CONFIRMED!: Rich People DO Create the Jobs

So because the soviet union existed in the 20th century, every liberal from this point forward is trying to steal money? Insanity.

Again, hes just proposed a 4% raise on the top tax bracket. SOCIALISM!!!
I'm for a flat percentage on ALL incomes, no exemptions. we'd increase tax rolls by 47% and decrease transfer payments by far more than that. A net gain for the economy and individual freedom.

The fact you discriminate against the rich because they achieve shows you desire to take someone else's money for no merit other than they have some. This both illustrates your greed and desire to steal by using the government to do so, keeping your hands clean. These are undeniable facts because you just did them.

Lol please run any candidate that is for a flat tax. Im sorry, but i think someone making $10 million a year should pay more in taxes than someone that makes $30,000. If thats stealing in your mind, then call if whatever you want. But most american do not want a flat tax, if anything they want rich people to pay more. So go ahead and call anyone that isnt supportive of a flat tax a socialist, because i bet most voters wont like that very much.
a flat percentage... the definition meaning a portion of 100 parts will be different depending on the amount available represented by the 100 parts. 10% of 10 million is 1 million. 10% of 10,000 is only 1,000.

Is 10 million bigger than 1,000? I think you can see the truth of this, or has your pedantic preaching of party platitudes over-ridden what you learned in PRE-SCHOOL?

It's about as fair as you can get to all people in a world condemned to be unequal.

If you can find me a candidate who will run on a flat tax platform for ALL Americans AND corporations, I'd gladly vote for them. And so would the rich and middle class. Just not the lower 47% who pay zero on their taxes or MAKE money from 'paying' their taxes. All you have to do is follow the money and see who's making and who's fucked to see what the truth of the matter is.
cbitch said:
I wish republicans in public would argue like you are now, because it just keeps showing how biased you are.

What the fuck are you, little miss mary sunshine? Impartial and unbiased? I laugh in your face.

cbitch said:
You dont like obama so you project all your fears upon him.

No one brought up P-BO. You're projecting in a deliberate effort to hide the fact you're getting your ass handed to you, by using of emotional appeal and diversion.

You make claims, get debunked either by link or by logic, so you move the goal posts. When that doesn't work, you try to smear you opponent and divert the subject.

Face it, you suck at this.
I'm for a flat percentage on ALL incomes, no exemptions. we'd increase tax rolls by 47% and decrease transfer payments by far more than that. A net gain for the economy and individual freedom.

The fact you discriminate against the rich because they achieve shows you desire to take someone else's money for no merit other than they have some. This both illustrates your greed and desire to steal by using the government to do so, keeping your hands clean. These are undeniable facts because you just did them.

Lol please run any candidate that is for a flat tax. Im sorry, but i think someone making $10 million a year should pay more in taxes than someone that makes $30,000. If thats stealing in your mind, then call if whatever you want. But most american do not want a flat tax, if anything they want rich people to pay more. So go ahead and call anyone that isnt supportive of a flat tax a socialist, because i bet most voters wont like that very much.
a flat percentage... the definition meaning a portion of 100 parts will be different depending on the amount available represented by the 100 parts. 10% of 10 million is 1 million. 10% of 10,000 is only 1,000.

Is 10 million bigger than 1,000? I think you can see the truth of this, or has your pedantic preaching of party platitudes over-ridden what you learned in PRE-SCHOOL?

It's about as fair as you can get to all people in a world condemned to be unequal.

If you can find me a candidate who will run on a flat tax platform for ALL Americans AND corporations, I'd gladly vote for them. And so would the rich and middle class. Just not the lower 47% who pay zero on their taxes or MAKE money from 'paying' their taxes. All you have to do is follow the money and see who's making and who's fucked to see what the truth of the matter is.

Your still stuck on this? Ok let me settle this once and for all, and i thought i did before. You understand that i think, as do most americans, that the percentage paid by someone making $10m should be higher than that paid by someone making $30,000. Not the total amount paid, the percentage paid. Can you understand that? Or are you going to keep trying to explain simple arithmetic to someone that could teach you calculus?
cbitch said:
I wish republicans in public would argue like you are now, because it just keeps showing how biased you are.

What the fuck are you, little miss mary sunshine? Impartial and unbiased? I laugh in your face.

cbitch said:
You dont like obama so you project all your fears upon him.

No one brought up P-BO. You're projecting in a deliberate effort to hide the fact you're getting your ass handed to you, by using of emotional appeal and diversion.

You make claims, get debunked either by link or by logic, so you move the goal posts. When that doesn't work, you try to smear you opponent and divert the subject.

Face it, you suck at this.

Are you delusional? no one brought up obama?

I suppose there was no discussion about raising the top tax rate too?

What claims of mine have ever been debunked? name one. just one.
Wow slightly misleading.
No, it's not. It proves your claim is wrong.
Tell me, how does the trend look for all education levels? How do people with graduate degrees compare?
How about you back up your claims instead of expecting me to?

Heres a table

Party Affiliation Versus Education Level | The Quantum Pontiff

While people with bachelors degrees are very slightly more likely (1-2%) to be republicans, people with graduate degrees are much more likely (4-5%) to be democrats.

Technically, your graph doesnt even correctly address my claim, and so couldnt have proved it wrong. My claim is that as someone achieves a higher level of education they are more likely to vote democratic. To prove or disprove this, you would have to show voting trends over several levels of educational attainment. Your graph only shows a 4 year degree, and therefore doesnt even address the basic topic of progression through school from just high school, to bachelors, to masters, to doctoral.
I'd like to point out that education does not make better. It means they've spent more time studying a subject. Of course, these are also the people who stay in school because they can't make it in the real world when it comes time to APPLY their learning. They can only handle the theory and ivory tower rarefied atmosphere.

So what does this mean? Education does not make one's politics more correct. Besides, most would change their tune if they were forced to EARN a living not from tenure, trust fund or government transfer payment.
Yes. You can tell because I used them in my reply. Hint: They're the numbers in front of the little % thing.

Thanks for proving my point: Childish and emotional notions of what's FAAAAIR!! say that $58 a week is too much and almost 2 grand a week is not enough.

Werent you the one crying about me acting superior just like 2 posts up? And now your being condescending? Nice one.
If you don't act like a child, you won't get treated like a child. Simple, huh?
Supporting a graduated tax system is not childish, even though you emotionally pin that title to your opponents.
No emotion on my part. Sheer observation.
And ill say it again: poll after poll show that americans favor a progressive income tax system. They want the rich to pay more, but not everyone else. So you can bitch all you want, and you can act snarky, condescending and cocky all day long, but your in bad company with a flat-tax proposal.
Imagine that: People saying that other people, but not them, should pay more.

This is a huge surprise to you? :lol:

The majority of americans want a graduated income tax system. Do you have a problem with democracy?
The blog link works. The link therein to the original study does not.

SDA: Survey Documentation and Analysis
Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to


And I don't have to lie. I'm not a dumbass leftist.

Yea you didnt lie. You just responded to a question about party affiliation among each educational level, with a graph that showed party affiliation of one educational group over time.

So you didnt lie, you just showed a graph that was irrelevant and misleading.
I use that graph all the time when one of your fellow leftists claims that Republicans are less educated.

He sputters just like you do. :lol:

No its just totally irrelevant because it doesnt address the question. You picked one educational section and in your mind that says something about all of the rest. Again, you uses your imagination to fill in the facts as you wish.

I like how you just flat out ignored that people with graduate degrees are overwhelmingly democrat. thats why you had to focus on one educational section, because if you expanded it to include people that had never graduated and people with more than 4 year degrees, it would tell a very different story.

Even stupid people can act arrogant, and you prove that very well daveman.
cbitch said:
I wish republicans in public would argue like you are now, because it just keeps showing how biased you are.

What the fuck are you, little miss mary sunshine? Impartial and unbiased? I laugh in your face.

cbitch said:
You dont like obama so you project all your fears upon him.

No one brought up P-BO. You're projecting in a deliberate effort to hide the fact you're getting your ass handed to you, by using of emotional appeal and diversion.

You make claims, get debunked either by link or by logic, so you move the goal posts. When that doesn't work, you try to smear you opponent and divert the subject.

Face it, you suck at this.

Are you delusional? no one brought up obama?

I suppose there was no discussion about raising the top tax rate too?

What claims of mine have ever been debunked? name one. just one.
Claim 1:
Socialists do not want to take people's money.

Debunked. Any raise in taxes is a taking of people's money. History and logic proves that wrong.
No, it's not. It proves your claim is wrong.

How about you back up your claims instead of expecting me to?

Heres a table

Party Affiliation Versus Education Level | The Quantum Pontiff

While people with bachelors degrees are very slightly more likely (1-2%) to be republicans, people with graduate degrees are much more likely (4-5%) to be democrats.

Technically, your graph doesnt even correctly address my claim, and so couldnt have proved it wrong. My claim is that as someone achieves a higher level of education they are more likely to vote democratic. To prove or disprove this, you would have to show voting trends over several levels of educational attainment. Your graph only shows a 4 year degree, and therefore doesnt even address the basic topic of progression through school from just high school, to bachelors, to masters, to doctoral.
I'd like to point out that education does not make better. It means they've spent more time studying a subject. Of course, these are also the people who stay in school because they can't make it in the real world when it comes time to APPLY their learning. They can only handle the theory and ivory tower rarefied atmosphere.

So what does this mean? Education does not make one's politics more correct. Besides, most would change their tune if they were forced to EARN a living not from tenure, trust fund or government transfer payment.

Now, apparently, conservatives are just straight up attacking teachers? Teachers dont "earn" their living? I'm really starting to suspect that conservatives just dont like school and education.

And the idea that people stay in school and spend tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of their time getting a masters degree or a Ph. D, is completely insane. Its just what people that have never been to college use to justify their choice. People wasting time in college don't typically get graduate degrees.
Werent you the one crying about me acting superior just like 2 posts up? And now your being condescending? Nice one.
If you don't act like a child, you won't get treated like a child. Simple, huh?

No emotion on my part. Sheer observation.
And ill say it again: poll after poll show that americans favor a progressive income tax system. They want the rich to pay more, but not everyone else. So you can bitch all you want, and you can act snarky, condescending and cocky all day long, but your in bad company with a flat-tax proposal.
Imagine that: People saying that other people, but not them, should pay more.

This is a huge surprise to you? :lol:

The majority of americans want a graduated income tax system. Do you have a problem with democracy?

The majority of Americans didn't want Obamacare. Do you have a problem with democracy?
What the fuck are you, little miss mary sunshine? Impartial and unbiased? I laugh in your face.

No one brought up P-BO. You're projecting in a deliberate effort to hide the fact you're getting your ass handed to you, by using of emotional appeal and diversion.

You make claims, get debunked either by link or by logic, so you move the goal posts. When that doesn't work, you try to smear you opponent and divert the subject.

Face it, you suck at this.

Are you delusional? no one brought up obama?

I suppose there was no discussion about raising the top tax rate too?

What claims of mine have ever been debunked? name one. just one.
Claim 1:
Socialists do not want to take people's money.

Debunked. Any raise in taxes is a taking of people's money. History and logic proves that wrong.


Wow so all taxes are socialist?

You've got to be kidding. This is the best you can do? Letting a temporary tax cut expire is socialism....?

Wow this election is going to be easy.
Yea you didnt lie. You just responded to a question about party affiliation among each educational level, with a graph that showed party affiliation of one educational group over time.

So you didnt lie, you just showed a graph that was irrelevant and misleading.
I use that graph all the time when one of your fellow leftists claims that Republicans are less educated.

He sputters just like you do. :lol:

No its just totally irrelevant because it doesnt address the question. You picked one educational section and in your mind that says something about all of the rest. Again, you uses your imagination to fill in the facts as you wish.

I like how you just flat out ignored that people with graduate degrees are overwhelmingly democrat. thats why you had to focus on one educational section, because if you expanded it to include people that had never graduated and people with more than 4 year degrees, it would tell a very different story.
If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it. I'm not taking a lefty blogger's word for it -- or yours, either.
Even stupid people can act arrogant, and you prove that very well daveman.
What makes me stupid? The fact that I disagree with you?

How horrible of me. :lol:
If you don't act like a child, you won't get treated like a child. Simple, huh?

No emotion on my part. Sheer observation.

Imagine that: People saying that other people, but not them, should pay more.

This is a huge surprise to you? :lol:

The majority of americans want a graduated income tax system. Do you have a problem with democracy?

The majority of Americans didn't want Obamacare. Do you have a problem with democracy?

Nice side-step of the debate.
I use that graph all the time when one of your fellow leftists claims that Republicans are less educated.

He sputters just like you do. :lol:

No its just totally irrelevant because it doesnt address the question. You picked one educational section and in your mind that says something about all of the rest. Again, you uses your imagination to fill in the facts as you wish.

I like how you just flat out ignored that people with graduate degrees are overwhelmingly democrat. thats why you had to focus on one educational section, because if you expanded it to include people that had never graduated and people with more than 4 year degrees, it would tell a very different story.
If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it. I'm not taking a lefty blogger's word for it -- or yours, either.
Even stupid people can act arrogant, and you prove that very well daveman.
What makes me stupid? The fact that I disagree with you?

How horrible of me. :lol:

"If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it."

Says the man whose graph comes from wikipedia. :eusa_clap:

Lol once again, when presented with facts you just attack the legitimacy of the source.
Last edited:
No its just totally irrelevant because it doesnt address the question. You picked one educational section and in your mind that says something about all of the rest. Again, you uses your imagination to fill in the facts as you wish.

I like how you just flat out ignored that people with graduate degrees are overwhelmingly democrat. thats why you had to focus on one educational section, because if you expanded it to include people that had never graduated and people with more than 4 year degrees, it would tell a very different story.
If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it. I'm not taking a lefty blogger's word for it -- or yours, either.
Even stupid people can act arrogant, and you prove that very well daveman.
What makes me stupid? The fact that I disagree with you?

How horrible of me. :lol:

"If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it."

Says the man whose graph comes from wikipedia. :eusa_clap:

Lol once again, when presented with facts you just attack the legitimacy of the source.
A blog is not a source. Post the original source.
If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it. I'm not taking a lefty blogger's word for it -- or yours, either.

What makes me stupid? The fact that I disagree with you?

How horrible of me. :lol:

"If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it."

Says the man whose graph comes from wikipedia. :eusa_clap:

Lol once again, when presented with facts you just attack the legitimacy of the source.
A blog is not a source. Post the original source.

And Wikipedia is better? Obviously the original source is down, as you already pointed out. Although it is berkely, so id trust that more than an unsourced wiki graph.

But this isnt new knowledge, you can find similar studies everywhere. People with graduate degrees are more likely to vote democrat, its just a simple fact.
...the stats show that the more education you have the less likely you are to vote republican. it makes so much sense after talking to you.
I suggest you check your stats.


Source: Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Wow slightly misleading. Tell me, how does the trend look for all education levels? How do people with graduate degrees compare?
--the idea being that "all education levels" and "graduate degrees" weren't important when the talk was "the more education you have the less likely you are to vote republican", but it's important now...
Now, apparently, conservatives are just straight up attacking teachers? Teachers dont "earn" their living? I'm really starting to suspect that conservatives just dont like school and education.

oooOOooooo... demagoguery as a defense. I see. How DARE you question the job teachers are doing?!? They are pure and untouchable, and you can NEVER EVER QUESTION the job they are doing!!!!

Horseshit. There are good and bad teachers. There are useful and ludicrous classes and degrees. Tenure hides incompetence better than unions ever could. How about you consider the value of some gay studies professor versus one teaching economics for value of learning. I'm sure mathematics is far more important than art appreciation.

And the idea that people stay in school and spend tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours of their time getting a masters degree or a Ph. D, is completely insane. Its just what people that have never been to college use to justify their choice. People wasting time in college don't typically get graduate degrees.

I have been to college and know those with Ph.D's AND doctorates as well as candidates. I can tell you that they are not 'better' than anyone or actually better qualified to determine shit outside of their field. I also know one or two who have hidden from the world getting degree after degree because when it comes time to apply their information, they just can't cut it in the real world, so they get teaching gigs if they can.
"If you could provide a link to the original study, I'd look at it."

Says the man whose graph comes from wikipedia. :eusa_clap:

Lol once again, when presented with facts you just attack the legitimacy of the source.
A blog is not a source. Post the original source.

And Wikipedia is better?
You know the reason I posted that source?

It's the Wiki page about the Democratic Party. Sweet, delicious irony. :lol:
Obviously the original source is down, as you already pointed out. Although it is berkely, so id trust that more than an unsourced wiki graph.

But this isnt new knowledge, you can find similar studies everywhere. People with graduate degrees are more likely to vote democrat, its just a simple fact.
I don't have to find anything. YOU do.

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