Confessions of a (liberal) public defender


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Not much I can say on this article. Some will say the guy is extremely racist. Others will say his blunt honesty is something we need to discuss further. If we are to address the problem of a high percentage of blacks being in prison, maybe it would help to stop blaming the system and look at the real reasons that so many end up as criminals. Starts with family and what people are taught - or not. Respect for others is taught. Hate is taught.

The liberal guy says these are his honest observations over the years.

Confessions of a Public Defender
"However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike."

Guessing he wants to open up a bakery? His blacks or these ones? You choose, whitey...

And what a shame we brought them here eh, in chains, as property.
I love when a liberal wakes up to the reality of racial differences
To be clear, this guy wasn't talking about all blacks. He has experience with criminals, most of whom are government dependents.

When you look at the mentality of those who only care about their own needs and are incapable of sympathizing with their victims, you are looking at those with a true entitlement mentality. They are uneducated. These are the people that the left has "helped" for decades. Whites are just as bad but they don't also have the victimhood mentality that has been pushed by the race baiters for decades.

This is the result of making excuses for people and treating them like helpless idiots. They become idiots with a sense of entitlement. And they will only listen to those who continue to promise more goodies and never hold them responsible for their actions. Thanks to race baiters, some have come to see whites as evil, maybe less than human. The very things race baiters claim against whites. Only we don't see blacks being victimized the way the criminal dependents victimize whites.
Blacks have lower IQ's and higher testosterone levels on average.
"However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike."

Guessing he wants to open up a bakery? His blacks or these ones? You choose, whitey...

And what a shame we brought them here eh, in chains, as property.

First, we didn't bring them here. No one alive today had anything to do with slavery, either as owner or slave. Get over it the same way you lefties got over the Holocaust.
I love when a liberal wakes up to the reality of racial differences

many of them only realize as they're on their knees with a pistol on the back of their head or a knife at their throat...

."..but..but....I'm not a racist...I voted for obama...wait...why are you doing this?"
"However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike."

Guessing he wants to open up a bakery? His blacks or these ones? You choose, whitey...

And what a shame we brought them here eh, in chains, as property.

First, we didn't bring them here. No one alive today had anything to do with slavery, either as owner or slave. Get over it the same way you lefties got over the Holocaust.
We, Americans, did. Deal with it.
Not much I can say on this article. Some will say the guy is extremely racist. Others will say his blunt honesty is something we need to discuss further. If we are to address the problem of a high percentage of blacks being in prison, maybe it would help to stop blaming the system and look at the real reasons that so many end up as criminals. Starts with family and what people are taught - or not. Respect for others is taught. Hate is taught.

The liberal guy says these are his honest observations over the years.

Confessions of a Public Defender
An old article, but no one can doubt his sincerity, nor the unadulterated and impolitically correct truth behind it.
Ah, of course:

"Former Republican Rep. Allen West posted a white supremacist article last December, and it’s helped create a huge headache for the RNC.

On Dec. 29, West pasted the text of a story called “Confessions of a Public Defender” on his website. That story was originally published at American Renaissance, a white supremacist magazine helmed by Jared Taylor, who seems to feel that “[w]hen blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears.”
RNC Member's Defense for Posting a Racist Article: I Got It From Allen West, and He’s Black!
Not much I can say on this article. Some will say the guy is extremely racist. Others will say his blunt honesty is something we need to discuss further. If we are to address the problem of a high percentage of blacks being in prison, maybe it would help to stop blaming the system and look at the real reasons that so many end up as criminals. Starts with family and what people are taught - or not. Respect for others is taught. Hate is taught.

The liberal guy says these are his honest observations over the years.

Confessions of a Public Defender
It starts with the moral turpitude of bearing False Witness to our own laws regarding a federal Doctrine in American law and State laws regarding the concept of employment will.
I love when a liberal wakes up to the reality of racial differences
Like the fact that Asians are smarter than Whitey? NP.

the average asian IQ (115-120) is about one standard deviation higher than the average caucasian...(100-105) and the average negro IQ in america is about one standard deviation lower (85-90) while the average african IQ is around 70.

I don't feel jealous or angry at asians because of that ....or negroes because theirs is so much lower. That's just the way things are.

schools in america have had to "adjust" (lower) the scale so that fewer negro children are determined to be special ed.

A person with an IQ "around 70" is considered to be mildly mentally retarded. Because of standards of error with test scoring (the IQ tests, like any test, are hardly foolproof) that number is frequently raised to 75. Persons with tested IQ scores in the range of 70/75 to 85 are considered to be low average functioning or borderline intellectual functioning.

The DSM-II (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, second edition) was published in 1968 and was in place until replaced by the DSM-III in 1980. According to one article I found (at ) mental retardation extended through a measured IQ of 83 under the DSM-II. So using that criteria, a person with a measured IQ of 85 would not have been classified as mentally retarded. (Note that the DSM-II is not available on-line, so to verify that criteria you'd have to get your hands on the manual.)
Not much I can say on this article. Some will say the guy is extremely racist. Others will say his blunt honesty is something we need to discuss further. If we are to address the problem of a high percentage of blacks being in prison, maybe it would help to stop blaming the system and look at the real reasons that so many end up as criminals. Starts with family and what people are taught - or not. Respect for others is taught. Hate is taught.

The liberal guy says these are his honest observations over the years.

Confessions of a Public Defender

All of what he says is true. The problem is that people turn out as objects of the environment that they are raised in. Those raised by parents who are uneducated and unemployed tend to end up uneducated and unemployed. When you are uneducated and unemployed, you are more likely to become a user of drugs and crime becomes a way of life. This is definitely a generalization but there is much truth to this. For those of us who grew up middle class or better, it really is difficult to understand what it must be like growing up in the hood, and what it takes to get out of the hood. That is a big problem too. Those that get out of the hood, don't help turn the hood into something better. They are just running to get away from it, so the best of the worst leave and all that leaves is the worst of the worst.

Many times people will jokingly point to these people and say they should get an education or get a job, but really, where do you start with some of these people? You can't educate someone for a job who doesn't even have and eighth grade level education.

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