Comparison of White Civilization with...???

While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus. The contrast with, for example, "Native Americans," who, at the time of Columbus had no metallurgy, primitive, if any, written language, stone age art and music, no domesticated animals...they hadn't even invented/discovered the WHEEL, for goodness sake. What was done by the Aztecs, Incas, etc., in central and south America was remarkable, but eons behind what was going on in Europe.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.

And we are to believe that somehow, these other cultures are equivalent to those of Europe. It defies explanation how such a belief could prevail among cogent, cognizant scholars and observers. Evidence to the contrary is simply mountainous.

None of this says that individual "white people" are "better" than others, but to refuse to acknowledge and accept the superior developments in almost every area of cognitive endeavor, is pure folly.
Guns, Germs, and Steel - Wikipedia

If you like, go find part 2 etc.
When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.

There is no such thing as sub-Saharan Africa white boy. There is no such thing as a jungle bunny white boy. Africa is Africa and blacks live there. The moors are black. That's a fact white boy. Moors took Europe out of the dark ages. Whites were ass backward stupid. That's the way it was. Whites have left out history and like Essen said to the other fool, go get educated. Read books, not just posts on stormfront.
Yes, we are all familiar with the Sharpton School of World History,, and yet jungle bunnies came from sub-Saharan Africa. The Moors on the other hand were a people of the Mediterranean who had a few jungle bunny slaves.

See, it's not that complicated.
If you folks really don't get it, I recommend trying to play a simulator. It will open your eyes as to how civilization works. It has nothing to do with race.

Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.
It's ironic

1) Whites do something good ? Like inventions ?

The history books don't matter and they don't try to find out if black people have done the same thing and deny any information them about black ppl doing the same thing

2) Whites do something bad ? Like slavery ?

The history books do matter and they do try to find out if black people have done the same thing ("Africans sold slaves too" argument) and accept any information about black ppl doing the same thing.

Whites want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them (slavery, genocide and rights not fought for)

But you cannot have it both ways.

If inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances, if anyone else would have done the same thing, then the same goes for the inventions too.

And to be honest I don't even really like bringing up the moors. Why ?


Accomplishment is first an individual act done by extremely exceptional people. Almost all whites as well as blacks will contribute virtually nothing to society of any lasting worth other than work for someone else, consume and pay taxes.

So if you are white and have contributed nothing to innovation or technology, you have no business lecturing anyone else on what they haven’t contributed.

Because there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this :

Truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing they are.

They mostly just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor that runs around bragging that their work is evidence of racial superiority.

It's only life’s losers that seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. It's only those who are suspicions of their own inferiority feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

So guys like you and DGS49 who are always pathetically trying to "big" yourself up by talking about how great whites are; are really trying to convince yourselves. And given the persistence of the both of you, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.
Last edited:
When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.
It's ironic

1) Whites do something good ? Like inventions ?

The history books don't matter and they don't try to find out if black people have done the same thing and deny any information them about black ppl doing the same thing

2) Whites do something bad ? Like slavery ?

The history books do matter and they do try to find out if black people have done the same thing ("Africans sold slaves too" argument) and accept any information about black ppl doing the same thing.

Whites want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them (slavery, genocide and rights not fought for)

But you cannot have it both ways.

If inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances, if anyone else would have done the same thing, then the same goes for the inventions too.

And to be honest I don't even really like bringing up the moors. Why ?


Accomplishment is first an individual act done by extremely exceptional people. Almost all whites as well as blacks will contribute virtually nothing to society of any lasting worth other than work for someone else, consume and pay taxes.

So if you are white and have contributed nothing to innovation or technology, you have no business lecturing anyone else on what they haven’t contributed.

Because there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this: truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing or superior they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority. It's only life’s losers seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. Only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

Those who like you and DGS49 who are always running around talking about how great whites are really always trying to convince yourselves. And given the persistence of the both of you, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.

I really, really hate the racists at this site Paul.

And I do agree with your post.

That said, DNA evidence proves that the Moors are more Arabic and Caucasoid in nature than African.

"Present day Moroccans look like a caucasian population which has become admixed with Subsaharans and not like a black population which has been “whitened” by European and Middle Eastern immigration. In fact, genetic tests show that people there are still mostly NW African Berbers. With some west Asian, European and about 19% Subsaharan admixture in Morocco."


Natives surrendering after a battle with the Spaniards.


Natives taken to the court of king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain.


How Moors view themselves.

Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.

There is no need to be insulting you can make your point without the use of insults.
When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.

There is no need to be insulting you can make your point without the use of insults.
What insult?

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

I agree with that; there is no difference in ability between the races. All peoples have the same level of capability the only difference is culture. But some cultures are superior to others, but again cultures can change. In the early 1800s the Japanese were technology centuries behind the Europeans. When the Japanese recognized the disadvantage, they were determined to change the situation. In a little over two generations they had caught up with Europeans and defeated the Russians in a naval war. They were able to do this by being willing to make changes to their culture.
While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia


Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.

I agree with that marked in red; there is no difference in ability between the races. All peoples have the same level of capability the only difference is culture. But some cultures are superior to others, but again cultures can change. In the early 1800s the Japanese were technology centuries behind the Europeans. When the Japanese recognized the disadvantage, they were determined to change the situation. In a little over two generations they had caught up with Europeans and defeated the Russians in a naval war. They were able to do this by being willing to make changes to their culture.
I agree with that marked in red; there is no difference in ability between the races.
Right. OK
All peoples have the same level of capability the only difference is culture.
Right. OK
But some cultures are superior to others, but again cultures can change.
OK. Let's stop right there

But I know white culture put a lot of eggs in the basket of physical invention and physical control over its environment. I’ve always looked at the ways some whites use technology to support their supposed superiority as a zero-sum-game.

It’s as if the value of the accomplishments of blk people diminish as White technological innovation expands.

It becomes less about the celebration of each others contributions and more about who has created more gizmos and gadgets. People today have become such technophiles they forget that technology is merely a tool, not a way of life.

No gadget or laptop or robot can accomplish even that which bees accomplish everyday: pollinating plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along.

Without bees human being would struggle to survive.

So even creatures to which you'd give little credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological sh*t upon which you slobber over.

Can you start a fire without matches ? Can you look at the sun and use it as a guidance map ? Can you purify water ? Can skin a wild animal and the fur as clothing ? Do you know how preserve food without a fridge ?

No. Well there are many ppl living in rural parts of the world who can do this with their eyes closed. But they're dumb. Right ?

Let's say you were in rural Kenya. How long do you think it would be before I came upon your pink and naked body laying in a fen of fern, gasping and shivering, eyes bulging in horror, whilst some poisonous amphibian set atop your chest awaiting your inevitable demise?

Strip away the technology and tools and what can you really do ?

The real test or gauge of a civilised society is the way its treats ALL of its peoples.

In the early 1800s the Japanese were technology centuries behind the Europeans. When the Japanese recognized the disadvantage, they were determined to change the situation. In a little over two generations they had caught up with Europeans and defeated the Russians in a naval war.
Well the proof that this is a specious and deceptive method of practicing white supremacy is white people DO NOT treat Japs or Asians like they’re superior to whites.

1. Asians are still “yellow people,” and “Chinks” and “people of color.”

2. Asian couples are NEVER portrayed as the most socially desirable couples in white movies and TV shows. In fact, they don’t even exist.

3. Asian women are seldom if ever lifted above the white female in movies and televisions as the most beautiful or desirable women (I’ve NEVER seen this happen)

4. Many allegedly “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc.

5. Asians were horribly stereotyped in Hollywood films of the past. Now, they practically invisible.

6. There are still many private white clubs and golf courses where Asians are not allowed to join or play on.

7. The fact that this “argument” exists is a stereotype, and in a white supremacy system, that means the targets are never equals to whites

8. White people still elevate other white people above all Asians when it comes to the best paying jobs and positions of power and political offices. If whites believed Asians were superior, they would put them in charge of everything.

9. That fact that this stereotype even exists while at the same time white people are allowed to be just people without stereotypes (aka ‘human’) is proof enough.

Yes, there are cultural differences between Asians and other groups. So what? At the end of the day we are ALL still held hostage by the global system of white supremacy.

When it comes to blacks and Asians — to compare a people whose identity and nation and culture have been intact for over a THOUSAND YEARS and is still INTACT with a people who were enslaved for 500 YEARS and in the process were ROBBED of their identity, culture, nation, land, religion, and ability to govern their own lives under their own national banner, flag, and land is just plain STUPID.

Especially when those same (black) people are still under attack by white supremacists who seem to devote the majority of their time and energies to making sure black people stay inferior via inferior living environments, education, healthcare, food quality, water quality, endless promotion of destructive programming and stereotyping via the white mainstream media (TV and films and music they control), deliberate drug infestations,m police terror tactics, and excessive and unjust incarcerations,

Bottom line, the “Asian argument” was created for blacks, not for other white people.
They were able to do this by being willing to make changes to their culture.
And Japan is still under the system of white supremacy. That's why the USA nuked them in WW2.

Japan lost the war and was de-militarized by the Anglo-U.S. government..

Japan is NOT a sovereign nation, it is a COLONY of the U.S. That’s why Japan is one of the only (or the only) “super powers” that doesn’t have any nuclear weapons (and It won’t be allowed to have any).

If you look at the nations where possession of nuclear weapons is a “problem” for the U.S. or Israel or NATO — they are always NON-WHITE nations.

And that’s why Japan cannot force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

Japan can’t build anything (even a convenience store) in the U.S. without permission from our government so how can we build, even expand a military presence in Japan without their permission?

Because Japan is not just a U.S. colony it is a non-white nation under the system of white supremacy.

So tell me how great is their "culture" when they're still under the system of white supremacy ?

Japanese people are not as smart as the black negrito tribe on the North Sentinel Islanders in the Indian Ocean.

Why ?

Because they have never been colonized by the white supremacist, are not dependent on the white supremacist, will kill any outsiders who trespass and would rather die than be mistreated.

And they are the only group of black people on this planet who can say that. So that makes them by far in a way the smartest group of black people on earth.


They're what modern humans were like when they first emerged out of Africa. They have lived there for 60,000 years.

Commercial fishing is banned on the Andaman Islands.

So this is one of the very few places in the world where fish die of old age and get to live their entire life.

The Andaman Islands received the first sunrise of this millennium

Last year a missionary tried to go there and they killed him on sight

If an American Tourist wandered into any other foreign restricted military zone and was killed, no one would be having this conversation. North Sentinel Island's beaches are considered restricted military areas.

Second no one deserves reparations more than black Americans. Black Americans who built the wealth of the USA.

Slavery was sanctioned by the federal government, and all those UNDER the government profited from free Black labor. So the same government & its subjects owe Black people for the free labor that accumulated ALL the wealth today


You can talk all this phony sh*t about how great Japs are but I think about the Asian women working twelve hours a day in sweatshops to make clothes for people you. I think about the Asian families whose members have to put in eighty hours a week just to keep their heads above water.

If you look at ethnic Koreans in Japan and the Burakumin there you'll find the same kind of consistent under performance relative to the dominant Japanese in terms of education and employment status. Both are targets of discrimination and treated like sh*t and although they are culturally and genetically indistinguishable from other Koreans or Japanese, they are consistently found at the bottom of Japanese society, and do worse than others in Japan and Korea.

This kinda debunks your notion of pan-Asian cultural superiority, it also suggests that a group’s caste status influences group outcomes: much as with blacks in the U.S., whose position has been similar to the Burakumin and ethnic Koreans in Japan.

Even when you look at so called Asians success this doesn’t translate into greater financial success nor job security.

This is evident in the Ivy League’s admissions.

They reject Asian applicants with higher GPAs and SATs than white students because they do not want more than 15% of the student body to be Asian. They apply these stereotypes because they do not want a c.h.i.n.k.s and g.o.oks making big bucks on Wall Street. They want a white boy to make big bucks on Wall Street, because of course, only white men are suitable for any big job. Right ?

Even the over 100 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) dedicated to the advancement of education for blacks. However of course white supremacy affects them due to allocation of funding and resources that generally favor historically white universities like the Ivy League.

Not to mention that African Americans tend to be in the poorest areas of America were resources, teachers and local area are usually substandard. But then whites supremacists say blacks are stupid. Well why go to such efforts to fk shit up ? I mean were just gonna mess up everything. Right ?

White social domination makes sure white schools out compete with black schools.
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While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
Medieval Europe was a sh*t hole. Until the Blacks came in from Africa and cleaned it up.



They built stuff like this




The truth is out there

All this knowledge was brought to Europe. Now I don't say this like the way you'd say it and other white supremacists try and spin it like "We did all this stuff. Now the rest of you should be grateful."

That's the white supremacist mindset way of thinking. This is not an ego boosting exercise for me. Because guess what ? I did not do it. I've never invented anything. I've never built any building and neither have you.

This is just an honest depiction of history.

Black ppl cleaned Europe up. Black ppl brought paper making to Europe via Spain by the Moors. This allowed the growth of libraries.

I don't what history books you've reading but the stench of medieval Europe still echoes today. The Middle Ages smelt of sewage and decaying bodies. The Queen of Spain Isabel of Castle (the end of the 15th century) confessed that she had taken a bath only twice in a lifetime when born and married. French kings died of lice.

People emptied chamber pots right out of their windows making streets look like cesspools. Fleas, lice and bugs swarmed in rich and poor houses of London and Paris.

Unsanitary conditions, diseases and starvation were what early Europe was. Stop deluding yourself. Noble families were happy if at best two or three of ten children survived. A third of women died in labor. They had no street illumination. In Ancient Rome they sold even the urine from latrines to wool dyers and leather tanners.

Rain was the only street cleaner in those times.

The Moors civilized Europe, There were bath houses all thru Moorish Spain as well as well lit streets, Universities, Palaces, literate populace. That doesn't mean white folks readily accepted cleanliness obviously. They would wear clothes until it would damn near disintegrate on their backs. Now they try to teach b.s like they civilized blks while it was the other way around.

The truth of the matter is early Europeans were nasty mofos.

The Islamic Moors were responsible from bringing them out of the dark ages.

Any scholar who knows the deal will tell you that.

Look - I could spend several thousand words referring you to more evidence on this subject, compiled by African and European scholars alike.

But if you are truly interested in this material you would be better served to seek out the information yourself. After all you yourself has admitted your ignorant about African history.

And while my personal knowledge of sub-Saharan Africa is minimal, my impression is that their knowledge base was behind the primitives in the Americas.
Well you can begin by googling the books of Cheikh Anta Diop, Molefi Asante, Walter Rodney and Ivan Van Sertima among others; and for you whose racism will most likely lead you to dismiss black scholars on these subjects as "Afrocentrics" and say "We Wuz Kangz"

You can always examine the writings of Basil Davidson: one of the most respected Africa scholars in modern history, who is decidedly both white and British

When you say ( write ) Moore like most people you are referring to people of the Northwest corner of North Africa like the Berbers. Sorry friend those people for the most part are not black and never have never been, for at the last five thousand years. They came from Eurasian steppes by way of the Middle East thousands of years ago.

I know about the population of North Africa because I have communicated with people in the area. There are more black people there now than there ever has been and they are still a minority. Until the start of the trans-Saharan slave trade, I doubt there were any blacks in the area and that happened sometime after the invasion of Spain.

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia

The Moors were NOT "Black"/aka sub-Saharan losers.

They were a mixed North African population of mostly Berber descent. Darker in color than S Euros or Middle Eastern Arabs, but not "Black"/sub-Saharan Stock.

Moors - Wikipedia

The term "Moors" refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the indigenous Maghrebine Berbers.[1] The name was later also applied to Arabs.[2][3]

Moors are Not a distinct or self-defined people,[4] and the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica observed that "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value."[5] Europeans of the Middle Ages and the early modern period variously applied the name to Arabs, North African Berbers, and Muslim Europeans.[6]

The term has also been used in Europe in a broader, somewhat derogatory sense to refer to Muslims in general,[7] especially those of Arab or Berber descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.[8] During the colonial era, the Portuguese introduced the names "Ceylon Moors" and "Indian Moors" in South Asia and Sri Lanka, and the Bengali Muslims were also called Moors.[9] In the Philippines, the longstanding Muslim community, which predates the arrival of the Spanish, now self-identifies as the "Moro people", an exonym introduced by Spanish colonizers due to their Muslim faith.

In 711, troops mostly formed by Moors from northern Africa led the Umayyad conquest of Hispania. The Iberian peninsula then came to be known in Classical Arabic as al-Andalus, which at its peak included most of Septimania and modern-day Spain and Portugal.

And if 'Black' people cleaned up Spain/Europe, why was/is all of Truly 'Black' sub-Sahara a ****hole?


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The Moors were NOT "Black"/aka sub-Saharan losers.

They were a mixed North African population of mostly Berber descent. Darker in color than S Euyros or Middle Easter Arabs, but not "Black"/sub-Saharan Stock.

Moors - Wikipedia

The term "Moors" refers primarily to the Muslim inhabitants of the Maghreb, the Iberian Peninsula, Sicily, and Malta during the Middle Ages. The Moors initially were the indigenous Maghrebine Berbers.[1] The name was later also applied to Arabs.[2][3]

Moors are Not a distinct or self-defined people,[4] and the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica observed that "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value."[5] Europeans of the Middle Ages and the early modern period variously applied the name to Arabs, North African Berbers, and Muslim Europeans.[6]

The term has also been used in Europe in a broader, somewhat derogatory sense to refer to Muslims in general,[7] especially those of Arab or Berber descent, whether living in Spain or North Africa.[8] During the colonial era, the Portuguese introduced the names "Ceylon Moors" and "Indian Moors" in South Asia and Sri Lanka, and the Bengali Muslims were also called Moors.[9] In the Philippines, the longstanding Muslim community, which predates the arrival of the Spanish, now self-identifies as the "Moro people", an exonym introduced by Spanish colonizers due to their Muslim faith.

In 711, troops mostly formed by Moors from northern Africa led the Umayyad conquest of Hispania. The Iberian peninsula then came to be known in Classical Arabic as al-Andalus, which at its peak included most of Septimania and modern-day Spain and Portugal.
You suffer in the area of perception as it’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles. They even own and run nearly all the main bits of the global Talking Machine.

You're like most people in that you've learned most of what they know about the world at large from English-speaking white men, from 2.2% of that world, a 2.2% that has a limited, racist view on things.

End of the day wiki articles are written by whites with the same racism as anyone else. You may believe everything they tell you I don't.

This is not about blame. Instead it is a warning against being overly dependent on any one part of the world for your knowledge of the world as a whole.

I'm sure my observations seem like"junk-science" or "radical" interpretations..

All news channels (Wiki included) have agendas and black tends to be the victim of these agendas.

Education doesn't equal intelligence,intelligence doesn't equal knowledge, knowledge doesn't equal understanding,and understanding doesn't equal wisdom.

Observe, find you own understanding outside the books, or even other people. Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.
You suffer in the area of perception, it’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles and schoolbooks in Texas. They even own and run nearly all the main bits of the global Talking Machine.

You're like most people in that you've learned most of what they know about the world at large from English-speaking white men, from 2.2% of that world, a 2.2% that has a limited, racist view on things.

End of the day wiki articles are written by whites with the same racism as anyone else. You may believe everything they tell you I don't.

This is not about blame. Instead it is a warning against being overly dependent on any one part of the world for your knowledge of the world as a whole.

I'm sure my observations seem like"junk-science" or "radical" interpretations..

All news channels (Wiki included) have agendas and black tends to be the victim of these agendas.

Education doesn't equal intelligence,intelligence doesn't equal knowledge, knowledge doesn't equal understanding,and understanding doesn't equal wisdom.

Observe, find you own understanding outside the books, or even other people. Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.
You're OFF topic
Your response has NOTHING to do with my post you quoted.

What can one say when trying to 'debate' the bottom decile?

Last edited:

Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.
It's ironic

1) Whites do something good ? Like inventions ?

The history books don't matter and they don't try to find out if black people have done the same thing and deny any information them about black ppl doing the same thing

2) Whites do something bad ? Like slavery ?

The history books do matter and they do try to find out if black people have done the same thing ("Africans sold slaves too" argument) and accept any information about black ppl doing the same thing.

Whites want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them (slavery, genocide and rights not fought for)

But you cannot have it both ways.

If inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances, if anyone else would have done the same thing, then the same goes for the inventions too.

And to be honest I don't even really like bringing up the moors. Why ?


Accomplishment is first an individual act done by extremely exceptional people. Almost all whites as well as blacks will contribute virtually nothing to society of any lasting worth other than work for someone else, consume and pay taxes.

So if you are white and have contributed nothing to innovation or technology, you have no business lecturing anyone else on what they haven’t contributed.

Because there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this: truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing or superior they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority. It's only life’s losers seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. Only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

Those who like you and DGS49 who are always running around talking about how great whites are really always trying to convince yourselves. And given the persistence of the both of you, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.

I really, really hate the racists at this site Paul.

And I do agree with your post.

That said, DNA evidence proves that the Moors are more Arabic and Caucasoid in nature than African.

"Present day Moroccans look like a caucasian population which has become admixed with Subsaharans and not like a black population which has been “whitened” by European and Middle Eastern immigration. In fact, genetic tests show that people there are still mostly NW African Berbers. With some west Asian, European and about 19% Subsaharan admixture in Morocco."


Natives surrendering after a battle with the Spaniards.


Natives taken to the court of king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain.


How Moors view themselves.

The moors were black. And black men they civilized europe.

I know that's very painful to your white supremacist ego. But history is history.
You suffer in the area of perception, it’s limited to what other people you respect have told you as opposed to finding your own knowledge and understanding.
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, CNN, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. They write most of the Hollywood films and Wikipedia articles and schoolbooks in Texas. They even own and run nearly all the main bits of the global Talking Machine.

You're like most people in that you've learned most of what they know about the world at large from English-speaking white men, from 2.2% of that world, a 2.2% that has a limited, racist view on things.

End of the day wiki articles are written by whites with the same racism as anyone else. You may believe everything they tell you I don't.

This is not about blame. Instead it is a warning against being overly dependent on any one part of the world for your knowledge of the world as a whole.

I'm sure my observations seem like"junk-science" or "radical" interpretations..

All news channels (Wiki included) have agendas and black tends to be the victim of these agendas.

Education doesn't equal intelligence,intelligence doesn't equal knowledge, knowledge doesn't equal understanding,and understanding doesn't equal wisdom.

Observe, find you own understanding outside the books, or even other people. Calling me radical is the ultimate compliment,cause that means I'm blazing my own path, long as I keep moving, its all good.
You're OFF topic
Your response has NOTHING to do with my post you quoted.

What can one say when trying to 'debate' the bottom decile?

My response has everything to do with what you said. You quoted a wiki article which was almost certainly written by a white man.

Anyone can write a wiki article as it run by members of the public.

Unlike you I don't believe everything white ppl tell me.
The moors were black. And black men they civilized europe.

_BLANK, Mechee X, Vicki Dillard, Shonna Ettienne ext.png

Hello, Paul. When writing or speaking about black American citizens, I really wish people would distinguish responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens, from illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing #ProBlack American citizens!

This extremely disturbing **NSFW, ADULT LANGUAGE** broadcast features a troubled PRO BLACK community member passionately sharing HATE w/ our world.

"The real reason Kanye is a cooooon... Mechee X"

Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.
It's ironic

1) Whites do something good ? Like inventions ?

The history books don't matter and they don't try to find out if black people have done the same thing and deny any information them about black ppl doing the same thing

2) Whites do something bad ? Like slavery ?

The history books do matter and they do try to find out if black people have done the same thing ("Africans sold slaves too" argument) and accept any information about black ppl doing the same thing.

Whites want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them (slavery, genocide and rights not fought for)

But you cannot have it both ways.

If inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances, if anyone else would have done the same thing, then the same goes for the inventions too.

And to be honest I don't even really like bringing up the moors. Why ?


Accomplishment is first an individual act done by extremely exceptional people. Almost all whites as well as blacks will contribute virtually nothing to society of any lasting worth other than work for someone else, consume and pay taxes.

So if you are white and have contributed nothing to innovation or technology, you have no business lecturing anyone else on what they haven’t contributed.

Because there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this: truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing or superior they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority. It's only life’s losers seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. Only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

Those who like you and DGS49 who are always running around talking about how great whites are really always trying to convince yourselves. And given the persistence of the both of you, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.

I really, really hate the racists at this site Paul.

And I do agree with your post.

That said, DNA evidence proves that the Moors are more Arabic and Caucasoid in nature than African.

"Present day Moroccans look like a caucasian population which has become admixed with Subsaharans and not like a black population which has been “whitened” by European and Middle Eastern immigration. In fact, genetic tests show that people there are still mostly NW African Berbers. With some west Asian, European and about 19% Subsaharan admixture in Morocco."


Natives surrendering after a battle with the Spaniards.


Natives taken to the court of king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain.


How Moors view themselves.

The moors were black. And black men they civilized europe.

I know that's very painful to your white supremacist ego. But history is history.
Blacks "civilized" Europe but not Africa 1000 years after Greece. Very weird. Again, you're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies.
The moors were black. And black men they civilized europe.

View attachment 280801

Hello, Paul. When writing or speaking about black American citizens, I really wish people would distinguish responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens, from illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing #ProBlack American citizens!

This extremely disturbing **NSFW, ADULT LANGUAGE** broadcast features a troubled PRO BLACK community member passionately sharing HATE w/ our world.

"The real reason Kanye is a cooooon... Mechee X"

You just want white pussy really dont ya ? I've ran into guys like you all my life.

Behind all your talk its just your desire for white women.


I know how your mind works.

I have a black wife (dark skinned black) n Black kids and I'm happy. I dont desire white women. White women are the most overrated women on the planet.

If it was up to me. I'd want black ppl to stop having sex with whites 100%.

When a white man has sex with a blk woman is rape as far as I'm concerned.

As long as you have a diabolical system of white supremacy then there should b no sex between whites n blacks.

Too many black ppl get confused when they have sex with whites.

A white man can fk 10 blk women n get out that bed n go to court and let a cop who killed a blk man walk free. The same is true of a white woman.

Whites always stay on code.

White ppl have been having sex with blk ppl for centuries.....tons of it.


That needs to be thought about.
Sorry the Moors were not a black people. But you are right about one thing before the age exploration Europe was not a very pleasant place. Of all the people of the civilizations of Eurasia, they were they poorest and the hungriest. I believe that is what gave them the motivation to face the dangers of the open sea and do the great things they did. They were not an evil people they were a hungry people.
The Moors were Black. That’s why they called the people Moors. Moor actually means Black.

The moors were not some group separate from other Black ppl. Moor was the term used for ALL Black ppl during medieval times. Africans called the Moors went into Spain, Sicily and Italy and ushered in the Renaissance era, bringing science and civilization back to that region. So everything after that was cultural appropriation

Even Irish historians like David MacRichie acknowledge that Moor means Black. Black American boxers were called Moors

Why would they do that if they was not black ?

Statues of the Moors are all over Europe




They brought civilization & education to Europe only to have that nearly whitewashed out of history. The Moors ruled most of Spain for a time which happens to be in Europe. Many Europeans have African DNA from the Moors, Egyptians & Romans (as Roman armies & citizens included N. Africans). Etc. There is evidence, it's in the library - it's in things called 'books'.

Do your own research. In the library. In books. History books. That would be the NON-fiction section. Moorish Spain is common knowledge for people who have any knowledge of European history, which you obviously don't, so you are not worth my time. Educate yourself, it's worth it.

And look - I will not deny whites their inventions. Most important inventions of the past few hundred years were made by white people.

I don't lament that fact. So white people have invented some wonderful things.

Happy now ?

But at the same time 99.99% of white people have invented nothing

And white inventions have only happened because they have been on top during that time and blk ppl could not even look at white person in the eye. So whites bragging about their inventions is like me having a 100m race with you then giving myself a 90m head start and bragging about me being a better runner than you.

And even with all that advantage a lot of inventions are questionable whether they were "white" as it's not about who invents but who get's the patent. Whites have done that for 100 years. See an idea. Steal it and then become the owners of the invention

So anglo power – British and American – is fresh in our minds, but it is merely the latest chapter in the book of history.

Progress in science and invention is built on what has gone before. The more science you know the more science you can discover. The more inventions you have at hand, the more new inventions you can come up with. That is why the progress is exponential. It comes from the nature of science and technology, not from the nature of white intelligence.
You're getting Moors mixed up with jungle bunnies. Jungle bunnies are from sub-Saharan Africa, you know, where the slaves for both the Moors and colonists came from.
It's ironic

1) Whites do something good ? Like inventions ?

The history books don't matter and they don't try to find out if black people have done the same thing and deny any information them about black ppl doing the same thing

2) Whites do something bad ? Like slavery ?

The history books do matter and they do try to find out if black people have done the same thing ("Africans sold slaves too" argument) and accept any information about black ppl doing the same thing.

Whites want to claim and take pride in the good things from their past (inventions made, battles won, rights fought for) but then act as if the bad things have nothing to do with them (slavery, genocide and rights not fought for)

But you cannot have it both ways.

If inventions are proof of the intelligence of whites, then slavery and genocide are proof of the great evil of whites.

You cannot claim one without the other.

Or if slavery and genocide came about through the workings of human nature under a particular set of circumstances, if anyone else would have done the same thing, then the same goes for the inventions too.

And to be honest I don't even really like bringing up the moors. Why ?


Accomplishment is first an individual act done by extremely exceptional people. Almost all whites as well as blacks will contribute virtually nothing to society of any lasting worth other than work for someone else, consume and pay taxes.

So if you are white and have contributed nothing to innovation or technology, you have no business lecturing anyone else on what they haven’t contributed.

Because there is one thing I’ve learned over the years it’s this: truly amazing talents never need to tell others how truly amazing or superior they are. They just go out, do the work, and demonstrate their excellence silently.

It's never the inventor who proclaims their work to be evidence of ethnic superiority. It's only life’s losers seek out evidence of their own brilliance in the works of others. Only those who secretly harbor suspicions of their own inferiority feel compelled, as a general rule, to insist upon how much better than you they are.

Those who like you and DGS49 who are always running around talking about how great whites are really always trying to convince yourselves. And given the persistence of the both of you, you are finding the job harder than you imagined.

I really, really hate the racists at this site Paul.

And I do agree with your post.

That said, DNA evidence proves that the Moors are more Arabic and Caucasoid in nature than African.

"Present day Moroccans look like a caucasian population which has become admixed with Subsaharans and not like a black population which has been “whitened” by European and Middle Eastern immigration. In fact, genetic tests show that people there are still mostly NW African Berbers. With some west Asian, European and about 19% Subsaharan admixture in Morocco."


Natives surrendering after a battle with the Spaniards.


Natives taken to the court of king Ferdinand and queen Isabella of Spain.


How Moors view themselves.

The moors were black. And black men they civilized europe.

I know that's very painful to your white supremacist ego. But history is history.
Create new history by being inventors, industrialists, tech giants, entepreneurs and create tens of millions of jobs. You worry about the past so much that you are not forging inroads into the future. We are Americans. No matter how you got here many came from lands that were not doing that good. Although many today from Prog pronounciations are not coming from the same.
Create new history by being inventors, industrialists, tech giants, entepreneurs and create tens of millions of jobs. You worry about the past so much that you are not forging inroads into the future. We are Americans. No matter how you got here many came from lands that were not doing that good. Although many today from Prog pronounciations are not coming from the same.
Did I start a post about black historical greatness ? No. DGS49 did

While touring Europe I am astounded by the architectural, artistic, literary, and general technological development of Europeans over the past couple thousand years plus.
You have no problem with that. Right ? As much of lie that it is. You had no problem.

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