Congratulations Mr President, House Democrats, and American's who wanted the bill

Why would you 'congratulate' assholes who just put a knife into America's gut?

They won this battle in the larger war for a progressive vs traditional america. Its ok I dont mind them having their pearl harbor as it woke the rest of the sleeping giant IMO.
The only battle was with themselves, and it was not as you say.

Moderates made a huge mistake giving them too much power and this was the result.

it was us independants who put them in power. Why did we do it? Because bush and the repubs pissed us off so bad between the patriot act and the bumbling in Iraq that we kicked the reps out of congress in 06. Then bush tried out his immigration reform and did the stimulus plan, we had enough and voted for the other party as a result. The obama and the dem congress pissed us off so badly and quickly that we elected a republican to ted kennedy's senate seat.

I understand you mean that the only battle was with themselves because they didn't need republican support at all to pass anything but that isn't where I was going with what I said.
"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."

In other words we are done unless the people stand against this blatant anti American bill..

Yes, they won a battle. But no hearts was won in this battle.

IMO, to truly win a battle, you must also win some hearts.
What happened? Congratulating an anti American bill didn't go over too well? :(

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