Congressional Republican Seem Not To Have Their Act Together!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Two events that took place in Congress this week struck me as very surprising and I bet they did to many other Americans. First, the Republican House passing a bill that only repeals the Affordable Care Act ("ACA") that does not replace it. One sees this and they think to themselves are these Republicans as dumb as a pile of rocks. The Federal government cannot repeal this legislation and say we will pass replacement legislation soon this legislation is too important doing such a thing will leave too many Americans in a really bad place. The ACA has enabled many families with children with serious health problems to buy health insurance at an affordable rate and has done the same thing for many many other Americans with preexisting medical conditions.

Over the past four years the American people have largely been giving the Republican Party a pass with their promise to replace the ACA. Now that you control both chambers of Congress it is time to deliver you Republicans; and any knowledgeable commentary on this subject is going to say that the task is a great challenge. Remember you Republicans the American people are going to expect legislation that provides "affordable" "good" health insurance for all Americans. Specifically, the one key challenge is what to do with the many Americans with serious health conditions, I know that some Republicans would like to have individual state programs that sell these families health insurance but any type of good program in this area is going to be hugely expensive. The optimally smart solution, and a Republican invented solution, is to create large pools of people buying health insurance where these high-cost health- challenged Americans can be added into the pools where their high cost of medical claims they generate can be spread across many people so health insurance to them is affordable; this requires mandatory carrying of health insurance on all Americans that can afford it to create these large pools, in short, it requires a Massachusetts type of law - this is good government creating a private sector solution not a government funded solution. Another key challenge is helping families whose employer does not provide health insurance being able to afford health insurance, groups of Republican elected officials have rightly come out and supported tax credits for these families but the Republican Party has not this needs to change! Thirdly, the American people are not fools they are not going to accept legislation that results in health insurance company executives and stock holders getting a big payday at the expense of the American people which is going to require the legislation have good "medical loss ratios" which are requirements that health insurance companies spend a specific portion of the revenue they take in from health insurance premiums in paying medical claims for their enrollees!

One big line in the sand that the Republican Party has drawn, that the majority of Americans support the drawing of, is opposition to President Obama's 11/2014 Executive order giving three year protections from America's immigration laws for around five million illegal immigrants in the country; the Republican's plan is to stop the funding for the significant size staff needed to run this "deferred deportation and grant of work permits" program it is a good plan. Now the country has heard numerous Democrat representatives come out against President Obama's executive order here recognizing that the President is "de facto" making immigration law here which he does not have the Constitutional authority to do plus he his creating a dangerous precedent what is now to stop a President every ten years issuing an executive order that essentially gives five million illegals legalization in this country - these millions of illegals take jobs from and suppress wages for many Americans such an outcome is an epic travesty of justice on these injured Americans. The perplexing thing is why cannot the Senate Republican leadership even get this bill to the Senate floor for debate which occurred this past week! The Senate and House Republican leadership seem to be taking their eye off the ball the ball is blocking President Obama's November Executive Order on Immigration allow this Homeland Security bill to fund President Obama's Executive Order for the Dreamers, illegals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, for they are innocent, this program has been existence for over a year and Republicans don't have popular support against this in this bill fight because of the equities involved plus the Democrats are using this issue as a club to beat the Republicans to death in this fight; further, be willing to negotiate away the laundry list of funding restrictions in this bill to just preserve blocking the November EO because this is the big stakes for the American people!
Two events that took place in Congress this week struck me as very surprising and I bet they did to many other Americans. First, the Republican House passing a bill that only repeals the Affordable Care Act ("ACA") that does not replace it. One sees this and they think to themselves are these Republicans as dumb as a pile of rocks. The Federal government cannot repeal this legislation and say we will pass replacement legislation soon this legislation is too important doing such a thing will leave too many Americans in a really bad place. The ACA has enabled many families with children with serious health problems to buy health insurance at an affordable rate and has done the same thing for many many other Americans with preexisting medical conditions.

Over the past four years the American people have largely been giving the Republican Party a pass with their promise to replace the ACA. Now that you control both chambers of Congress it is time to deliver you Republicans; and any knowledgeable commentary on this subject is going to say that the task is a great challenge. Remember you Republicans the American people are going to expect legislation that provides "affordable" "good" health insurance for all Americans. Specifically, the one key challenge is what to do with the many Americans with serious health conditions, I know that some Republicans would like to have individual state programs that sell these families health insurance but any type of good program in this area is going to be hugely expensive. The optimally smart solution, and a Republican invented solution, is to create large pools of people buying health insurance where these high-cost health- challenged Americans can be added into the pools where their high cost of medical claims they generate can be spread across many people so health insurance to them is affordable; this requires mandatory carrying of health insurance on all Americans that can afford it to create these large pools, in short, it requires a Massachusetts type of law - this is good government creating a private sector solution not a government funded solution. Another key challenge is helping families whose employer does not provide health insurance being able to afford health insurance, groups of Republican elected officials have rightly come out and supported tax credits for these families but the Republican Party has not this needs to change! Thirdly, the American people are not fools they are not going to accept legislation that results in health insurance company executives and stock holders getting a big payday at the expense of the American people which is going to require the legislation have good "medical loss ratios" which are requirements that health insurance companies spend a specific portion of the revenue they take in from health insurance premiums in paying medical claims for their enrollees!

One big line in the sand that the Republican Party has drawn, that the majority of Americans support the drawing of, is opposition to President Obama's 11/2014 Executive order giving three year protections from America's immigration laws for around five million illegal immigrants in the country; the Republican's plan is to stop the funding for the significant size staff needed to run this "deferred deportation and grant of work permits" program it is a good plan. Now the country has heard numerous Democrat representatives come out against President Obama's executive order here recognizing that the President is "de facto" making immigration law here which he does not have the Constitutional authority to do plus he his creating a dangerous precedent what is now to stop a President every ten years issuing an executive order that essentially gives five million illegals legalization in this country - these millions of illegals take jobs from and suppress wages for many Americans such an outcome is an epic travesty of justice on these injured Americans. The perplexing thing is why cannot the Senate Republican leadership even get this bill to the Senate floor for debate which occurred this past week! The Senate and House Republican leadership seem to be taking their eye off the ball the ball is blocking President Obama's November Executive Order on Immigration allow this Homeland Security bill to fund President Obama's Executive Order for the Dreamers, illegals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, for they are innocent, this program has been existence for over a year and Republicans don't have popular support against this in this bill fight because of the equities involved plus the Democrats are using this issue as a club to beat the Republicans to death in this fight; further, be willing to negotiate away the laundry list of funding restrictions in this bill to just preserve blocking the November EO because this is the big stakes for the American people!
Just more "politics as usual", nothing more. Also, the ACA ( Obamacare ) has hurt just as many as it's helped, if not more. In addition, the executive order on illegal immigration is going to cost taxpayers untold $Billions. The government had already admitted that there's not enough money to fund much needed projects and programs that would directly benefit U.S. CITIZENS, yet, is willing to BORROW untold $Billions to assist illegal immigrants. Go figure.
Two events that took place in Congress this week struck me as very surprising and I bet they did to many other Americans. First, the Republican House passing a bill that only repeals the Affordable Care Act ("ACA") that does not replace it. One sees this and they think to themselves are these Republicans as dumb as a pile of rocks. The Federal government cannot repeal this legislation and say we will pass replacement legislation soon this legislation is too important doing such a thing will leave too many Americans in a really bad place. The ACA has enabled many families with children with serious health problems to buy health insurance at an affordable rate and has done the same thing for many many other Americans with preexisting medical conditions.

Over the past four years the American people have largely been giving the Republican Party a pass with their promise to replace the ACA. Now that you control both chambers of Congress it is time to deliver you Republicans; and any knowledgeable commentary on this subject is going to say that the task is a great challenge. Remember you Republicans the American people are going to expect legislation that provides "affordable" "good" health insurance for all Americans. Specifically, the one key challenge is what to do with the many Americans with serious health conditions, I know that some Republicans would like to have individual state programs that sell these families health insurance but any type of good program in this area is going to be hugely expensive. The optimally smart solution, and a Republican invented solution, is to create large pools of people buying health insurance where these high-cost health- challenged Americans can be added into the pools where their high cost of medical claims they generate can be spread across many people so health insurance to them is affordable; this requires mandatory carrying of health insurance on all Americans that can afford it to create these large pools, in short, it requires a Massachusetts type of law - this is good government creating a private sector solution not a government funded solution. Another key challenge is helping families whose employer does not provide health insurance being able to afford health insurance, groups of Republican elected officials have rightly come out and supported tax credits for these families but the Republican Party has not this needs to change! Thirdly, the American people are not fools they are not going to accept legislation that results in health insurance company executives and stock holders getting a big payday at the expense of the American people which is going to require the legislation have good "medical loss ratios" which are requirements that health insurance companies spend a specific portion of the revenue they take in from health insurance premiums in paying medical claims for their enrollees!

One big line in the sand that the Republican Party has drawn, that the majority of Americans support the drawing of, is opposition to President Obama's 11/2014 Executive order giving three year protections from America's immigration laws for around five million illegal immigrants in the country; the Republican's plan is to stop the funding for the significant size staff needed to run this "deferred deportation and grant of work permits" program it is a good plan. Now the country has heard numerous Democrat representatives come out against President Obama's executive order here recognizing that the President is "de facto" making immigration law here which he does not have the Constitutional authority to do plus he his creating a dangerous precedent what is now to stop a President every ten years issuing an executive order that essentially gives five million illegals legalization in this country - these millions of illegals take jobs from and suppress wages for many Americans such an outcome is an epic travesty of justice on these injured Americans. The perplexing thing is why cannot the Senate Republican leadership even get this bill to the Senate floor for debate which occurred this past week! The Senate and House Republican leadership seem to be taking their eye off the ball the ball is blocking President Obama's November Executive Order on Immigration allow this Homeland Security bill to fund President Obama's Executive Order for the Dreamers, illegals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, for they are innocent, this program has been existence for over a year and Republicans don't have popular support against this in this bill fight because of the equities involved plus the Democrats are using this issue as a club to beat the Republicans to death in this fight; further, be willing to negotiate away the laundry list of funding restrictions in this bill to just preserve blocking the November EO because this is the big stakes for the American people!
Just more "politics as usual", nothing more. Also, the ACA ( Obamacare ) has hurt just as many as it's helped, if not more. In addition, the executive order on illegal immigration is going to cost taxpayers untold $Billions. The government had already admitted that there's not enough money to fund much needed projects and programs that would directly benefit U.S. CITIZENS, yet, is willing to BORROW untold $Billions to assist illegal immigrants. Go figure.
illegal immigrants AKA future Democrat voters. It's easy, really.

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