Consumer watchdog fines junk food giants over misleading 'healthy' kids food


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Two junk food giants have been rapped over the knuckles by the consumer watchdog for claiming their products were suitable for school kids.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has fined Unilever Australia and The Smith's Snackfood Company $10,800 each for misleading healthy food representations

Consumer watchdog fines junk food giants over misleading 'healthy' kids food - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
I'm not seeing anything misleading about the cream sickle packaging.

What is misleading is when companies lie about what the product is. For example a couple years ago I bought a half gallon of iced tea at a Speedway. It said "ICED TEA" in big letters on the label. However, it was not iced tea. It was noting but sugar water with some artificial color and flavor. It contained no tea.

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