Liability Reincarnate!
I saw a link via Conservative Review. It offers a possible play by play with some inside baseball type delegate rules. (Bound vs. unbound delegates and how those things change after ballot number 1 at what could be an "open" convention.)
First of all, here is the LINK: POTUS Updates: If Trump doesn’t get to 1,237, Here’s How Cruz Wins at the Convention
Secondly, I am rooting now more than even before that Trump falls short of the magic number for the first ballot.
A lot of this involves Indiana at this point, and the polling I have seen seems to be good for Trump and kind of bleak for Cruz. On the other hand, the rules for who is bound on the first ballot for the winner of the Indiana primary is not as clear. I recently saw one analysis which indicates that Trumpy could "win" Indiana yet not get a whole lot of the bound delegates. (I am reviewing this site, now: Indiana Republican Delegation 2016 It LOOKS like winner take all PER district and then 30 more STATEWIDE to the overall victor? The Indiana delegates appear to be bound to the State primary winner ONLY for the FIRST round, in any event.)
But if Trump can nevertheless be denied 1,237, on the first ballot, this could ALL become fun again.
We might then fruitfully turn our attention to the way Cruz defeats Shrillary.
First of all, here is the LINK: POTUS Updates: If Trump doesn’t get to 1,237, Here’s How Cruz Wins at the Convention
Secondly, I am rooting now more than even before that Trump falls short of the magic number for the first ballot.
A lot of this involves Indiana at this point, and the polling I have seen seems to be good for Trump and kind of bleak for Cruz. On the other hand, the rules for who is bound on the first ballot for the winner of the Indiana primary is not as clear. I recently saw one analysis which indicates that Trumpy could "win" Indiana yet not get a whole lot of the bound delegates. (I am reviewing this site, now: Indiana Republican Delegation 2016 It LOOKS like winner take all PER district and then 30 more STATEWIDE to the overall victor? The Indiana delegates appear to be bound to the State primary winner ONLY for the FIRST round, in any event.)
But if Trump can nevertheless be denied 1,237, on the first ballot, this could ALL become fun again.
We might then fruitfully turn our attention to the way Cruz defeats Shrillary.