Comparison of White Civilization with...???


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.
we wuz kangs.jpg
mayans , aztecs , inca and similar were ok and good with building structures and they had Torture and human sacrifice Techniques and the BALLGAME pretty much perfected . But certainly not a culture to be copied .
course I see quite a bit of building up for different races or ethnicities on TV lately . And then comparison to Western Culture and ways of doing things . Its just my guess but looks to me that its education institutions and lefties thinking that its time to tear down Western Ways as being the Superior Way of organizing Nations , people and ways of doing things on Gods Good Green Earth .
....even in the 70s and 80s the sub Saharan Africans did not have the technology/etc
..they were still far behind then [and now ]
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.
It simply took longer to get to the new world. It could have been millennia. The same could be said for Africans and their Roman holocaust.
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.

so white people should live privileged lives and rule the world?
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.

so white people should live privileged lives and rule the world?
??? what???!!?
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.

so white people should live privileged lives and rule the world?
the ''smart''/rich people rule and are in charge white people are ''in charge'' of poor white people --they start businesses and employ the poor
Most farms in Africa are worked by hands with shovels and hoes. That is very inefficient; how much land can a man work with a hoe? They are not really farms they are more like gardens. If the farmer can’t afford a tractor and fuel why not use mules or better still Zebras and the local cows? Zebras and African cattle would be better because they are better adapted to the environment. Don’t tell me zebras can’t be domesticated because it has been done. Hell, hand pushed plows would be an improvement over what are doing now.

Why don’t African governments help their farmers make these improvements everyone would benefit in the end?
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.
The right wing would have us believe, that it is due to "natural selective superiority".

Some on the left hypothesize, that since the Earth is billions of years old, and dinosaurs were around for around one hundred and fifty million years before their extinction, and our current understanding of Man is that we have been around one and half million years as a species.

A previous extinction event could have "doomed" previous "humans" and provided for a "last ditch effort to send a contingent to the Caucasian mountains, as a back up strategy in case the primary strategy failed."
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British
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While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia
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While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia

While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.

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