Condoleezza Rice Says Trump Should Withdraw

Condy----hush....we might need you if Donald ascends to
the WH-----don't let us down
Another well known, well respected, true conservative is demanding Trump drop out and give the nomination to Mike Pence.

“Enough! Donald Trump should not be President. He should withdraw. As a Republican, I hope to support someone who has the dignity and stature to run for the highest office in the greatest democracy on earth.”

GOP consumed by crisis as more Republicans call on Trump to quit race

Another burst of offensive remarks by Trump emerged Saturday as CNN aired a review of hours of newly uncovered audio from shock-jock Howard Stern’s show. Trump spoke of his daughter Ivanka’s breasts, three-way sex and not dating women who are over the age of 35. He also described barging in on nude Miss Universe beauty pageant contestants in their dressing room, characterizing his visits as inspections.

Trump is toast. In the next few days, you can be sure some Miss Universe contestants are going to come forward to confirm what Trump bragged about doing.

He needs to go. Now.

Republicans have been buying so many ten foot poles there is a shortage of them. You can still get them at Lowes stocked in the lumber department under "closet poles", but hurry.
She knows that such is impossible. This is silly. Rice knows that the ballots have been printed and voting has started.
The woman who took out a CDO on the World Trade Center 6 months prior to 9/11 says what?
Condi Rice?

When are trump supporters going to throw another woman under the bus?

Will Trump call her a pig?
OK Republicans

We realize you started this as a drunken frat boy joke.......Hey...let's run TRUMP

Jokes over

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