
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Now that we are seeing the right employ the same type of organizing tactics of the hatriots across the aisle - the only advantage the hatriots had going for them is neutralized:

FreedomWorks plans to mobilize its network of grassroots organizations and unite with the Tea Party Patriots on March 15 for a “Day of Action” on Capitol Hill that will include a rally and visits to members of Congress.

The group will follow up with a “Month of Action,” set to include members driving constituents to congressional district offices and larger-scale rallies across the country to amplify their fiscally conservative message.

Wall says his group and its supporters want to capitalize on Republicans now controlling Congress and the White House, and achieve long-awaited policy objectives. If successful, their efforts could mark a revival of the eight-year-old Tea Party movement – a political revolt against big government under then-President Obama that crested with Republicans’ historic 2010 House takeover.

Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin on Wednesday said the upcoming Capitol Hill events are to “make sure Republicans stay focused on repealing ObamaCare” and her group will follow up with its own busy month -- including daily, micro-focused activities like “Message Monday” and “Tweet Tuesday.”

She bristled at the suggestion the Tea Party movement has emerged from hibernation, arguing it was instrumental over the past several election cycles in helping Republicans take control of the House, Senate and then the White House.

Conservative activists to mobilize amid anti-Trump protests
...FreedomWorks plans to mobilize its network of grassroots organizations and unite with the Tea Party...
Bad idea, the Tea Party was hijacked long ago.


At least they don't burn down towns, demolish college campuses, and shoot law enforcement officials.


Now that we are seeing the right employ the same type of organizing tactics of the hatriots across the aisle - the only advantage the hatriots had going for them is neutralized:

FreedomWorks plans to mobilize its network of grassroots organizations and unite with the Tea Party Patriots on March 15 for a “Day of Action” on Capitol Hill that will include a rally and visits to members of Congress.

The group will follow up with a “Month of Action,” set to include members driving constituents to congressional district offices and larger-scale rallies across the country to amplify their fiscally conservative message.

Wall says his group and its supporters want to capitalize on Republicans now controlling Congress and the White House, and achieve long-awaited policy objectives. If successful, their efforts could mark a revival of the eight-year-old Tea Party movement – a political revolt against big government under then-President Obama that crested with Republicans’ historic 2010 House takeover.

Tea Party Patriots national coordinator Jenny Beth Martin on Wednesday said the upcoming Capitol Hill events are to “make sure Republicans stay focused on repealing ObamaCare” and her group will follow up with its own busy month -- including daily, micro-focused activities like “Message Monday” and “Tweet Tuesday.”

She bristled at the suggestion the Tea Party movement has emerged from hibernation, arguing it was instrumental over the past several election cycles in helping Republicans take control of the House, Senate and then the White House.

Conservative activists to mobilize amid anti-Trump protests

Good quality, hard working, prideful, real American's have sat silent long enough. We were busy leading families, parenting children, working hard, paying taxes and enjoying life while parasites snuck in the back door and bitched and complained every chance they got...meanwhile spineless politicians passed laws and wrote policies to favor the parasites and perpetuated a lower class standard causing mass degradation both socially and economically.
I'm hoping we've all reached the point where we're fed up, pissed off and ready to take this country back.

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