Cons/repubs: how often do you think republicans in office lie or distort the truth?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Don't puss around on this question. Don't say something stupid like "no one lies like democrats!". Just answer the question. How honest do you think republicans are?

And since I know some of you will ask, yes, I do think democrats lie and distort the truth. Happy? Okay, now you're turn. How full of shit are republicans?
I wish republican politicians were honest like all the democrat politicians.

Since most of us agree that politicians from across the spectrum lie to us with impunity, I have to wonder why so many people want to give them so much authority and control over our lives.


that's a good damn question
now they are in the insurance business and it's hurting more people than helping

who knows
All of them are liars. Democrats, Republicans. No difference in how they are willing to lie to stay in office.

Some Republicans lie. There's no doubt about it.

Some Republicans are dishonest, some cheat on their wives/husbands, some abuse their children, some are liars and some are greedy..........

At about the same rate as you'll find in the General Population.

No more, no less.

dimocraps? The entire party is based on lies and every motherfucking one of them is a lying scumbag.

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal organization. Since Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall, since Daley (a former gang member himself) and the Chicago Syndicate......

Since Whitey Bulger's Boston, since dimocrap scum and Union Bosses got together to rig elections and overpay Unions and give them no-bid contracts and stonewall competition....

the dimocrap party is a criminal organization.

Republicans? Sure they lie. Sometimes they steal. Sometimes they get egotistical and abuse their power.....

But that's on an individual basis and is no more prevalent in the Party than it is in the General Population.

dimocraps lie. ALL of them. They steal. They cheat.

They are the scum of the Earth.

And when you have half the Country who just simply doesn't care? You got a problem.
Given that they (both parties) work routinely to screw us over, I see no difference. The Republicans I know as friends and family don't act anywhere as dishonest as the ones in Washington.
Nobody can lie like a Democrat/Progressive/commie

[ame=]A Montage of Obama's "If You Like Your Plan Keep It" Lies - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Clinton, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman... - YouTube[/ame]

so whatever you do put them in charge of your lives AGAIN in the coming elections

the hell with truth, vote for the LIARS
Given that they (both parties) work routinely to screw us over, I see no difference. The Republicans I know as friends and family don't act anywhere as dishonest as the ones in Washington.

Then you have lost your way, my friend.

Oh contraire.

I have my own way. It doesn't meld with party politics, or with self serving politicians of any stripe. America has lost its way. That much is clear. It isn't a matter of left versus right. It's a struggle between Freedom and Tyranny.

Ill post two examples:

1) In the budget deal, did the Republicans fight to keep Veterans Benefits?

2) In the same budget deal, did the Democrats work to keep unemployment benefits from expiring?

The answer to both is no. This is prime evidence that neither party cares about their constituents.
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Don't puss around on this question. Don't say something stupid like "no one lies like democrats!". Just answer the question. How honest do you think republicans are?

And since I know some of you will ask, yes, I do think democrats lie and distort the truth. Happy? Okay, now you're turn. How full of shit are republicans?

They lie 13.7% of the time compared to democrats who lie 38.1% of the time. The other 61.9% of the time dems are wrong on the issue at hand.
Don't puss around on this question. Don't say something stupid like "no one lies like democrats!". Just answer the question. How honest do you think republicans are?

And since I know some of you will ask, yes, I do think democrats lie and distort the truth. Happy? Okay, now you're turn. How full of shit are republicans?

They are politicians. Politicians by definition are liars and will lie when truth would be to their benefit. Not a nickel' s bit of difference between any of them.
Given that they (both parties) work routinely to screw us over, I see no difference. The Republicans I know as friends and family don't act anywhere as dishonest as the ones in Washington.

Then you have lost your way, my friend.

Oh contraire.

I have my own way. It doesn't meld with party politics, or with self serving politicians of any stripe.

I can not think of a time in this Country's history where one Party and all of its apparatus worked in concert to foster one of the biggest lies in history on the American People.

Not only that, not only did they lie about it...... The entire party lied, ALL of them lied like the good little commies they are and the ENTIRE disease known as the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lied.

"If you like your Insurance, you can keep it. Period."

As of last week, we had little commie boy, OFA types in here STILL pushing the lie.

This is something that happens in communist countries, or in a Nazi Regime, or in a Dictatorship. Something you'd expect out of North Korea or Iran.

NOT out of a 1st World Country.

Then there's the Benghazi scandal. Anybody in here still stupid enough to believe Susan Rice? Why isn't that bitch on the street? Or better yet, being investigated for perjury?

Not only that, the New Yawk FUCKING SLIMES even wrote a big article on how the whole thing had nothing to do with al Qaeda and was really about a spontaneous reaction to a video and Republicans were just being mean.

Then a BI-PARTISAN report comes out of the Senate making the whole thing look like what it was.... A lie.

It was on the Front Page in here for DAYS, remember?

Now we have slap-fight break out in Joisey and it's FRONT PAGE News -- Everywhere.

Benghazi? Never heard of it.

It isn't that dimocraps lie, they do. They are the lyingest cocksuckers in the history of man...

Their entire apparatus lies and their supporters lie and the entire party lies in unison and the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM lies for them and their little suck-boy apologists in here along with their deviant fellow travelers lie right along with them as well.

If you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.

Normal People make mistakes..... dimocraps are lying scumbags

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