Congress Votes to Label ISIS Atrocities 'Genocide'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Wonder what took so long, must be the obongo administration...
Congress Votes to Label ISIS Atrocities 'Genocide'
A no-brainer.
Mark Tapson

Congress voted yesterday to label ISIS atrocities in Syria and Iraq "genocide," and called for setting up a Syrian war crimes tribunal under United Nations authority.

Agence France Presse reports that the House of Representatives unanimously passed a non-binding resolution pressuring the Obama administration to call ISIS' targeting of Christians, Yezidis, and other minorities "war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide."

"What is happening in Iraq and Syria is a deliberate, systematic targeting of religious and ethnic minorities," said House Speaker Paul Ryan. "Today, the House unanimously voted to call ISIS's atrocities what they are: a genocide."

One would think this would be a no-brainer, considering the all-out war being waged on Christians in Muslim territories all over the Middle East, but the State Department so far has refused to use the "genocide" terminology. Secretary of State John Kerry said recently that he needed more research to determine if the label is warranted. One wonders if Kerry and the Obama administration would be so cautious if Muslims were being slaughtered daily in Christian countries.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said that Kerry would reach a determination "soon," although Kerry will likely miss Congress' March 17 deadline to formally decide.


Representatives also voted 392 to 3 for a resolution urging the White House to urge the U.N. Security Council to establish a Syrian war crimes tribunal, calling actions by the Syrian regime and others "gross violations of international law amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity."

Congress Votes to Label ISIS Atrocities 'Genocide'
This makes almost as much sense as when they renamed French fries. What a bunch of goobers.
Indeed. Gotta love this administration.....too damned chickenshit to go along with Congress. But what else would you expect out of the half-breed?
Indeed. Gotta love this administration.....too damned chickenshit to go along with Congress. But what else would you expect out of the half-breed?

Go along with congress? They haven't even wiggled. If they don''t move at all, you can't go along with them.
Indeed. Gotta love this administration.....too damned chickenshit to go along with Congress. But what else would you expect out of the half-breed?

Go along with congress? They haven't even wiggled. If they don''t move at all, you can't go along with them.

Huh? Congress labeled it "genocide" 2-3 days ago.

Ranks right up there with renaming french fries.

Here have some freedom fries-

now stfu...​
Indeed. Gotta love this administration.....too damned chickenshit to go along with Congress. But what else would you expect out of the half-breed?

Go along with congress? They haven't even wiggled. If they don''t move at all, you can't go along with them.

Huh? Congress labeled it "genocide" 2-3 days ago.

Ranks right up there with renaming french fries.

Here have some freedom fries-

now stfu...​

Does that make you feel all macho? Getting off the couch once in a while would probably help you in that department too.
Kerry finally admitting to ISIS atrocities against Christians are genocide...

Kerry: IS Atrocities Are Genocide
March 17, 2016 | STATE DEPARTMENT — State Department says acknowledging that genocide or crimes against humanity have taken place will not necessarily result in any particular legal obligation for US but would have policy implications
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has determined that atrocities committed by the Islamic State (IS) group in Iraq and Syria constitute genocide. “My purpose in appearing before you today is to assert that in my judgment Daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including Yazidis, Christians and Shi'ite Muslims," Kerry said Thursday, referring to IS by the Arabic term Daesh. "Daesh is genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology and by actions, in what it says, in what it believes and what it does,” Kerry said. "Daesh is also responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing directed at these same groups, and in some cases also against Sunni Muslims, Kurds and other minorities.” Kerry's declaration met a March 17 congressional deadline for the Obama administration to make a decision about atrocities the Islamic State group has committed against religious and ethnic minorities. Just a day earlier, Kerry had indicated that decision might take longer.

The genocide declaration means the United States would prosecute any Islamic State member in the U.S., but it does not obligate any specific American action against the terror group in Syria or Iraq, where U.S. warplanes have been striking IS targets for months. Experts on international law and genocide told VOA the U.S. could bring the issue before the United Nations Security Council and human-rights bodies, which could, in turn, ask the International Criminal Court to charge members of the extremist group. “Ultimately the full facts must be brought to light by an independent investigation and through formal legal determination made by a competent court or tribunal, but the United States would strongly support efforts to collect document, preserve and analyze the evidence of atrocities, “ Kerry said. The top U.S. diplomat said he hopes the U.S. stand “will assure the victims of Daesh’s atrocities that the United States recognizes and confirms the despicable nature of the crimes that have been committed against them.”

Congressional reaction

The genocide declaration was welcomed by the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Relations. "Secretary Kerry is finally making the right call," Congressman Ed Royce said in a statement.
Gregory Stanton, a research professor of genocide studies at George Mason University, outside Washington, is president of a group called Genocide Watch. He told VOA the U.S. is only required to prosecute Islamic State members who are found to be in the United States following the official genocide designation that Kerry made Thursday.

The State Department says acknowledging that genocide or crimes against humanity have taken place in another country would not necessarily result in any legal obligation for the United States. However, a U.S. designation of genocide would have certain policy implications. "The genocide resolution does have particular meaning when it comes to migration for emergency purposes," Representative Jeff Fortenberry told VOA. "For instance, if this is declared by the State Department, you may see more prioritization given to those who are in severe threat of having their life eliminated."

What is Genocide?
Indeed. Gotta love this administration.....too damned chickenshit to go along with Congress. But what else would you expect out of the half-breed?

Go along with congress? They haven't even wiggled. If they don''t move at all, you can't go along with them.

Huh? Congress labeled it "genocide" 2-3 days ago.

Ranks right up there with renaming french fries.

Here have some freedom fries-

now stfu...​

Does that make you feel all macho? Getting off the couch once in a while would probably help you in that department too.
I'm not a black democrat...:afro:
Go along with congress? They haven't even wiggled. If they don''t move at all, you can't go along with them.

Huh? Congress labeled it "genocide" 2-3 days ago.

Ranks right up there with renaming french fries.

Here have some freedom fries-

now stfu...​

Does that make you feel all macho? Getting off the couch once in a while would probably help you in that department too.
I'm not a black democrat...:afro:

I'm a black republican (72 years old) and I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that I work harder (on a daily basis) than any 25 year old liberal democrat. Any day of the week.
Why Obama Resisted Calling ISIS Slaughter of Christians 'Genocide'
A review of the administration’s many anti-Christian biases.
March 21, 2016
Raymond Ibrahim

Originally published by the Gatestone Institute.

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Update: Not long after the publication of this article media sources reported that, “The Islamic State is committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shiite Muslims in Iraq and Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry declared on Thursday [today]…. Kerry’s decision was welcomed by lawmakers and faith-based advocacy groups who have lobbied for months to ensure that Christians would be included among the genocide victims of the Islamic State.” Despite this welcomed news, a review of the Obama administration’s original rejection of the term “genocide” — conceding only now, days after the House of Representatives voted 393 to 0 on a resolution that does describe Christians as victims of genocide — as well as any number of previous administration biases against Christian minorities in the Islamic world are all chronicled in the following article and remain instructive.


According to the Obama administration, the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, etc.) is committing genocide against certain religious minority groups — excluding Christian minorities. During a February 29 press briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest was asked: "Is the Islamic State carrying out a campaign of genocide against Syria's Christians?" He replied:

Well, we have long expressed our concerns with the tendency of -- well, not a tendency -- a tactic employed by ISIL to slaughter religious minorities in Iraq and in Syria. You'll recall at the very beginning of the military campaign against ISIL that some of the first actions that were ordered by President Obama, by the United States military, were to protect Yazidi religious minorities that were essentially cornered on Mt. Sinjar by ISIL fighters. We took those strikes to clear a path so that those religious minorities could be rescued.

Due to the obvious equivocation — it is unclear how Obama's efforts "to protect Yazidi religious minorities" answers a question about persecuted Christians — the question was repeated: "But you're not prepared to use the word 'genocide' yet in the situation [regarding Christians]?"

Earnest's response:

My understanding is the use of that word involves a very specific legal determination that has at this point not been reached.

What is this "very specific legal determination" that encompasses Yazidis but excludes Christians? The Islamic State's treatment of Christians would certainly seem to fit under the UN's definition of "genocide":

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;...

ISIS is unquestionably guilty of "killing members of the [Christian] group" and causing them "serious bodily or mental harm." Although two separate videotaped mass executions (one of 21 Egyptian Christians and another of 30 Ethiopian Christians) were reported by the mainstream media, accounts of torture, rape, mutilation, crucifixion, and massacres of Christians are regularly reported on Arabic and alternate media.

The Islamic State has also been responsible for "deliberately inflicting on the group [Christians] conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." ISIS has placed these "conditions of life" — more literally known in Islamic doctrine as the "Conditions of Omar" — on Christians. They included a number of humiliations and debilitations — from the suppression of Christian worship to the extortion of money (jizya) — a "protection" tax designed to "encourage" Christians to convert to Islam or flee.

ISIS seems further committed to expunging all physical traces of Christianity in the areas it conquers. It has demolished dozens of ancient churches; at least 400 churches in Syria have been destroyed since the war, as well as countless statues and crucifixes. ISIS has also desecrated Christian cemeteries and ordered the University of Mosul to burn all books written by Christians and decreed that all schools in Mosul and the Nineveh Plain that bore Christian names (some since the 1700s) be changed.


Why Obama Resisted Calling ISIS Slaughter of Christians 'Genocide'
Truth be told, that's why liberals berate Christians. Christians "turn the other cheek" - at least the "good" Christians. I guess that makes me a "bad" Christian. I refuse to turn the other cheek.

Stupid liberals are just too damned stupid to understand that their heads will be the first to be lopped off. However, the most notable thing about liberals is that they are the personification of the idea that the "ends justify the means".

As long as ISIS animals are killing Christians - they are the "heroes" of the left.
Inconvenient Genocide
The reason that Obama has ignored the mass slaughter of Mideast Christians.
April 8, 2016
Caroline Glick

The Christian communities of Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon are well on the way to joining their Jewish cousins. The Jewish communities of these states predated Islam by a millennium, and were vibrant until the 20th century. But the Arab world’s war on the Jewish state, and more generally on Jews, wiped out the Jewish populations several decades ago.

And now the Christian communities, which like the Jews, predate Islam, are being targeted for eradication.

The ongoing genocide of Middle Eastern Christians at the hands of Sunni jihadists is a moral outrage. Does it also affect Israeli national interests? What do we learn from the indifference of Western governments – led by the Obama administration – to their annihilation? True, after years of deliberately playing down the issue and denying the problem, the Obama administration is finally admitting it exists.

Embarrassed by the US House of Representatives’ unanimous adoption of a resolution last month recognizing that Middle Eastern Christians are being targeted for genocide, the State Department finally acknowledged the obvious on March 25, when Secretary of State John Kerry stated that Islamic State is conducting a “genocide of Christians, Yazidis and Shi’ites.”

Kerry’s belated move, which State Department lawyers were quick to insist has no operational significance, raises two questions.

First, what took the Obama administration so long? Persecution of Christians in Iraq began immediately after the US-led coalition brought down Saddam Hussein in 2003. With the rise of Islamic State in 2012, the process of destroying the Christian community went into high gear. And now these ancient communities are on the brink of extinction.

In Iraq, Christians comprised 8 percent of the population in 2003. Today less than 1% of Iraqis are Christians. In Syria, the Christian community has lost between half and two-thirds of its members in the past five years.

One of the appalling aspects of ISIS’s deliberate, open targeting of Christians for destruction is how little resistance it has received from local Sunni populations. As Raymond Ibrahim from the David Horowitz Freedom Center has scrupulously documented, the local Sunnis have not stood up for their Christian neighbors, who have lived side-by-side with them for hundreds of years. Rather, in areas that have been conquered by ISIS, the local Sunnis have collaborated with their genocidal masters in raping and murdering Christian neighbors, plundering their property, destroying their churches, and driving them from their ancestral homes.

Although precise data is hard to come by, it is clear that thousands of Christians have been slaughtered. Thousands of Christian women and girls have been sold as sex slaves in ISIS slave markets, subjected to continuous, violent rape and beatings. Nuns and priests have been enslaved, crucified, mutilated, kidnapped and held for ransom, as have lay members of Christian communities. Christians have been burned alive.


Inconvenient Genocide

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