Confusion about lgbt issues

Read the comments , here's a good one:

Lets work on these labels a little. I'll give you some of mine and why.

My sexual orientation is bisexual because I am sexually attracted to both men and women.

My gender is queer. I'm both male and female. Mostly I view myself as being a man that happens to be biologically a woman.

As far as relationship/love I am polyamorous.

I feel most complete when I am in a loving relationship with both a man and a woman. At that point in time no part of me is being denied. That is when I'm being truest to myself. Yesterday 7:20pm
Are a lot of new terms in use. But as with the conventional LGBT ones I think they're only as accurate or true as the one to whom they're applied makes them.
It says if you aren't willing to have gay sex, you are homophobic, then claims that's not what it meant.

Clearing Up Some Confusion About LGBT Issues

That is not quite what she said. But I'm glad you posted the link. Some of you outthere could use a little education on the topic of gays.

From your link:

"Here's the thing though. Being gay is about who you fall in love with and who you see yourself beside when you think about your wedding day (if you do). It is not about who you would feel comfortable having sex with.

Straight people who would have sex with partners of the same sex are straight people who are truly not homophobic. That is all. The only thing, for instance, that separates a blow-job given by a woman from a blow-job given by a man is the idea that one makes you think you're gay and the other doesn't. Remove that homophobia and concern and you are left with a simple blow-job. That isn't what gay means. It isn't even what queer means.
Equating sex with sexuality causes all manner of problems from the over-sexualisation of gay media representation to the sexual deviancy argument to sexual tourism and an increase in straight people coopting queer and gay labels for themselves. So many problems, you guys!

Being gay means having to tell your family. It means knowing you will probably never get to hold your partners hand innocently on the bus. It means feeling like a partner of the same sex is natural and normal for you in a world that is constant and consistent in reminding you that it is not natural or normal. I could never imagine myself with a man for instance, although I have had sex with several of them, love them as friends and have a child. That is what makes me a gay woman. It has nothing to do with who I sleep with."

The attempt by neocons to make it about sex is ridiculous. That is the same as judging all straight people by the prowlers at singles bars.
You cold make sense of that nonsense?

Yeah, no problem. You couldn't?

It may be hard for you to fathom, but being gay is about more than the genitalia of your sex partners.

so then.........., you are gay ????????

No, I am not gay. Are you thinking that the only people who don't dislike gays are also gay? If so you are going to need to adjust the numbers for how many gays there are.
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?

Since blood donations are tested for a variety of things, including HIV, it doesn't really matter.
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?

Since blood donations are tested for a variety of things, including HIV, it doesn't really matter.

You are a moron. HIV takes between 2 weeks and 6 months to be detectable in a blood test
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?

Since blood donations are tested for a variety of things, including HIV, it doesn't really matter.

That's not the point.

For the OP and most on the right, the point is to remain willfully ignorant and hate gays.
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?

Since blood donations are tested for a variety of things, including HIV, it doesn't really matter.

You are a moron. HIV takes between 2 weeks and 6 months to be detectable in a blood test

No, I am not a moron. I simply understand that creating a panic concerning blood transfusions is ridiculous. Gays make up 2% of the population. I have seen nothing to suggest that they give blood more than the rest of the population, so even if every homosexual alive today was HIV positive, your chances of your blood transfusion being from a homosexual who had only gotten HIV in the last few months is infinitesimally small.

And the idea that reporting on condom use among a minority portion of a tiny minority of the population, and somehow correlating that into a threat to the entire blood supply, is ridiculous.
So if only a few get infected its cool? Maybe a lived one of yours will be infected since you obviously think it's a small price to pay for your faggot feel good moment you cock gobbling as swipe.
Provides lib insanity examples. For example if you followed the msm you'll find lots on gays being allowed to donate blood but all the stories on gays shunning condones and HIV infections increasing are buried in the gay sections of publications. Do you think those facts should be buried when decided on allowing gays to donate blood?

Since blood donations are tested for a variety of things, including HIV, it doesn't really matter.

That's not the point.

For the OP and most on the right, the point is to remain willfully ignorant and hate gays.

The only ignorant ones are you libfags who will risk exposing people to HIV do you can feel good about yourself.

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