jail, filling out police reports, having to go to court to testify...... it's a lot more work than just slapping cuffs on and giving the person a ride to the station.

Which again, begs the question of why they arrest people for minor infractions and then let it escalate into something lethal.

In this case. They had the guy's name. They had his car. So he runs away. Eventually you catch up with him after he's sobered up a bit and realized just how bad he fucked up. Or you continue to chase him until he gets tired. What you don't do is shoot him in the back twice.
One of my former coworkers was a retired Cleveland police officer. I forget the event now that was similar to this one, but at the time he said "WTF do they want us to do? If a person starts fighting with us, we're supposed to say, okay, we won't arrest you today, maybe we'll arrest you another time when you're in a better mood??"

Contrary to so many false beliefs out there, police don't like arresting people they don't have to. We only see the arrest on dash cams or on television shows. What happens afterwards is the suspect fighting them in the jail, filling out police reports, having to go to court to testify...... it's a lot more work than just slapping cuffs on and giving the person a ride to the station.

Which again, begs the question of why they arrest people for minor infractions and then let it escalate into something lethal.

In this case. They had the guy's name. They had his car. So he runs away. Eventually you catch up with him after he's sobered up a bit and realized just how bad he fucked up. Or you continue to chase him until he gets tired. What you don't do is shoot him in the back twice.

I understand how you feel the need to side with evil. Most leftists do. But if we allow people to run away from police while being detained or arrested, then every one of them will do it because they know the cops won't do anything about it. What makes you think this guy couldn't endure the police in a foot chase? Even drunk, he was able to fight both of them off, steal one of the officers weapon, and obviously had more strength than the both of them combined.

But you know Dr. Joe, we can meet half-way on this. Make policy that police don't chase a guy like this, but once caught, an automatic ten year prison sentence for fighting and running away from the police. I think I can agree to that.
Naw, man, the psychosis is thinking that people of color (and Bill Clinton) deserved to be abused over minor infractions that escalated into something much worse.

There was no reason to shoot this guy in the back because he fell asleep in a parking lot. In short, the cops ESCALATED the situation. Now he's dead and they are both out of jobs at at least one of them is probably going to jail where they just LOOOOOVE them some cops.

As Reagan once said "There you go again." I think the psychosis is that you people block out the truth. It's pretty revealing. Yes, the guy was sleeping in his car, so the cop shot him in the back for sleeping. When I pray and thank God, I include my thanks he didn't make me a liberal, because I can never imaging going through life with a mind that works like yours.

He lifted up his right shoulder? That was it? Come on. Why would rice pull out a toy and point it at cops? that's just crazy.

Occam's razor, bud. The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Loehmann panicked because he wasn't fit to be a cop to start with.

He may have acted too quickly, but he didn't break any laws either. Since the gun could not been seen, and only one shoulder lifted up, the testimony of the officers, and the gun landing on the ground, it was determined by the grand jury he did indeed pull the gun out on the officer. This is something very unfamiliar to leftists. It's called common sense.

That mayor never had a problem getting re-elected before. The real problem was when you had a lawyer in the room advocating for Tamir, the City didn't have a leg to stand on.

Someone should have explained to McGinty his job was to advocate for the victim, not the perpetrator. Well, I guess the voters explained that to him when they booted his ass out of office.

The funny thing about leftists is when they don't even understand their own irony: the Mayor would have gotten reelected fighting the lawsuit, but the prosecutor was voted out because he couldn't convince the GJ the officer was guilty.

The city of Cleveland wasted 6 million dollars by making a ghetto queen wealthy, and in the process, keeping their jobs at taxpayer expense. The city is not replacing retiring cops, violent crime is a daily thing, and some of their police cars are over 10 years old, but this pig is spending 6 million dollars on lottery tickets most likely.

The funny thing after all this and more, the Mayor will get reelected next time if he doesn't retire. Democrat voters are not very bright people.
And you can DIRECTLY thank the American left for the condition of law enforcement today.

We need to get rid of that very very small minority that are quote, "bad cops". The left however wants to get rid of all cops, no matter who they are.
You’re so wrong here. So imagine if youre this wrong here what else are you wrong about? Probably a lot based on your ignorant comment.

I can tell you how liberal policies created a middle class the world had never seen before.

And I can tell you the policies the right have passed that made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

And, we can show on usmb that republicans defended all those policies. They said the widening gap between the rich and poor didn’t matter. Well now we see the rich have rigged and changed the way things work. Today workers make less and owners make mor3 and republicans supported this every step

What would really address the problems you posted are for one, get it out of your head that you are owed a job, or jobs were created for you to support yourself and perhaps family. Job creation is not a social obligation. People start businesses to produce a product or service for profit. Your worth as an employee is what your employer could pay anybody else to do the same job and quality of work that you do.

Secondly, the market plays more of a part in wages than the employer. As long as the American consumer is so consumed with low priced products, the American employer has to compete with overseas products where workers make a couple of dollars a day. In most cases, the employer can't pay their workers any more money than he or she is already paying them.
Then we should let Mexican truckers into America. We would save a lot of money. Why should business owners be forced to hire American workers when they could hire cheaper mexicans?

Remember employers have no obligation to you overpriced American truck drivers.
And you can DIRECTLY thank the American left for the condition of law enforcement today.

We need to get rid of that very very small minority that are quote, "bad cops". The left however wants to get rid of all cops, no matter who they are.
You’re so wrong here. So imagine if youre this wrong here what else are you wrong about? Probably a lot based on your ignorant comment.

I can tell you how liberal policies created a middle class the world had never seen before.

And I can tell you the policies the right have passed that made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

And, we can show on usmb that republicans defended all those policies. They said the widening gap between the rich and poor didn’t matter. Well now we see the rich have rigged and changed the way things work. Today workers make less and owners make mor3 and republicans supported this every step

What would really address the problems you posted are for one, get it out of your head that you are owed a job, or jobs were created for you to support yourself and perhaps family. Job creation is not a social obligation. People start businesses to produce a product or service for profit. Your worth as an employee is what your employer could pay anybody else to do the same job and quality of work that you do.

Secondly, the market plays more of a part in wages than the employer. As long as the American consumer is so consumed with low priced products, the American employer has to compete with overseas products where workers make a couple of dollars a day. In most cases, the employer can't pay their workers any more money than he or she is already paying them.
Then we should let Mexican truckers into America. We would save a lot of money. Why should business owners be forced to hire American workers when they could hire cheaper mexicans?

Remember employers have no obligation to you overpriced American truck drivers.

Apples and oranges. If you are against trading with foreign countries that use low wage labor, I'm with you on that. But don't complain when an iPhone costs you 2K instead of 1K. I'm more than happy to pay for American made products, and I do when possible. The problem is I'm very much a minority when standing next to your average American consumer.
I understand how you feel the need to side with evil. Most leftists do. But if we allow people to run away from police while being detained or arrested, then every one of them will do it because they know the cops won't do anything about it. What makes you think this guy couldn't endure the police in a foot chase? Even drunk, he was able to fight both of them off, steal one of the officers weapon, and obviously had more strength than the both of them combined.

Yes, we realize you think Negros have super powers.

So let's say he outran them and got away. Okay. They have his ID. They have his car. They wouldn't have any problem finding him again.

Evil is shooting a man in the back because he slightly annoyed you.

The funny thing about leftists is when they don't even understand their own irony: the Mayor would have gotten reelected fighting the lawsuit, but the prosecutor was voted out because he couldn't convince the GJ the officer was guilty.

Naw, he didn't even TRY to convince the GJ he was guilty, that was the problem everyone saw. He didn't even need to bring it to a Grand Jury at all, because a Judge had ALREADY RULED that there was sufficient evidence to change Officer McWeepy.

The city of Cleveland wasted 6 million dollars by making a ghetto queen wealthy, and in the process, keeping their jobs at taxpayer expense. The city is not replacing retiring cops, violent crime is a daily thing, and some of their police cars are over 10 years old, but this pig is spending 6 million dollars on lottery tickets most likely.

Hopefully, she spent it to get out of Cleveland, the place is a pit. But there's only one reason you settle a lawsuit. You know if it goes to a jury, you will pay a lot more.
Yes, we realize you think Negros have super powers.

So let's say he outran them and got away. Okay. They have his ID. They have his car. They wouldn't have any problem finding him again.

Evil is shooting a man in the back because he slightly annoyed you.

Or because he turned around so quick you were in the process of taking a shot.

Naw, he didn't even TRY to convince the GJ he was guilty, that was the problem everyone saw. He didn't even need to bring it to a Grand Jury at all, because a Judge had ALREADY RULED that there was sufficient evidence to change Officer McWeepy.

No, you read an OPINION by some commie leftist judge, not the one that would preside over the case. Nobody "seen"anything because it was a closed door hearing. Because you lost (as always) you look for excuses why that happened.

Hopefully, she spent it to get out of Cleveland, the place is a pit. But there's only one reason you settle a lawsuit. You know if it goes to a jury, you will pay a lot more.

It's not likely they would have paid anything. The case went to a grand jury who overwhelmingly voted that the officer did noting illegal. But the Mayor is black and so is the mother of this kid. He needed to pay her off to win reelection.
Super article:

The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.

Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.

Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.

The media used to highlight the positive contribution our profession gave to society and now they either ignore it or twist the truth for controversy to line their own pockets.


Great article.

We are throwing away a great asset.

Because of a bunch of ignorant assholes.

Sounds like you have some rememberberries.
Or because he turned around so quick you were in the process of taking a shot.

Um, yeah, that could go for ONE shot in the back, if you are being generous.

Shooting him in the back TWICE. Not so much.

No, you read an OPINION by some commie leftist judge, not the one that would preside over the case. Nobody "seen"anything because it was a closed door hearing. Because you lost (as always) you look for excuses why that happened.

We know exactly what happened. A judge ruled that there was enough evidence to go to trial. McGinty, being the racist sack of shit that he was, decided he was going to use a grand jury to whitewash the case.

You see, District Attorneys PROSECUTE the Offenders. Says so on every episode of Law and Order. They don't play defense attorney.

It's not likely they would have paid anything. The case went to a grand jury who overwhelmingly voted that the officer did noting illegal. But the Mayor is black and so is the mother of this kid. He needed to pay her off to win reelection.

Right. 12 jurors would have looked at this picture...


Then they would have heard testimony from Loehmann's previous supervisor, the one who recommended firing him because he was uncontrollably crying on a firing range and had to be physically disarmed.

And, yes, that would have been relevant to a civil suit because the question would have been the city's liability in putting a mentally unstable man out patrolling the streets.

Six million was a bargain. If it went to a Jury, you'd be "Ray from Tamirland" right now.
Um, yeah, that could go for ONE shot in the back, if you are being generous.

Shooting him in the back TWICE. Not so much.

Police are trained to shoot in two shot bursts. Again, you are ignorant of police work or procedure.

We know exactly what happened. A judge ruled that there was enough evidence to go to trial. McGinty, being the racist sack of shit that he was, decided he was going to use a grand jury to whitewash the case.

You see, District Attorneys PROSECUTE the Offenders. Says so on every episode of Law and Order. They don't play defense attorney.

Most cases go to a grand jury. You commies really hate our system of justice where citizens get to decide on matters such as this.

Right. 12 jurors would have looked at this picture...


Then they would have heard testimony from Loehmann's previous supervisor, the one who recommended firing him because he was uncontrollably crying on a firing range and had to be physically disarmed.

And, yes, that would have been relevant to a civil suit because the question would have been the city's liability in putting a mentally unstable man out patrolling the streets.

Six million was a bargain. If it went to a Jury, you'd be "Ray from Tamirland" right now.

Nobody is going to take an OPINION of a former coworker who had zero training in psychology seriously. If the prosecuting attorney brought that picture to court, the defense would have insisted on a current picture; not one three or four years before he was shot to also be submitted to the court, and if not available, not be allowed to present this phony picture. His autopsy showed he was 5'7" weighing 195 lbs. After being shot, the police radioed for medics describing the subject as in his late teens or early 20's. There is no way anybody can honestly say the kid in this picture is 195 lbs and the appearance of in his late teens. This picture is of a 9 or 10 year old at best.
Police are trained to shoot in two shot bursts. Again, you are ignorant of police work or procedure.

Oh, no, I'm perfectly aware of their procedures.


Most cases go to a grand jury. You commies really hate our system of justice where citizens get to decide on matters such as this.

This one didn't need to, as a Judge had already found legal sufficiency to bring charges.

Nobody is going to take an OPINION of a former coworker who had zero training in psychology seriously.

A trained police officer with years of experience training other police officers... who had to disarm the man on a firing range because he was a hazard to his fellow officers... Um, yeah, a lot of people would take that VERY seriously.

If the prosecuting attorney brought that picture to court, the defense would have insisted on a current picture; not one three or four years before he was shot to also be submitted to the court, and if not available, not be allowed to present this phony picture.

Except you guys haven't been able to provide a "current" picture of this menacing child. Seriously, you'd think he was 'bigfoot", the way you guys are carrying on.

His autopsy showed he was 5'7" weighing 195 lbs.

So what. Still a child.

fter being shot, the police radioed for medics describing the subject as in his late teens or early 20's. There is no way anybody can honestly say the kid in this picture is 195 lbs and the appearance of in his late teens. This picture is of a 9 or 10 year old at best.

Then where's the picture of him at 12? Come on, even if you assume his parents didn't have one, there would still be school pictures, pictures his friends had... but they were all in on it, to find the most angelic picture they could, obviously.
This one didn't need to, as a Judge had already found legal sufficiency to bring charges.

It was an opinion piece; not the judge that would have ruled on the case anyway.

A trained police officer with years of experience training other police officers... who had to disarm the man on a firing range because he was a hazard to his fellow officers... Um, yeah, a lot of people would take that VERY seriously.

You're not even allowed to bring something like that up. It qualifies as a dismissal.

Except you guys haven't been able to provide a "current" picture of this menacing child. Seriously, you'd think he was 'bigfoot", the way you guys are carrying on.

In my prime years I weighed 220 and was lean like a horse. I'm 6'3". There is no way for that kid not to be a bit pudgy or stocky and have a picture like that. Weight even changes the feature of your face.

So what. Still a child.

So what, not the child in that picture.

Then where's the picture of him at 12? Come on, even if you assume his parents didn't have one, there would still be school pictures, pictures his friends had... but they were all in on it, to find the most angelic picture they could, obviously.

That's exactly what happened. It's a revision of the Travon Martin case. Of course nobody is going to give a current picture to the media.
It was an opinion piece; not the judge that would have ruled on the case anyway.

No, but he did rule it could be brought to trial. Judges can do that without grand juries, even if another judge hears the case.

Funny thing. They indicted that asshole yesterday who shot the guy in the back twice. No Grand Jury. Prosecutor just brought charges. Amazing. This is what happens when prosecutors do their jobs.

You're not even allowed to bring something like that up. It qualifies as a dismissal.

Yes, you are.

Okay, let's see if you can get your tiny mind around this. The purpose of a civil trial would be to find if the City of Cleveland was negligent when a mentally unstable officer shot a child playing with a toy. So the issue of that officer's judgement and fitness would come into play. The fact he was let go from his previous job after getting an unfit ruling from his boss, yeah, that would definitely come into play. The fact that four other police departments rejected him would as well.

That's exactly what happened. It's a revision of the Travon Martin case. Of course nobody is going to give a current picture to the media.

Here's a later picture of Trayvon... that's still clearly a kid.

No, but he did rule it could be brought to trial. Judges can do that without grand juries, even if another judge hears the case.

Funny thing. They indicted that asshole yesterday who shot the guy in the back twice. No Grand Jury. Prosecutor just brought charges. Amazing. This is what happens when prosecutors do their jobs.

Yes, another one pandering to the public probably for votes. Since the charge is phony, what are you going to say if evidence reveals that the officer was justified in the shooting? Who are you going to blame then? Prosecutor doing his job? You mean like the prosecutor who charged six Baltimore police officers that were all fund not guilty?

Yes, you are.

Okay, let's see if you can get your tiny mind around this. The purpose of a civil trial would be to find if the City of Cleveland was negligent when a mentally unstable officer shot a child playing with a toy. So the issue of that officer's judgement and fitness would come into play. The fact he was let go from his previous job after getting an unfit ruling from his boss, yeah, that would definitely come into play. The fact that four other police departments rejected him would as well.

It has nothing to do with it. First off, one persons opinion does not make it Gospel. We've all had issues with past employers at one time or another. This persons opinion is not relevant to the case. Secondly, the question is not mental competency, the question was if the officer broke any laws, which clearly he did not. Upon seeing a gun being pulled out of the kids pants, he shot in self-defense.
Here's a later picture of Trayvon... that's still clearly a kid.

Which didn't come out until later, and he could easily be mistaken for an adult. He was only a few months from legally being considered an adult.
After what happened in Buffalo and Atlanta, all police officers should resign. They should stick it to the liberals in government.

It must be really tough to be a police officer in a liberal stronghold. Criminals and Democrats are one of the same, so you have everybody against you.

I'm hoping and praying these Democrat cities severely defund or dismantle their police forces. I really think it's all bark and no bite, but it would be great for President Trump's re-election chances.
Yes, another one pandering to the public probably for votes. Since the charge is phony, what are you going to say if evidence reveals that the officer was justified in the shooting? Who are you going to blame then? Prosecutor doing his job? You mean like the prosecutor who charged six Baltimore police officers that were all fund not guilty?

The ground has shifted. The reason why the thug cops were found not guilty is that they couldn't pinpoint which one of them actually broke Freddy Gray's neck.

They can clearly pinpoint which cop shot a man in the back over a parking violation.

It has nothing to do with it. First off, one persons opinion does not make it Gospel. We've all had issues with past employers at one time or another. This persons opinion is not relevant to the case. Secondly, the question is not mental competency, the question was if the officer broke any laws, which clearly he did not. Upon seeing a gun being pulled out of the kids pants, he shot in self-defense.

It wasn't a gun. It was a toy and it wasn't visible.
His judgement is definitely an issue.
The guy had to be disarmed on a gun range because he was CRYING over his girlfriend dumping him. That wasn't an opinion, that was documented fact.

Which didn't come out until later, and he could easily be mistaken for an adult. He was only a few months from legally being considered an adult.

But he wasn't an adult. He wasn't doing anything wrong.

Look, I know this is a hard thing for you to grasp, black people are sick of this shit. It needs to stop. It should have never gotten to the point of riots to get it to stop.

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