Conservatives and Liberals - Think for yourselves


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

wrong---the left is AFRAID of the truth and FACTS...I post FACTS to back up what I claim.......
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

....I DON'T believe the MSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---we are not have to be an idiot to believe the MSM
..we'be been saying this for a long time--you're late
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

YOU start thinking for YOURSELF.......
and --hahahhahahahah = like you're some GOD/Mr Perfect---hahahahhahahahah
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

Now that the democrats are in power, we need to turn off the mass media.


Oh, and thanks for the insults and keep them coming. Neanderthals like that.

Now see, that is just an example. Wouldn't it be better had none of us known that the President thinks that half the country are Neanderthals. We would all mistakenly think they are there to represent all of us and be happier for it.
For years, the MSM had a huge influence for manipulating the American people. That is why the left are so tuned to this nonsense. They rather have someone do the thinking for them. That way, they can go out and digress and try to put smack on Conservatives with what they heard/read or saw. Because, MSM is always right - through their conspicuous eyes (of false reality).

Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

..I've stated it a MILLION times = the MSM are the enemy of the people
Before any of us can ever claim to be thinking for ourselves, it should be incumbent upon us to learn what liberalism and conservatism ARE rather than just assigning the labels in ignorant fashion to arbitrary positions based upon rigid attachment to a political party.

A case in point -- lockdowns. The actual LIBERAL position would be to protect the rights of the little guy against the powerful, and maintain the rights for all to run their businesses in egalitarian fashion. The Democrat party has spearheaded the effort to SQUASH the little guy in order to feather the nests of the giant corporations. The resulting flow of income away from small shop owners and to mega-billionairs like Jeff Bezos has been unprecidented yet patently stupid and ignorant people are callling this a liberal response to covid. It is anything BUT liberal.
Of course people should think for themselves.

Unfortunately, tribal politics is the rule rather than the exception...
By the OP's own words...

One is using facts, the other is using pure propaganda.

But, yet and still, this OP attempts to claim there's a similarity.

Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

Progs are on the offensive. Repubs are on the defensive and showing the Prog flaws. If the worst things ever happens, the Repubs will be of survival while the Progs will lead to death.
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

^^ says the moronic shitbag that swallows and regurgitates whatever propaganda the media, State, and giant global corporations spew.
By the OP's own words...

One is using facts, the other is using pure propaganda.

But, yet and still, this OP attempts to claim there's a similarity.


Marc, you would not recognize liberalism if it smacked you along side your ignorant little head.
Last week I watched 30 min. of Hannity on FOX News. A few days later I watched 30 min. of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. Sean Hannity won the style contest with his perfectly tailored suit, and homespun country philosophy, while Rachel Maddow (A Rhodes Scholar) was more articulate, and careful to provide documentation to back up her views. That's where the differences ended--- Both portrayed the opposing side as brutish, criminal thugs, while portraying those who support them as virtuous, innocent victims, striving to make America a better place, amid dirty tricks and evil intentions by the other side.

In reading through these posts from both right and left wing supporters, I notice most are simply repeated soundbites from their respective TV shows. Perhaps Conservatives and Liberals would both be better off turning off their TV's, stop letting their media outlets do their thinking for them and start thinking for themselves.

Try arguing with right wingers and see who resorts to the fewest fallacies.

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