Consequence Culture - Gina Carano, Colin Kaepernick, The Dixie Chicks and Jane Fonda

it is not a myth that hippies/anti-war folks spit on returning happened....the returning servicemen were treated horribly, in part because of people like Fonda

No, actually, it's a complete fabrication.

There's not one documented case of it in contemporary media, such as "Hippy spits on soldier" or "Hippy in Hospital after Soldier kicks his ass."

In his exhaustive book entitled "The Spitting Image," Vietnam vet and Holy Cross Prof. Jerry Lembcke documents veterans who claim they were spat on by antiwar protestors, but he found no physical evidence (photographs, news reports, etc.) that these transgressions actually occurred. His findings are supported by surveys of his fellow Vietnam veterans as they came home.

For instance, Lembcke notes that "a U.S. Senate study, based on data collected in August 1971 by Harris Associates, found that 75 percent of Vietnam-era veterans polled disagreed with the statement, 'Those people at home who opposed the Vietnam war often blame veterans for our involvement there'" while "94 percent said their reception by people their own age who had not served in the armed forces was friendly."

Meanwhile, the Veterans' World Project at Southern Illinois University found that many Vietnam vets supported the antiwar protest, with researchers finding almost no veterans "finish[ing] their service in Vietnam believing that what the United States has done there has served to forward our nation's purposes."

In short, it was a myth made up, not unlike the Dolchstoßlegende of post World War I Germany that Germany had not been defeated, but stabbed in the back by Jews and Communists. America simply couldn't accept they had lost a war that it never really wanted to fight to start with.

Also there were a number of very big, popular Vietnam movies well before 1981...the Deer Hunter for example, Apocalypse Now,......face it Fonda wasn't cancelled, although she is likely one of the few people that really should have been

Do you really think those movies were "celebrations" of Vietnam? Neither showed the war in a good light.

the point about those movies is they weren't movies like Rambo that celebrated myths like soldiers being spat upon or the Vietnamese were holding Americans after the war and our government wasn't bothering to rescue them.

In short, instead of our wrath being where it should have been directed, at political leaders of BOTH PARTIES who instigated, escalated and deceived the public about the war, we turned our wrath on the people who actually had the integrity to say, "No, this is wrong."

The "scandal" of Fonda's Hanoi visit was not that she was dumb enough to get herself photographed sitting on an AA gun, it was that she went around showing that we were bombing hospitals and schools and homes of people who weren't a threat to us.
Ok, ask a Vet...not some liberal professor that spoke to a few people, then wow...couldn't find a photo? Sorry....I believe the war heroes

No, I don't think they did....not sure why you would celebrate the war.....and I would hardly call Rambo a was about a guy that was dealing with PTSD after coming home from the war...

No the scandel of Fonda was she was on a anti-aircraft gun that killed Americans. Of course we were bombing things....we did in WW1, 2, etc.....
The mistreatment of vets and active duty personnel isn't a myth. I lived it. It was so bad that stateside we weren't allowed to wear uniforms off base unless we were travelling, and that was required by regulations that local commanders couldn't waive. It was so common, that it wasn't news and didn't get reported. I know several fellow GIs who went to jail for defending themselves from attacks despite it being clearly self-defense.
it is not a myth that hippies/anti-war folks spit on returning happened....the returning servicemen were treated horribly, in part because of people like Fonda

No, actually, it's a complete fabrication.

There's not one documented case of it in contemporary media, such as "Hippy spits on soldier" or "Hippy in Hospital after Soldier kicks his ass."

In his exhaustive book entitled "The Spitting Image," Vietnam vet and Holy Cross Prof. Jerry Lembcke documents veterans who claim they were spat on by antiwar protestors, but he found no physical evidence (photographs, news reports, etc.) that these transgressions actually occurred. His findings are supported by surveys of his fellow Vietnam veterans as they came home.

For instance, Lembcke notes that "a U.S. Senate study, based on data collected in August 1971 by Harris Associates, found that 75 percent of Vietnam-era veterans polled disagreed with the statement, 'Those people at home who opposed the Vietnam war often blame veterans for our involvement there'" while "94 percent said their reception by people their own age who had not served in the armed forces was friendly."

Meanwhile, the Veterans' World Project at Southern Illinois University found that many Vietnam vets supported the antiwar protest, with researchers finding almost no veterans "finish[ing] their service in Vietnam believing that what the United States has done there has served to forward our nation's purposes."

In short, it was a myth made up, not unlike the Dolchstoßlegende of post World War I Germany that Germany had not been defeated, but stabbed in the back by Jews and Communists. America simply couldn't accept they had lost a war that it never really wanted to fight to start with.

Also there were a number of very big, popular Vietnam movies well before 1981...the Deer Hunter for example, Apocalypse Now,......face it Fonda wasn't cancelled, although she is likely one of the few people that really should have been

Do you really think those movies were "celebrations" of Vietnam? Neither showed the war in a good light.

the point about those movies is they weren't movies like Rambo that celebrated myths like soldiers being spat upon or the Vietnamese were holding Americans after the war and our government wasn't bothering to rescue them.

In short, instead of our wrath being where it should have been directed, at political leaders of BOTH PARTIES who instigated, escalated and deceived the public about the war, we turned our wrath on the people who actually had the integrity to say, "No, this is wrong."

The "scandal" of Fonda's Hanoi visit was not that she was dumb enough to get herself photographed sitting on an AA gun, it was that she went around showing that we were bombing hospitals and schools and homes of people who weren't a threat to us.
Ok, ask a Vet...not some liberal professor that spoke to a few people, then wow...couldn't find a photo? Sorry....I believe the war heroes

No, I don't think they did....not sure why you would celebrate the war.....and I would hardly call Rambo a was about a guy that was dealing with PTSD after coming home from the war...

No the scandel of Fonda was she was on a anti-aircraft gun that killed Americans. Of course we were bombing things....we did in WW1, 2, etc.....
The mistreatment of vets and active duty personnel isn't a myth. I lived it. It was so bad that stateside we weren't allowed to wear uniforms off base unless we were travelling, and that was required by regulations that local commanders couldn't waive. It was so common, that it wasn't news and didn't get reported. I know several fellow GIs who went to jail for defending themselves from attacks despite it being clearly self-defense.
Yep, and frankly I am even more sorry by the left's attempt to white wash that today....
Eventually, he was proven right when the country exploded into riots after George Floyd was murdered. Even big corporations got in on the act.
He was never proven right. Floyd wasn’t murdered, he died of drugs. Since when to corporations being in on something make it okay? It’s war in the Middle East “correct” just because Halliburton wants it?
When you slap the people who support you and buy tickets to the product you produce in the face. they have the right to stop buying those tickets. That's not being censored or cancelled, it's the average person voting with their pocketbook.

So what you’re saying is that it’s fine to stop doing business with someone who does something that you find offensive.

How is that different from cancel culture? Mike Lindell for example.
When you slap the people who support you and buy tickets to the product you produce in the face. they have the right to stop buying those tickets. That's not being censored or cancelled, it's the average person voting with their pocketbook.

So what you’re saying is that it’s fine to stop doing business with someone who does something that you find offensive.

How is that different from cancel culture? Mike Lindell for example.
What we gauge as offensive many times is very minor. But those on a high horse seek to destroy. This guy from what I understand was a drug addict. You are McCarthy. And McCarthy warned of what you are. The proof exists today.
When you slap the people who support you and buy tickets to the product you produce in the face. they have the right to stop buying those tickets. That's not being censored or cancelled, it's the average person voting with their pocketbook.

So what you’re saying is that it’s fine to stop doing business with someone who does something that you find offensive.

How is that different from cancel culture? Mike Lindell for example.
What we gauge as offensive many times is very minor. But those on a high horse seek to destroy. This guy from what I understand was a drug addict. You are McCarthy. And McCarthy warned of what you are. The proof exists today.


Doesn’t address anything I asked but thanks anyway.

Tebow's actions occurred DURING THE GAME!
Kaepernick's occurred BEFORE THE GAME!

Now which one disrupted the game?

How were Tebow's actions disruptive? They were no more disruptive than had he walked to the bench and sat down...

I was not upset with Tebow, I was disappointed.


Because he's a man of faith and you realize you're just a Godless little bitch??
Perhaps you missed this...

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “

Know what little man? This atheist knows more about your Bible than you. How's it feel to be bitch-slapped by an atheist?
Little perpesctive the Dixie Chicks criticized a sitting President in a time of war while performing overseas not a crime but if you are a country music group who's fans tend to be mostly conservative and tradtional not smart either on an ironic sidenote I believe they want from the Dixie Chicks to just the Chicks for fear of being cancalled again over the Dixie part of the name which in this case would have probably come from the left. Kapernick was not fired he opted out of his contract and then found out being an average quarterback 28-30 as a starter who brings a alot of baggae, controversy and dissension in the locker room was not popular choice for NFL owners. Jane Fonda continued to work in Hoillywood for years despite her politics getting an Academy Award nomination for On Golden Pond in 1981 and then making a fortune off her workout videos .As another poster so accurately put it freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consquences.
Kapernick was not fired he opted out of his contract and then found out being an average quarterback 28-30 as a starter who brings a alot of baggae, controversy and dissension in the locker room was not popular choice for NFL owners.

Here's the thing. There were a lot of shit teams with worse quarterbacks that could have signed him. Like the Bears. I still wonder why they haven't fired Trubinsky yet. The problem isn't that he couldn't get a job, it was that they all conspired NOT to give him one.

Jane Fonda continued to work in Hoillywood for years despite her politics getting an Academy Award nomination for On Golden Pond in 1981 and then making a fortune off her workout videos .

Not quite. As I explained in a previous post, Fonda was the victim of historical revisionism... the one where we made Rambo Movies and Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause.

As another poster so accurately put it freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consquences.

Uh, that's the whole point of my thread, for all you guys whining the Mannish Woman got fired from Star Wars after making racist and kooky posts.
He was never proven right. Floyd wasn’t murdered, he died of drugs. Since when to corporations being in on something make it okay? It’s war in the Middle East “correct” just because Halliburton wants it?

Um, if he died of Drugs, why are the cops on trial for murder? Are you a fucking retard?

Big corporations realized that police misconduct doesn't do anyone any good.

Tebow's actions occurred DURING THE GAME!
Kaepernick's occurred BEFORE THE GAME!

Now which one disrupted the game?

How were Tebow's actions disruptive? They were no more disruptive than had he walked to the bench and sat down...

I was not upset with Tebow, I was disappointed.


Because he's a man of faith and you realize you're just a Godless little bitch??
Perhaps you missed this...

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “

Know what little man? This atheist knows more about your Bible than you. How's it feel to be bitch-slapped by an atheist?

I love when little dipshits like you come along and start belching up nonsensical bullshit about something that's not even being discussed. No one said a single word about the Bible, although you might want to consider the very real possibility that you quoting from the Bible doesn't mean you know a fucking thing about the Bible. Any idiot can pull a passage from the Bible. It's just that when you do it to appear smart, it actually makes you look like a pathetic little bitch.

And you have no clue how well I know the Bible.

Tebow wasn't practicing righteousness, he was saying a silent prayer, or thanking his God, or whatever. Non-disruptive and not "righteous".

He was always simply respectful, and shitstain little fucks like you vilified him for that...

Tebow's actions occurred DURING THE GAME!
Kaepernick's occurred BEFORE THE GAME!

Now which one disrupted the game?

How were Tebow's actions disruptive? They were no more disruptive than had he walked to the bench and sat down...

I was not upset with Tebow, I was disappointed.


Because he's a man of faith and you realize you're just a Godless little bitch??
Perhaps you missed this...

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “

Know what little man? This atheist knows more about your Bible than you. How's it feel to be bitch-slapped by an atheist?

I love when little dipshits like you come along and start belching up nonsensical bullshit about something that's not even being discussed. No one said a single word about the Bible, although you might want to consider the very real possibility that you quoting from the Bible doesn't mean you know a fucking thing about the Bible. Any idiot can pull a passage from the Bible. It's just that when you do it to appear smart, it actually makes you look like a pathetic little bitch.

And you have no clue how well I know the Bible.

Tebow wasn't practicing righteousness, he was saying a silent prayer, or thanking his God, or whatever. Non-disruptive and not "righteous".

He was always simply respectful, and shitstain little fucks like you vilified him for that...
I was asked a question oh, ye of little brains.
I answered the question oh ye of tiny balls.

I didn't "vilify" Tebow you fool, I said I was "disappointed" in his actions and I explained why dumbass.

Perhaps a review of your "Dick and Jane" primers is in order?
And how is that impacting attendance and viewing?

Well, there was no attendance due to TRUMP PLAGUE

viewing was a little lower this year, but it was a truncated season.
Lies. The states determined limited or no attendance due to the China Virus. Truncated season? You idiot, all games were played by every team. Do you ever not lie?
Kapernick was not fired he opted out of his contract and then found out being an average quarterback 28-30 as a starter who brings a alot of baggae, controversy and dissension in the locker room was not popular choice for NFL owners.

Here's the thing. There were a lot of shit teams with worse quarterbacks that could have signed him. Like the Bears. I still wonder why they haven't fired Trubinsky yet. The problem isn't that he couldn't get a job, it was that they all conspired NOT to give him one.
The problem is that there were quaterbacks who had the same skill set he did without all the baggage if we are being honest with his Nike deal among others he has probably made more money than he would have if a team had signed him.

Jane Fonda continued to work in Hoillywood for years despite her politics getting an Academy Award nomination for On Golden Pond in 1981 and then making a fortune off her workout videos .

Not quite. As I explained in a previous post, Fonda was the victim of historical revisionism... the one where we made Rambo Movies and Ronald Reagan called Vietnam a noble cause.
As I pointed out she was not blacklisted she continued to work in Hollywood for years.

As another poster so accurately put it freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consquences.

Uh, that's the whole point of my thread, for all you guys whining the Mannish Woman got fired from Star Wars after making racist and kooky posts.
Yet you and those who share your views don't defend Carno like you do Fonda, Kapernick, Dixie Chicks now just the Chicks or pretty much any other liberal who gets on the wrong end of this cancel culture shit when they pop off without thinking. Personally I am sick of this cancel culture bullshit and trying to destroy someone for daring to express and opinion or viewpoint you don't like someone wants to cast Jane Fonda in a movie fine you want to buy music from the Chicks as they are now called be my guest if there is some team that wants to take a chance on Kapernick go for it I'm not going to start a boycott or protest over any of it. I wish more people would stand up and tell these cancel culture mobs to fuck off no matter who they are going after.
I didn't "vilify" Tebow you fool, I said I was "disappointed" in his actions and I explained why dumbass.

You said he was practicing righteousness when he knelt.

He wasn't.

You're just to fucking stupid to understand that.

Do you get equally "disappointed" when someone makes the sign of the cross before going into a boxing ring or an octagon? Or do you just have an issue with Little Timmy Whitebread?
...if there is some team that wants to take a chance on Kapernick go for it I'm not going to start a boycott or protest over any of it.

I wouldn't boycott, either.

After all, I'd want to be watching when some patriotic linebacker hits him so fucking hard it ends his career permenantly...
He was never proven right. Floyd wasn’t murdered, he died of drugs. Since when to corporations being in on something make it okay? It’s war in the Middle East “correct” just because Halliburton wants it?

Um, if he died of Drugs, why are the cops on trial for murder? Are you a fucking retard?

Big corporations realized that police misconduct doesn't do anyone any good.
Because it’s a political witch hunt. The mayor and DA are all corrupt shills who caved to the lynch mob.

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