“Conspiracy Theory” Confirmed: State Department Admits Concern Over Russia Gaining Control of Ukraine’s BIOWEAPONS LABS

Do you not understand the difference between a "biological laboratory" and a "biological weapons facility"?

One is funded by the NIH, the other is funded by the Pentagon.


One is funded by the NIH, the other is funded by the Pentagon.

Why do you think that means they are making weapons? Why would the US need biological weapons. Paint a scenario for me where we would need bioweapons.
Why do you think that means they are making weapons? Why would the US need biological weapons. Paint a scenario for me where we would need bioweapons.
Bill Gates literally told us, the "next one," would get attention. :rolleyes:

. .. and then? That shit eating grin? That told me all I needed to know about what these global psychopaths had planned. :mad:

WHO moving foward on GLOBAL vaccine passport program Tech giants and US gov’t co-operate on “SMART Health Cards”, and their use is spreading across the US…& maybe the world.​

WHO making moves on international vaccine 'passport'​

02/24/2022 10:00 AM EST
Oh, I definitely agree.

That is not my worry though.

If you followed Event 201. . . no one would have believed these monstrous New World Order folks would have ever let a Corona Virus out into the world. . .

I remember watching an interview with Bill Gates. . . where he said, something like, "when the next one hits. . " and then actually SMILED this creepy evil smile afterwards. It looked like he knew something.

I don't put it past these monsters to have already planned this operation, and I don't know if it will be the "Russians," or the "Ukrainians," or whomever, but the folks that do it, will do if for the final agenda. . .

This is what we heard in past week or so:

The Ukrainian bio-labs are not real and it's total disinformation.
OK, they're real, but they have nothing to do with the United States.
OK, we build them and funded them, but it's only for scientific research.
OK fine, the whole research program has been run by the military.
But it's totally normal, it's mundane, nothing about is dangerous, but we must do everything to protect it from falling into Russian hands.
The US Embassy official website, for no reason deleted all information about labs.

I still don't understand why we financed so many labs? I mean, if those are just civilian bio-labs, why Pentagon is involved in it, and why would anyone worry if Russians get their hands on it?

On the other hand, If these are military bio-weapons, then they're in violation of UN Bio Weapon Convention's Article 1, of prohibition of biological weapons.

You mentioned Bill Gates, and there are others that provided whole world with advanced education on bio-weapon, called COVID-19, and very same crooks we've seen pushing for "great reset" medical tyranny are involved in Ukrainian bio-labs. This is all being paid by tax dollars by Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency with no oversight. And if you dig little deeper, you'll recognize some names involved, like Black&Veach company who share office in Kiev with Metabiota who got $30 million from Rosemont Seneca Partners, Hunter Biden's firm. The same Metabiota got money from Moscow, partnered with EcoHealth Alliance (Fauci use them to funnel money to Wuhan lab), and guess who else... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

However, it's easier to blame Russians for everything.
Oh, I definitely agree.

That is not my worry though.

If you followed Event 201. . . no one would have believed these monstrous New World Order folks would have ever let a Corona Virus out into the world. . .

I remember watching an interview with Bill Gates. . . where he said, something like, "when the next one hits. . " and then actually SMILED this creepy evil smile afterwards. It looked like he knew something.

I don't put it past these monsters to have already planned this operation, and I don't know if it will be the "Russians," or the "Ukrainians," or whomever, but the folks that do it, will do if for the final agenda. . .
I used to feel back about Gates getting hit in face the by that pie
This is what we heard in past week or so:

The Ukrainian bio-labs are not real and it's total disinformation.
OK, they're real, but they have nothing to do with the United States.
OK, we build them and funded them, but it's only for scientific research.
OK fine, the whole research program has been run by the military.
But it's totally normal, it's mundane, nothing about is dangerous, but we must do everything to protect it from falling into Russian hands.
The US Embassy official website, for no reason deleted all information about labs.

I still don't understand why we financed so many labs? I mean, if those are just civilian bio-labs, why Pentagon is involved in it, and why would anyone worry if Russians get their hands on it?

On the other hand, If these are military bio-weapons, then they're in violation of UN Bio Weapon Convention's Article 1, of prohibition of biological weapons.

You mentioned Bill Gates, and there are others that provided whole world with advanced education on bio-weapon, called COVID-19, and very same crooks we've seen pushing for "great reset" medical tyranny are involved in Ukrainian bio-labs. This is all being paid by tax dollars by Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency with no oversight. And if you dig little deeper, you'll recognize some names involved, like Black&Veach company who share office in Kiev with Metabiota who got $30 million from Rosemont Seneca Partners, Hunter Biden's firm. The same Metabiota got money from Moscow, partnered with EcoHealth Alliance (Fauci use them to funnel money to Wuhan lab), and guess who else... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

However, it's easier to blame Russians for everything.
That about sums it up, but you forgot to mention one little thing.

This war is occurring on one of the prime agricultural pieces of real estate on planet Earth the feeds probably hundreds of millions of people, that, in all probability will go fallow this spring.

. . . likewise, Russian is the largest producer of agricultural fertilizer for all regions of big Ag on the globe. . .

. . oh, and did I mention?

Bill Gates is reportedly the largest farmland owner in America​

Neo-nazi Nuland knows that there's no organism that Ukraine has that Russia does not have, lest is be something that did not evolve in Nature. It would be stupid for Ukraine and its handlers not to study organisms whose hosts are moving northward due to climate change, moving in altitude due to climate change. For example, British MI6 knows very well that Ukraine has one of their influenza viruses A/Anglia/42/72.

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