Conspiracy to Frame Trump ‘Unraveling,’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I think it's clear to everyone with a lick of sense that Rosenstein appointed Mueller for no other reason than to find a way to nullify President Trump's election. From a mandate to find "collusion" which isn't even a crime the investigation has now moved into a wild rampage to uncover anything that might lead to any kind of indictment.

What’s going on now is the unraveling of a very substantial plot that had two goals — to exonerate Hillary Clinton illegally, and if she lost the presidency, to frame Donald Trump and his associates of crimes they did not commit,” he said on “The Laura Ingraham Show” on Tuesday. “Robert Mueller has produced not a scintilla of evidence that anybody in the Trump campaign engaged in any illegal activity regarding illegal contact with Russian officials.”

This comes from Oleg Deripaska in September 2016 whom FBI agents met with in an effort to pin something on President Trump.

There is very much more about the plot and reading the article @ Conspiracy to Frame Trump ‘Unraveling,’ Ex-Prosecutor Says is well-worth while - and most informative.

The 'Election Collusion' Was between Our Intelligence Community and Britain @

The Mueller Investigation is a Set Up @ The Mueller Investigation is a Set Up

Of course it is.

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