Conservatives: What did Trump do wrong?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

The two things that Trump did wrong, were the trade war which was crap, and he was too defensive. His handling of criticism wasn't always good.

So let me explain that. There are 2 types of critics, and 2 types of criticism, which results in 3 combinations.

You have criticism of hate, and criticism of policy. And you have critics that hate you, and critics that support you.

Not all critics hate you. Some critics are people that like you, but want you to do better.

A criticism of hate, is just "You suck". A criticism of policy is "Your trade war sucks".

I have no problem with Trump hitting back at people that are just standing around saying "You suck! Because you suck, and you are stupid!"

By all means call out those idiots as much as you want.

The problem with Trump, was that he treated all criticism exactly the same. So you ended up seeing Trump striking back at people at Fox News, when Fox News was about the only friendly media outlet he had.

And truthfully, some of the complains Fox News made against Trump, were entirely valid, and I think many of those critics were Trump supporters, who just wanted him to do better. They honestly wanted Trump to succeed.

So those were my only two real complaints against Trump. His Trade War crap, was not helpful, and he sometimes hit back at people who really were his supporters.

Other than that, I thought Trump did a very good job. And when he did hit back at people who deserved it, it was very entertaining.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.
I don't think Trump did anything wrong.
He won a landslide for himself and it was stolen.
His attempts to seek remedy have been thwarted.
However, the popular uprising that elected him as its executive is still a strong political wave.
And many are now realizing that we need to fight just as hard as the Left does.
But no cheating.
The GOP needs a full reformation. Get rid of the RINOs.
Trump will still be the leader.
And my estimate is that he has almost 100 million voters.
In the Canadian parliamentary system Trump would now be loyal leader of the opposition.
And still effective.
1. He didn't use his first two years to repeal the 1965 immigration act that is destroying our country. He could have replaced it with a greatly reduced act that limits immigration to around 250k per year that is aimed towards merit.
2. He could have caped refugees to 10-15k per year in the same bill.
3. Started the 1776 commission and seriously want after leftist marxist professors and teachers within our educational system in 2017. He fucked up royally waiting to late 2020 to do this. Changing this is part of defeating the leftist marxist. You aint winning unless you do it and he failed.
4. Used anti-trust laws to break up Amazon, walmart and google. He could have greatly weaken these companies which would have allowed for competition that could have included right wing sites molded after them. We're seriously screwed now as corporate power is too strong.
5. Deported all the illegals as he said he would.
6. Punish any company that outsources and use any law or regulation within his tool kit to get it done. If they want to move over seas then block them from our market place.
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For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
And..I pray I am wrong about it all and its been nothing but one big assed sting operation. But until shit happens...I will continue to feel fear that this is what is, now.

You've just got to love the diehard Trump people, you really do. My wife and I were discussing how some folks still believe Trump is in power or will shortly be back in the White House. As much as I wish them the best . . . they're adrift in a sea of denial. Others . . . well, they just can't wrap their head around the one-two knockout punch of a stolen election and Trump just walking away. Add to that the very overt evil now in charge of our government and people just can't face our new reality. This is real life, this is not some movie script or novel plot where the good guy swings back around last minute and saves the day. Sometimes evil really does win. Quite often, in fact, from a historical perspective.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.


Maybe we believed too much in him. That's a mighty big burden to carry on ones shoulders. He tried. And I know he loves the USA, the troops, cops, law and order. But he also loves himself too much. He just couldn't carry it all alone after all. And he was alone.

But like I said...I still have a smidgeon of hope that things will turn around and the cabal will be taken down eventually. Sooner rather than later. But one man can't do it. Its going to take a LOT of men and women both, who have the power to assist in doing it. ONE PERSON can't do it. It's too deep.

Anyway...I'm really pissed at him, but I have not given up ALL hope. I'll keep a tiny flame burning. For now.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain; he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He didn't do any of that because: dun dun dun, HE LOST DUMBASS!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TRUMPERS!!! You claim you love America, you all are so based on Christian, but you idolize a damn Con man like he's Jesus in the flesh! It's seriously baffling that you guys Really are a "CULT". Jim Jones is living and golfing in Mar a Lago
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.
Hey, asswipe! Can you not read well? No comprehension on what is being said? Or are you just trolling? Get the fuck out of my thread. You are a fucking scum ass liberal. Fuck off.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.


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Time will tell, Hossfly. I sure hope its one big sting. But if it isn't...that fat lady just sat on us all without bothering to open her mouth with a tune.
And..I pray I am wrong about it all and its been nothing but one big assed sting operation. But until shit happens...I will continue to feel fear that this is what is, now.

You've just got to love the diehard Trump people, you really do. My wife and I were discussing how some folks still believe Trump is in power or will shortly be back in the White House. As much as I wish them the best . . . they're adrift in a sea of denial. Others . . . well, they just can't wrap their head around the one-two knockout punch of a stolen election and Trump just walking away. Add to that the very overt evil now in charge of our government and people just can't face our new reality. This is real life, this is not some movie script or novel plot where the good guy swings back around last minute and saves the day. Sometimes evil really does win. Quite often, in fact, from a historical perspective.
They have hope. Nothing wrong with that. The current administration is horrifying. So...we turn to "what if" and "maybe". That's all we can do, isn't it? Hope?
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain; he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He didn't do any of that because: dun dun dun, HE LOST DUMBASS!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TRUMPERS!!! You claim you love America, you all are so based on Christian, but you idolize a damn Con man like he's Jesus in the flesh! It's seriously baffling that you guys Really are a "CULT". Jim Jones is living and golfing in Mar a Lago
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.

A few words of advice, and welcome to USMB by the way, if you want to engage in any kind of positive or constructive debate here tone down the personal attacks. Elsewise people here might just put you on ignore. I mean, I lose control and do it sometimes too, but you are new here, right? At least get to know some of us first.

You must realize something if you really, truly want to understand supporters of Donald Trump. Otherwise, if you're just here to cast aspersions and troll, ignore the following. Alright, listen up. See, friend, there's a very bright and sharp line for most Americans (and most all Christians) between Good (with a capital 'G') and Evil (with a capital 'E'). Make no mistake, we're talking about the dividing line between ancient, primordial Good and Evil. Got it?

Donald Trump stood on one side of that line—no matter what you think of his personality, whilst most of the rest of our elected leaders stood proudly on the opposite side. It's as simple as that and as basic as the following: Trump represented to tens and tens of millions of Americans protection for the unborn and protection for our children from the evil of radical leftist ideologies such as sadism and postmodernism. That's it. That is why many, many, many Americans did and continue to support Donald Trump. Period. It's a Good versus Evil thing. A pro-human vs. anti-human thing. A faith in God vs. a godlessness thing. You can't kill an ancient belief. Don't even try.
He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.
Hey, asswipe! Can you not read well? No comprehension on what is being said? Or are you just trolling? Get the fuck out of my thread. You are a fucking scum ass liberal. Fuck off.
Hardly fair, he's just trying to point out what went wrong.
And..I pray I am wrong about it all and its been nothing but one big assed sting operation. But until shit happens...I will continue to feel fear that this is what is, now.

You've just got to love the diehard Trump people, you really do. My wife and I were discussing how some folks still believe Trump is in power or will shortly be back in the White House. As much as I wish them the best . . . they're adrift in a sea of denial. Others . . . well, they just can't wrap their head around the one-two knockout punch of a stolen election and Trump just walking away. Add to that the very overt evil now in charge of our government and people just can't face our new reality. This is real life, this is not some movie script or novel plot where the good guy swings back around last minute and saves the day. Sometimes evil really does win. Quite often, in fact, from a historical perspective.
They have hope. Nothing wrong with that. The current administration is horrifying. So...we turn to "what if" and "maybe". That's all we can do, isn't it? Hope?

Don't get me wrong—I want to have hope as well, and I do . . . in America herself. However, at this point, I don't believe there are any good guys left. Maybe some new good guys will happen along, be called by God, whatever. Until then . . . THIS is our reality, or so it seems.
The two things that Trump did wrong, were the trade war which was crap,
China started the trade war with Operation Green Fence. Our major export to China was our garbage. They banned it.

And they escalated the trade war when they tried to smuggle many tons of pig carcasses with African swine fever virus into New Jersey.

We dodged a bullet on that one.

Thank you, USCBP. Well done. You guys are unsung heroes.
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He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.
Hey, asswipe! Can you not read well? No comprehension on what is being said? Or are you just trolling? Get the fuck out of my thread. You are a fucking scum ass liberal. Fuck off.
Hardly fair, he's just trying to point out what went wrong.
No. He is being rude, obnoxious and trolling. The question I posed is for current or prior Trump supporters, of which he obviously is not. Most of us have stated why we feel...well...betrayed. let down. sad. scared. worried. stupid for thinking one man could do what totally needs to be done and what JFK himself tried to do but was killed before he could. Probably by "them"....those who will do anything to stay in power. ANYTHING. And I have stated in my OP that I refuse to grovel at a mans feet who is NOT God or Christ, yet he accuses me of treating Trump as if he is Jesus. Which also shows he is only trolling.

In short..if you are not or never were a conservative and did have hope Trump would prevail...then this is not a thread for you. You, as in general you, not you personally.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain; he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He didn't do any of that because: dun dun dun, HE LOST DUMBASS!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TRUMPERS!!! You claim you love America, you all are so based on Christian, but you idolize a damn Con man like he's Jesus in the flesh! It's seriously baffling that you guys Really are a "CULT". Jim Jones is living and golfing in Mar a Lago
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.

A few words of advice, and welcome to USMB by the way, if you want to engage in any kind of positive or constructive debate here tone down the personal attacks. Elsewise people here might just put you on ignore. I mean, I lose control and do it sometimes too, but you are new here, right? At least get to know some of us first.

You must realize something if you really, truly want to understand supporters of Donald Trump. Otherwise, if you're just here to cast aspersions and troll, ignore the following. Alright, listen up. See, friend, there's a very bright and sharp line for most Americans (and most all Christians) between Good (with a capital 'G') and Evil (with a capital 'E'). Make no mistake, we're talking about the dividing line between ancient, primordial Good and Evil. Got it?

Donald Trump stood on one side of that line—no matter what you think of his personality, whilst most of the rest of our elected leaders stood proudly on the opposite side. It's as simple as that and as basic as the following: Trump represented to tens and tens of millions of Americans protection for the unborn and protection for our children from the evil of radical leftist ideologies such as sadism and postmodernism. That's it. That is why many, many, many Americans did and continue to support Donald Trump. Period. It's a Good versus Evil thing. A pro-human vs. anti-human thing. A faith in God vs. a godlessness thing. You can't kill an ancient belief. Don't even try.
It's not even about Trump any more. Now its what you said. Good vs Evil.

What potus of the USA would RAISE drug prices? Give gitmo prisoners vaccines first? Would allow caravans of people into the USA when we are battling a virus that CHINA wrough on us, would hand over our power grid to a communist country, etc etc etc? An evil one, that's who. AND..pass a law that abortion can happen up to a certain amount of time just as birth pangs begin. That is MURDER. Plain and simple..MURDER. And EVIL is the ones that refuse to see it as murder because they do not think as human beings. They think as PARTISANS with no souls or thoughts of anything EXCEPT partisan.

Anyway....y'all carry on. I'm going to bed soon. Will be back in the wee hours as usual. I don't think I have had a decent nights sleep in over a year and I doubt tonight will be any different.
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain; he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He didn't do any of that because: dun dun dun, HE LOST DUMBASS!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU TRUMPERS!!! You claim you love America, you all are so based on Christian, but you idolize a damn Con man like he's Jesus in the flesh! It's seriously baffling that you guys Really are a "CULT". Jim Jones is living and golfing in Mar a Lago
For all boils down to him not vetting those he thought were loyal. Pence, for example. And most of his cabinet. And those he "highly recommended/supported" for positions in states he THOUGHT had his back instead of knifing it.

Then there were the rallies. Such fun! Yes, all had a good time, but....he didn't do it for anyone except to feel glorified in the adoration of thousands who also wanted a good time. He basked in the attention. And he underestimated just how deep the cabal is. When he finally realized just how far they would and could was too late to do anything. So he gave up.

After giving up, he didn't do what he should have done. Martial Law, protecting us from foreign AND DOMESTIC attacks, the coup, all being done and he doing nothing. The rioting and refusing to send troops, while sitting back waiting for the governors and mayors to ask for help KNOWING they never would, but he wanted to sit there and reap the rewards of "showing everyone" when he should have known many wouldn't admit to seeing.

He could have released many declassifications. He didn't. He could have pardoned those who had/have the "goods" of just how deep this shit is, but didn't. Instead he walked away with the promise from Schumer or McConnaly...whichever one said it...that if he didn't pardon Assange, he would not be impeached again. And he believed it. And yet again, it was another lie he fell for.

So off he goes to Florida, expecting and actually getting people to follow wherever he goes and kowtow to his need for adoration, start a new office in Florida, not too worried about banks and businesses shutting him out because he has enough money and friends in other countries that will be happy to hold his millions, settled nice and comfy in his mansion and the rest of us? We are now dealing with the fallout along with him and we will be the ones totally screwed because we are just the peons that believed he could fix what has been wrong for so long. He didn't, and couldn't, and wouldn't.

He SAYS he will continue to fight for the USA. How? From his own posh basement? What about the rest of us that don't have what he has? No matter. As long as he is adored.

So...there's my 2 cents.

Up to a couple of years ago I believed Donald Trump was allowing the creep and numerous victories of radical leftist evil and deep state corruption in order to draw out all the bad guys. But his promises—endless promises, really—to take direct action against the evil destroying our nation never materialized into anything more than lip service in the form of words of hope. What caused me to walk away from the Trump movement was a combination of his never rescinding the national state of emergency over COVID and his claims that he had himself come down with the China Flu.

While it is difficult to face as a once wishful Trump supporter, the truth is countless small businesses closed under his watch, millions of Americans lost their jobs and went hungry, and many, many others died on ventilators who should have never been put on them. He propagated and perpetuated the COVID hoax, something I could never quite wrap my head around. He also championed vaccines, which he himself did not need to beat the 'Rona; vaccines which are killing, maiming and otherwise messing people up as we speak.

But, I will digress. You wanted to know where he went wrong? He himself claimed the election was stolen, said he'd fight to protect the tens of millions of voters who cast their ballots for him, and then he flew away into the Florida sunset, leaving us all behind to deal with the most evil government to come to power in US history. His only righteous option was indeed to declare martial law, arrest all democrat members of Congress and at least twenty governors, and to re-hold the election with military observers. As you mentioned, he instead just walked away. And in his last speech he went on and on and on about how great he was and how many awesome things he had accomplished.

Maybe the man was the real thing . . . a great American leader . . . or maybe he was just another pretender. Whatever the case ends up being, as judged by future historians, one thing is for certain: he is gone from power and toothless—and evil now reigns over our civilization. Hell of a thing.
He's a grifting, con man that duped and continues to con millions of cultist followers who Worship him like he's Jesus.
Hey, asswipe! Can you not read well? No comprehension on what is being said? Or are you just trolling? Get the fuck out of my thread. You are a fucking scum ass liberal. Fuck off.
You're a brainless trumptard! I'm scared for this country because it's too damn many of you dummies running around, Worshipping a con man that actually Hates You!
GET OUT OF MY THREAD if you cannot contribute to it in the manner of which it was intended.

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