Concealed carry gun owner catches violent robber, democrat party judge releases the violent robber...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is why we have the gun and violent crime levels in the cities that the democrat party controls....

A citizen with a concealed carry permit and gun, stops a violent robber, orders him to lay on the ground until the police arrive......

Notice anti-gun extremists....this was done without a shot being fired....and a violent criminal was taken into custody.....

Until a democrat party judge let the violent criminal out....

Concealed carry hero
Prosecutors declined to file charges against a concealed carry holder who brought a gun onto the CTA in December 2019 — but an alleged robbery offender that he held at gunpoint was not as fortunate.

A 29-year-old man told police that another passenger lunged at him as he sat on a Blue Line train around 6:50 a.m. on December 4, 2019. The offender began punching the victim in the head and face, then took property from the victim before exiting the train car at LaSalle, police said.

That’s when a good Samaritan intercepted the alleged robber and forced him to lie on the platform at gunpoint until police arrived, according to witnesses and details provided by police.

Prosecutors charged 29-year-old Michael Oliver with robbery in the case. Now, Oliver has pleaded guilty in exchange for a sentence of two years probation in the case, which was overseen by Judge Ursula Walowski.

Probation for a robbery charge is not a bad deal. Maybe he got lucky after all.

How many innocent people will this criminal beat and rob, possibly kill, while he is on probation....

When he is caught again, I will post about it...
This is why we have the gun and violent crime levels in the cities that the democrat party controls....

A citizen with a concealed carry permit and gun, stops a violent robber, orders him to lay on the ground until the police arrive......

Notice anti-gun extremists....this was done without a shot being fired....and a violent criminal was taken into custody.....

Until a democrat party judge let the violent criminal out....

Concealed carry hero
Prosecutors declined to file charges against a concealed carry holder who brought a gun onto the CTA in December 2019 — but an alleged robbery offender that he held at gunpoint was not as fortunate.

A 29-year-old man told police that another passenger lunged at him as he sat on a Blue Line train around 6:50 a.m. on December 4, 2019. The offender began punching the victim in the head and face, then took property from the victim before exiting the train car at LaSalle, police said.

That’s when a good Samaritan intercepted the alleged robber and forced him to lie on the platform at gunpoint until police arrived, according to witnesses and details provided by police.

Prosecutors charged 29-year-old Michael Oliver with robbery in the case. Now, Oliver has pleaded guilty in exchange for a sentence of two years probation in the case, which was overseen by Judge Ursula Walowski.

Probation for a robbery charge is not a bad deal. Maybe he got lucky after all.

How many innocent people will this criminal beat and rob, possibly kill, while he is on probation....

When he is caught again, I will post about it...
That's nothing. The prosecutors in these crime free zones democrat strong holes don't show up for trials letting even murderers go free. I think instead of military on the streets we have citizen patrols rooming the streets to give instant justice If you beat and rob you will also be beat and robbed repeatedly. During these latest riots I saw something so evil and demented it would make any human pick up a gun and give out a sentence of ending their life at the first opportunity. These are the sub life forms robbing and beating these elderly business owners. When do you think we would have another riot if we dug a hole pushed these criminals in then bury them. Wouldn't even have to waste a bullet. As soon as it even looks like a riot the back hoes are called out to start diggin holes. Then fill them up just as fast. The same of a vermin politician. We no longer will listen to them telling us they want to steal our Freedom for false security We hang them and they remain there till they rot from the rope as a warning to other democRats.

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