Confederate statue toppled

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.
Anarchists love lawlessness and violence. The hate will beget more hate. In the end, it's the Anarchists who'll be in jail, if not shot down in the streets. If not by the police, then by armed citizens lawfully protecting their property. Extremists will die and life will go back to normal.

$1000 says you don't have the balls to be on the front line, numbnuts.


Tearing down statues...

inciting riots

assault with deadly weapons

what next?

book burning?

What kind of books will Antifa target?

Boycotting museums, theatres?

are the moved statues safe even inside?
Some people are talking about knocking over M L King statues.

The problem is it's not blacks causing the mayhem, but white lefty liberals. ..... :cool:

Democrats have been using blacks like a tool for years to destroy the white race. Blacks are hopefully starting to wake up to their bullshit
I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.
Not surprised you don't recognize this as a crime. Are all Africans scum like you?
Hey, dipshit. what happens when they fight back and topple MLK's statues? You're fucking stupid to continue to promote these actions.
Please, have your racist overlords put out the order to do this...TONIGHT!

This is all America needs to see coming from TrumpAmerican racist sons-of-bitches like you, to finally put the STOMP on these racist vestiges.

DO IT!!!

Some people are talking about knocking over M L King statues.

The problem isn't blacks causing the mayhem, but white lefty liberals. ..... :cool:
Mostly agree, but Nutty Luddite is African, I believe and he fully supports property destruction.

Is it time to topple MLK?

A teenager was arrested for allegedly vandalizing Boston’s Holocaust Memorial.

Police said officers responded around 6:40 p.m. Monday where they saw the suspect being detained by two bystanders.

Witnesses said they saw the 17-year-old Malden male throw a rock at the memorial, shattering a glass panel.

Photos from the scene show shattered glass on the lawn with caution tape surrounding the scene.

The 17-year-old will be charged with willful and malicious destruction of property. Police said their civil rights unit is also investigating the incident to determine if additional charges are pending.


Teen accused of vandalizing Boston's Holocaust memorial
Durham protesters topple Confederate statue outside courthouse


There's video at the link.

I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot more of this and who can blame them? White supremacists have gotten away with their crimes for so long, no wonder people are fed up.
These racist symbols are going to start coming down ALL of the filthy South. And wherever else they managed to pop their racists heads in the country.

I'm thankful to Trump for bringing the ugliness of the racists in the country to the forefront.

Thanks Trump!

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