Communists in the media bans (Twitter)James Woods, but still allows hamas terror organizations


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension
Entertainment NowFOX News — Tyler McCarthy

Actor James Woods says he will no longer use Twitter after the platform allegedly deleted a tweet he refused to take down.

Woods, 74, had his account suspended in April after posting a tweet that reportedly read: “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.”


"Twitter demanded that I rescind my tweet paraphrasing Emerson," Woods said in a statement to The Daily Wire. "It now seems they have chosen to delete that tweet from my account without my permission. Until free speech is allowed on Twitter, I will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as Jack Dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my Twitter days are in the past."

James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension - entertainment -

Yeah, the control of media, propaganda....

Imagine now if they banned only left wingers or just blacks.
Your header and the story line don't jibe...Are you a jive talkin' fool?

Try that shit on USMB and no one will care..
James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension
Entertainment NowFOX News — Tyler McCarthy

Actor James Woods says he will no longer use Twitter after the platform allegedly deleted a tweet he refused to take down.

Woods, 74, had his account suspended in April after posting a tweet that reportedly read: “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.”


"Twitter demanded that I rescind my tweet paraphrasing Emerson," Woods said in a statement to The Daily Wire. "It now seems they have chosen to delete that tweet from my account without my permission. Until free speech is allowed on Twitter, I will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as Jack Dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my Twitter days are in the past."

James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension - entertainment -

Yeah, the control of media, propaganda....

Imagine now if they banned only left wingers or just blacks.

He has lots of money, he needs to start an alternative to Twitter instead of just whining about how mean they are
At first glance the words of advice “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.” don't seem all that controversial.

But who owns tweeter and why should they care if Woods refuses to participate on their platform?
Here is where the fucking left will pretend that they are all behind PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESSES having rights, while they still yell......

Here is where the fucking left will pretend that they are all behind PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESSES having rights, while they still yell......


Yes, please bake a cake for James that says "“If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.”

Or a cake thanking him for his work with troubled vets.

And a hanky for him to cry in.
James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension
Entertainment NowFOX News — Tyler McCarthy

Actor James Woods says he will no longer use Twitter after the platform allegedly deleted a tweet he refused to take down.

Woods, 74, had his account suspended in April after posting a tweet that reportedly read: “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.”


"Twitter demanded that I rescind my tweet paraphrasing Emerson," Woods said in a statement to The Daily Wire. "It now seems they have chosen to delete that tweet from my account without my permission. Until free speech is allowed on Twitter, I will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as Jack Dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my Twitter days are in the past."

James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension - entertainment -

Yeah, the control of media, propaganda....

Imagine now if they banned only left wingers or just blacks.
Fuck James Woods, he’s a blow hard shitty actor who’s found his “voice” with a bunch of half wit trumptards. Hey assholes: no one care about Fuckwad James Woods.
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Something we all need to understand......

There is no 1st Amendment Right to Free speech that applies to the Private Sector. One reason I got so pissed at the NFL and their COWARDLY reaction to mental midgets shitting on our Flag.

Twitter can ban anybody they want, any time they want. For no reason.

Same with Facebook.

Same with USMB.

Same thing at your place of business.

Same thing in a Bar or Restaurant. Their Sand Box, their rules

I don't use Facebook more than once a week. Tops.

I don't tweet, ever. I don't even know what a tweet is. Don't care, either

dimocrap scum, leftists and other various and sundry SCUM occupy those places.

I choose to not take part.

You should, too. If enough people did that, they wouldn't have any power over anybody.

You have Free Will. Use it.

You have the power to determine who you associate yourself with, exercise some discretion.
At first glance the words of advice “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.” don't seem all that controversial.

But who owns tweeter and why should they care if Woods refuses to participate on their platform?
Too many seemingly biased actions by twitter and facebook will raise the question, are they so large and powerful that they should be broken up in some way to support competition. Perhaps a court decision to force them to license their technology or even share their their infrastructure with other social media companies. Remember what Reagan did to AT&T when it became too powerful.
James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension
Entertainment NowFOX News — Tyler McCarthy

Actor James Woods says he will no longer use Twitter after the platform allegedly deleted a tweet he refused to take down.

Woods, 74, had his account suspended in April after posting a tweet that reportedly read: “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.”


"Twitter demanded that I rescind my tweet paraphrasing Emerson," Woods said in a statement to The Daily Wire. "It now seems they have chosen to delete that tweet from my account without my permission. Until free speech is allowed on Twitter, I will not be permitted to participate in our democracy with my voice. As long as Jack Dorsey remains the coward he seems to be, my Twitter days are in the past."

James Woods says he's leaving Twitter 'until free speech is allowed' on the platform following suspension - entertainment -

Yeah, the control of media, propaganda....

Imagine now if they banned only left wingers or just blacks.
Nobody cares
At first glance the words of advice “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.” don't seem all that controversial.

But who owns tweeter and why should they care if Woods refuses to participate on their platform?
Too many seemingly biased actions by twitter and facebook will raise the question, are they so large and powerful that they should be broken up in some way to support competition. Perhaps a court decision to force them to license their technology or even share their their infrastructure with other social media companies. Remember what Reagan did to AT&T when it became too powerful.

Here's the problem right here. I don't want to get into it right now. Not in here. Too many Low IQ dimocrap scum to have an intelligent conversation about much of anything in here.

But Congress screwed the pooch on this one. And with a dimocrap scum majority in the House, fixing it just ain't gonna happen.

Read it and weep......

Immunity for Online Publishers Under the Communications Decency Act | Digital Media Law Project
I wonder how many Democrats still buy stock in Twitter (TWTR)? Lol

They should start now...since they enjoying silencing the rest of us. Geesh....
At first glance the words of advice “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.” don't seem all that controversial.

But who owns tweeter and why should they care if Woods refuses to participate on their platform?
Too many seemingly biased actions by twitter and facebook will raise the question, are they so large and powerful that they should be broken up in some way to support competition. Perhaps a court decision to force them to license their technology or even share their their infrastructure with other social media companies. Remember what Reagan did to AT&T when it became too powerful.

Here's the problem right here. I don't want to get into it right now. Not in here. Too many Low IQ dimocrap scum to have an intelligent conversation about much of anything in here.

But Congress screwed the pooch on this one. And with a dimocrap scum majority in the House, fixing it just ain't gonna happen.

Read it and weep......

Immunity for Online Publishers Under the Communications Decency Act | Digital Media Law Project
This does not protect them from anti trust suits.
Something we all need to understand......

There is no 1st Amendment Right to Free speech that applies to the Private Sector. One reason I got so pissed at the NFL and their COWARDLY reaction to mental midgets shitting on our Flag.

Twitter can ban anybody they want, any time they want. For no reason.

Same with Facebook.

Same with USMB.

Same thing at your place of business.

Same thing in a Bar or Restaurant. Their Sand Box, their rules

I don't use Facebook more than once a week. Tops.

I don't tweet, ever. I don't even know what a tweet is. Don't care, either

dimocrap scum, leftists and other various and sundry SCUM occupy those places.

I choose to not take part.

You should, too. If enough people did that, they wouldn't have any power over anybody.

You have Free Will. Use it.

You have the power to determine who you associate yourself with, exercise some discretion.

Just think for a few moments about the raw genius of modern social media platforms. In effect social media colossi corporations have invited hundreds of millions of human beings to speak their minds on these online, electronic (public) diaries. They've funneled damn near everyone of all racial, political, cultural and ideological backgrounds onto their platforms under the guise of providing a never before seen in human history service. A service advertised as having the real-time capability to instantly connect everyone on the planet. And now? Now these mega-corps are monitoring us, harvesting our data, sharing our most intimate thoughts, hopes and beliefs with other corporations, world governments and nefarious statisticians who serve the highest bidder, be that bidder pharmaceutical or bio-weapons companies, etc. Essentially, we the people of this Earth have volunteered to electronically enslave our own voices, our own thoughts. What were we thinking?
At first glance the words of advice “If you try to kill the King, you better not miss. #HangThemAll.” don't seem all that controversial.

But who owns tweeter and why should they care if Woods refuses to participate on their platform?
Too many seemingly biased actions by twitter and facebook will raise the question, are they so large and powerful that they should be broken up in some way to support competition. Perhaps a court decision to force them to license their technology or even share their their infrastructure with other social media companies. Remember what Reagan did to AT&T when it became too powerful.

The phone system was more of a public utility then than twitter or facebook are now.
Here is where the fucking left will pretend that they are all behind PRIVATELY OWNED BUSINESSES having rights, while they still yell......


I am all for private businesses to have rights, but when private businesses get in bed with government, or with part of the government, in order to restrict the rights of the other businesses or individuals, that is not private business anymore and needs to be regulated.
Something we all need to understand......

There is no 1st Amendment Right to Free speech that applies to the Private Sector. One reason I got so pissed at the NFL and their COWARDLY reaction to mental midgets shitting on our Flag.

Twitter can ban anybody they want, any time they want. For no reason.

Same with Facebook.

Same with USMB.

Same thing at your place of business.

Same thing in a Bar or Restaurant. Their Sand Box, their rules

I don't use Facebook more than once a week. Tops.

I don't tweet, ever. I don't even know what a tweet is. Don't care, either

dimocrap scum, leftists and other various and sundry SCUM occupy those places.

I choose to not take part.

You should, too. If enough people did that, they wouldn't have any power over anybody.

You have Free Will. Use it.

You have the power to determine who you associate yourself with, exercise some discretion.
Normally, I tend to agree with you. However, let's consider the paradigm shift in our society and then couple it with the fact that Twitter and Facebook along with other social websites (usmb) are FREE.

These are our new PUBLIC PARKS or centers. Twitter makes money from advertising. Same with USMB and donations.

IF Twitter or Facebook charged people to use their site that would be one thing. They don't. Like everything else, that is a double edged sword. If they did charge people who use it a monthly fee, then imo they would be well within their RIGHTS to set policy.

Like a privately owned bar or baker, they don't just GIVE AWAY their product. They ought to imo be able to do business or not do business with anyone they so choose. The FREE MARKET should take care of it.

Years ago there was bar in Lake Worth that would not allow me to be there. Dirty filthy fucking redneck. Did I complain? No. Didn't go to a lawyer. Not sure why anyone would want to go where they are not wanted. The place did not do any business and the place went out of business in quick order.

Twitter and Facebook etc need to be seen as public places. Until they charge people, the first amendment should be in play.

I am with you though. I tried Twitter ONCE and I uninstalled the app the next day. Had a friend actually make me a Facebook page and I have never been on it. Had it since like 2005 or something. Never been on it.

Right when I saw employers or potential clients could view way. Not me. Saw that iceberg from afar.
You have to understand you are not a customer of Twitter or Facebook. You and your information are the product. You are the target for the advertisers who are one of their customers. They give people the platform and people give them their information for free.

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