Confederate Statue Removers Are Soldier Haters


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The mayors, governors, and other politicians who are calling for, and removing statues of former military generals, are soldier haters - pure & simple. Example - in Baltimore, statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall" Jackson were removed in the middle of the night, the mayor knowing there would be anger and opposition. So much for representitive government.

These actions are a disgrace, and an abusive insult to every soldier serving in the military, and every military veteran in America (if not the whole world). The often heard (idiotic) excuse that the statues represent hate, racism, and bigotry, is ludicrous, and an insult to everyone's intelligence.

The mayor of Tampa, Florida, Bob Buckhorn has said this same thing, and even donated $1,000 to have a Civil War monument removed, which has statues of 2 low ranked soldiers in it. Problem with the mayor's ridiculous excuse, is that whatever racism or bigotry existed, it came from POLITICIANS. But statues being removed in Tampa, Charlottesville, Lexington, KY and other places, are not of politicians. They are statues of SOLDIERS. They were people who made no policies of any kind. They simply followed orders, and did the toughest job anyone could do. Many lost their lives. They had nothing to do with the policies of slavery, secession, confederacy, etc. In fact, many of these soldiers (especially the generals) served in the military for many years before the Civil War even started.

These statue removals are despicable acts perpetrated by military and soldier haters, most of whom never served themselves. They are dishonoring these fine, courageous heroes, who went to war, defending their states, counties, and towns from attackers. These governors, mayors, etc should be voted out of office, or recalled if possible. Soldier haters have no business to be holding political office.

For every one of these soldiers whose statues are removed, 3 of theirs should be put up in response. Make the statue removing, soldier haters pay for their bad behavior.
More likely they're haters of racism and bigotry, which is the environment whence all these statues and monuments came.

They don't date from the Civil War or just-after. They date from the turn of the century, the period of this country's worst nadir of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the resurrection of the Klan, "Birth of a Nation", race rioting and rampant discrimination. All branches of the same tree, all there to serve the cause of White Supremacy. In fact the Klan itself set some of them up.

So it would seem they're haters of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan, "whites only", the "gentleman's agreement" that kept blacks out of baseball for six decades between Moses Walker and Jackie Robinson, the Klan, and everything that feeds that sewer.

"Soldiers" doesn't even enter into it. That's just a shield the bigots hide behind.

Shall we now "defend" the other expressions of the time and bring back the Klan? "Colored" public water fountains? Ban blacks from baseball?

Context, m'boy, context. You're standing in a forest. Quit gazing at a single tree.
Every soldier and veteran in America should be up in arms over these disgraceful dishonorings - and they probably are, but the MSM won't cover that.
I live in a nationally registered historic district, that has federal laws to protect any structures or features from being removed or changed without going through a Section 106 Review process.

Yet, city state and federal govt managed to bypass or just plain ignore these laws.
There was a huge lawsuit over removal and destruction of brick streets that are a major symbol and structure in this landmarked district.

City and county officials colluded with developers to sell off the "Jefferson Davis Hospital" in order to demolish it and sell the empty land back to the federal govt to build a Federal Reserve Bank -- on top of the former site of historic burials that were removed, again, without submitting the petitions of opponents who urged preservation of the burials and the rest of this national historic district IN KEEPING WITH FEDERAL LAWS.

We can't even get govt, including Liberal Democrats, to follow preservation laws for

Of course they are not going to respect statues and other landmarks without a fight.

Our residents had to sue to stop the destruction and removal of brick streets in a historic
FREED SLAVE district, while these same liberals and Democrats CLAIM to defend Black interests.

Yet the Democrats in office paid developers millions of PUBLIC tax dollars to SEIZE AND DESTROY historic houses and even a historical hospital in a Black historic landmark district.

How many of these protesters, on EITHER side, would stand up to preserve FREED SLAVE history and BLACK CHURCHES? While the residents and preservationists have been censored from saving national history by evictions and demolition, including abusing tax money going to hostile developer interests seizing and destroying the land instead of preserving it as a museum and tourist site?

Or would all the "faux outrage" ON BOTH SIDES STOP if it came to preserving Black Southern History?

Who will stand for that? Or all they all HYPOCRITES!!!!
Wow. You're really grasping at straws aren't you? I'm retired military and I see no problem with removing the statues. They are soldiers sure, but they are soldiers who LOST the Civil War. Why do you want to celebrate losers?
They served with honor - win or lose. You don't know that ?

And they served in the Mexican-American War also (1846-1848), and many other years after.
Every soldier and veteran in America should be up in arms over these disgraceful dishonorings - and they probably are, but the MSM won't cover that.

I'm a retired veteran, served over 20 years in the Navy, and was in 4 war zones. I have no problem with these statues being removed. They represent the side that lost the war, and according to the president, this country should not celebrate losers.
More likely they're haters of racism and bigotry, which is the environment whence all these statues and monuments came.

They don't date from the Civil War or just-after. They date from the turn of the century, the period of this country's worst nadir of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the resurrection of the Klan, "Birth of a Nation", race rioting and rampant discrimination. All branches of the same tree, all there to serve the cause of White Supremacy. In fact the Klan itself set some of them up.

So it would seem they're haters of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan, "whites only", the "gentleman's agreement" that kept blacks out of baseball for six decades between Moses Walker and Jackie Robinson, the Klan, and everything that feeds that sewer.

"Soldiers" doesn't even enter into it. That's just a shield the bigots hide behind.

Shall we now "defend" the other expressions of the time and bring back the Klan? "Colored" public water fountains? Ban blacks from baseball?

Context, m'boy, context. You're standing in a forest. Quit gazing at a single tree.
Hate and bigotry doesn't even enter into it. The statues are of SOLDIERS - who had nothjing to do with the any hateful policies. You want to bitch about policies go after politicians.
Remembering JFK's famous quote "Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for your country" libs figured out what they can do for their country: they can destroy all the monuments they don't like.
From earlier this year, Dahlonega Georgia


People took to the street in Dahlonega on Friday to protest a Ku Klux Klan sign that had been put up on the Jeremiah Payne House sometime Wednesday night and then taken down Thursday.
More likely they're haters of racism and bigotry, which is the environment whence all these statues and monuments came.

They don't date from the Civil War or just-after. They date from the turn of the century, the period of this country's worst nadir of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the resurrection of the Klan, "Birth of a Nation", race rioting and rampant discrimination. All branches of the same tree, all there to serve the cause of White Supremacy. In fact the Klan itself set some of them up.

So it would seem they're haters of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan, "whites only", the "gentleman's agreement" that kept blacks out of baseball for six decades between Moses Walker and Jackie Robinson, the Klan, and everything that feeds that sewer.

"Soldiers" doesn't even enter into it. That's just a shield the bigots hide behind.

Shall we now "defend" the other expressions of the time and bring back the Klan? "Colored" public water fountains? Ban blacks from baseball?

Context, m'boy, context. You're standing in a forest. Quit gazing at a single tree.
Hate and bigotry doesn't even enter into it. The statues are of SOLDIERS - who had nothjing to do with the any hateful policies. You want to bitch about policies go after politicians.

The soldiers didn't put those statues up. The statues didn't put themselves up. You go look up who did put them up, and why.

By the way, know who was president of a college just after the Civil War that had its own Klan chapter that would abduct and rape nearby black schoolgirls?

Robert E. Lee.
Also, how would the liberal left like it if prolife advocates decided that
any mention of the Clintons, or Planned Parenthood, or other prochoice organizations and leaders
"symbolized the genocide against babies and minorities as having unequal rights and status"

So all these structures, buildings, and references should be REMOVED from public sight!

Oh, wait, they are already asking to remove all federal funding from abortion.
And the left doesn't like that too much, do they?

They demand inclusion, even for their own beliefs that impose on or OFFEND others.
The right argues that abortion is just as much a factor in GENOCIDE and oppression.

Do you really want to go there?
[QUOTE="pillars, post: 17964801, member: 48555/]

You misspelled traitor.[/QUOTE]
Yes, they are that too. good post.
---- and you know damn well it's not about "statues" since nobody in Charlottesville said boo about Robert E. Lee -- it was all "alt-right" and "we hate Jews" and Nazi this and Klan that and Vanguard the other thing and "you will not replace us" and beating a random black man with poles --- in other words the same bullshit that was going on a hundred years ago with the lynchings and the race riots and people being whipped for being Jewish or Catholic. They're trying to revive a time when that shit was powerful enough TO erect statues and monuments. It's all a grand hate-wank.

It's not Robert E. Lee or Stonewall Jackson that is the operative symbol here. The symbol is the epoch they're trying to resurrect. The era when the Klan was resurrected and signed up millions. The era when black people were expected to lower their eyes and sit in the back and use separate water fountains. THAT is what it's about.
Hey they started the war, and the Union finished it. They caused much death. They fought and they loss, maybe those 11 states should of been taken by Mexico. Do you want to go to Mexico now?? Or do you want to be part of the US. Good riddens.
I'm a retired veteran, served over 20 years in the Navy, and was in 4 war zones. I have no problem with these statues being removed. They represent the side that lost the war, and according to the president, this country should not celebrate losers.
I don't care what he said. I'm a veteran too, and I respect and honor all honorably discharged veterans. The leftist loons are trying to present these generals as purveyors of slavery, but it's POLITICIANS who did that. Hands off the soldiers.

Thank you for your service.
Hate and bigotry doesn't even enter into it. The statues are of SOLDIERS - who had nothjing to do with the any hateful policies. You want to bitch about policies go after politicians.

The statues are of traitors who took up arms against their country. fail.
I'm a retired veteran, served over 20 years in the Navy, and was in 4 war zones. I have no problem with these statues being removed. They represent the side that lost the war, and according to the president, this country should not celebrate losers.
I don't care what he said. I'm a veteran too, and I respect and honor all honorably discharged veterans. The leftist loons are trying to present these generals as purveyors of slavery, but it's POLITICIANS who did that. Hands off the soldiers.

Thank you for your service.

Still.................I don't think statues of soldiers who lost the war is appropriate. Monuments and memorials are generally erected for SUCCESSFUL people who did successful things and won.

Should we put up statues of some of the Nazi generals in with our WWII memorials as well?
More likely they're haters of racism and bigotry, which is the environment whence all these statues and monuments came.

They don't date from the Civil War or just-after. They date from the turn of the century, the period of this country's worst nadir of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the resurrection of the Klan, "Birth of a Nation", race rioting and rampant discrimination. All branches of the same tree, all there to serve the cause of White Supremacy. In fact the Klan itself set some of them up.

So it would seem they're haters of bigotry, racism, lynchings, Jim Crow, the Klan, "whites only", the "gentleman's agreement" that kept blacks out of baseball for six decades between Moses Walker and Jackie Robinson, the Klan, and everything that feeds that sewer.

"Soldiers" doesn't even enter into it. That's just a shield the bigots hide behind.

Shall we now "defend" the other expressions of the time and bring back the Klan? "Colored" public water fountains? Ban blacks from baseball?

Context, m'boy, context. You're standing in a forest. Quit gazing at a single tree.
Hate and bigotry doesn't even enter into it. The statues are of SOLDIERS - who had nothjing to do with the any hateful policies. You want to bitch about policies go after politicians.

The soldiers didn't put those statues up. The statues didn't put themselves up. You go look up who did put them up, and why.

By the way, know who was president of a college just after the Civil War that had its own Klan chapter that would abduct and rape nearby black schoolgirls?

Robert E. Lee.

Dear Pogo:

Do you mean like how Ted Kennedy was accused of leaving a young woman to drown in a car
until he sobered up, in order to escape worse charges?
Did the Democrats go after him?
Or they only go after people where it's politically convenient?

Also, I understand the land for Arlington National Cemetery was owned by Lee
and sold to the govt with gravesites of over 6,000 Union soldiers already buried there.

History of Arlington National Cemetery
How Arlington National Cemetery Came to Be | History | Smithsonian

What are you going to do, Pogo?
Remove all the gravesites to boycott Robert E. Lee?

Are you going to PAY for all this damage to national history
just because someone was Confederate?

Would you like it if people REMOVED the art and books of
Oscar Wilde because he was gay and into Pederasty?

Would you destroy Ben Franklin's history because of accusations of child abuse?

Even the Chinese study the works of Thomas Jefferson as a historical
influence on democratic government.

So all that becomes VOID if someone owned slaves?

Pogo what if the rules were changed to anyone wearing clothes
or using phones made by SLAVE LABOR instead of FAIR TRADE.

Would we have any history left at all?

Is there anyone perfect, save Jesus who only killed a fig tree out of anger
it wasn't able to provide fruit out of season, and admonished a woman
who corrected him and he changed his mind and accepted her rebuke.

If that's the only figure in history we can say never sinned,
then you'll be stuck with the red words in the Bible.

I think the Bible even prophecies that.
Is that the world you want to live in Pogo?

How are we going to teach from history if
we are going to censor every person who ever
engaged in wrongs or oppression. without
implicating every person of every nation under the sun!

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