Communism pros and cons


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I will start off:
Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Or else.
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I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russia and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises or a brighter tomorrow.

Welcome to it, we are strolling toward that path due to poor education in our country...
I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Or else.
Yep communism is naught but a double to the rear March. And Biden is taking his own there.
I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russia and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises or a brighter tomorrow.

Welcome to it, we are strolling toward that path due to poor education in our country...

No we will collapse in a bankrupt pile long before then.
It takes morals to establish a Commune of Heaven on Earth.
Unfortunately, killing one hundred million in China and the Union of Soviet Socialists' Republic did not abide by the rules of the Kingdom of God by murdering more people than there were communists. And now the Nancy Pelosi fluffers must decide how they're gonna honor their new philosophist buds with their revised version of mass murders of inconvenient Republicans. :cranky:
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I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russia and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises or a brighter tomorrow.

Welcome to it, we are strolling toward that path due to poor education in our country...

No we will collapse in a bankrupt pile long before then.
You lead me to another point;
Pro: Communist feed off empty cynicism to destroy capitalism.
CON: Everything happening here now with poverty and corruption ALSO happens in communist states.
CON: The Communist state won't let you criticize them.
I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russia and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises or a brighter tomorrow.

Welcome to it, we are strolling toward that path due to poor education in our country...

No we will collapse in a bankrupt pile long before then.
You lead me to another point;
Pro: Communist feed off empty cynicism to destroy capitalism.
CON: Everything happening here now with poverty and corruption ALSO happens in communist states.
CON: The Communist state won't let you criticize them.

If not for inept idiot politicians and government corruption we could easily afford to provide free college and healthcare to the entire country AND put money away for a rainy day. Consider this, just the federal government has taxed, borrowed, and spent $40 TRILLION dollars in only the past 12 years. Does it really take $40 trillion to govern a country? Nope!
I will start off:
Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Or else.
That is the depth of yer knowledge on the political philosophy of communism and socialism?
I am not sure if the communist killed more of a percentage of people than the Khanates of the Mongols.

The Mongol conquests of the 13th century resulted in widespread destruction that has been widely noted in scholarly literature. The Mongol army conquered hundreds of cities and villages and also killed millions of men, women and children. It has been estimated that approximately 11% of the world's population was killed either during or immediately after the Turco-Mongol invasions.[1] If the calculations are accurate, the events would be the deadliest acts of mass killings in human history

I will start off: The two largest communist states.
Russia and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises or a brighter tomorrow.

Welcome to it, we are strolling toward that path due to poor education in our country...

No we will collapse in a bankrupt pile long before then.
You lead me to another point;
Pro: Communist feed off empty cynicism to destroy capitalism.
CON: Everything happening here now with poverty and corruption ALSO happens in communist states.
CON: The Communist state won't let you criticize them.
No actually the plot is to overthrow capitalism to install socialism and then morph into an anarcho communist stateless state..
Con: In1958, Mao ordered the slaughter of all the sparrows , which lead to rather huge locust infestation, which lead to mass starvation and death.
Con: The masses can't question the logic of the party and they starved to death.
Pro: Party leaders got shinny badges.
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Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid
Hitler was running a Jew shop in the back office, basically in cahoots with Stalin, with an officer-to-enemy-officer fraternization on both sides, German/Jewish Holocaust and Stalin's Soviet pogroms of ethnic cleansing, which were in reality the exact same thing on both sides of the war — which was basically a collusion of officers on both sides to disarm everybody except for police and active duty military, draft Americans into the war on the false flag event of Pearl Harbor, kill as many of us off as possible, survivors crippled, gun rights revoked in a court of law, etc.
Con: In1958, Mao ordered the slaughter of all the sparrows , which lead to a huge a rather huge locust infestation, which lead to mas starvation and death
Con: The masses cant question the logic of the party and they starved to death.

In the thousands of years of human history eventually people rise up and destroy these regimes.
Con: In1958, Mao ordered the slaughter of all the sparrows , which lead to a huge a rather huge locust infestation, which lead to mass starvation and death.
Con: The masses cant question the logic of the party and they starved to death.
All you are doing is reflecting on what a human has done you have not discussed anything that is about communism or socialism..
I will start off:
Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Or else.

NONE of any of that, pro or con, has anything to do with "communism". You're off your own topic. In post ONE.
Con: In1958, Mao ordered the slaughter of all the sparrows , which lead to a huge a rather huge locust infestation, which lead to mass starvation and death.
Con: The masses cant question the logic of the party and they starved to death.
All you are doing is reflecting on what a human has done you have not discussed anything that is about communism or socialism..
What's the difference?
Con: In1958, Mao ordered the slaughter of all the sparrows , which lead to a huge a rather huge locust infestation, which lead to mass starvation and death.
Con: The masses cant question the logic of the party and they starved to death.
All you are doing is reflecting on what a human has done you have not discussed anything that is about communism or socialism..
What's the difference?
One is a form of govt. the other is a tyrant murdering people because he can. There have been many of the tyrants through human history, very little of the societies which were pure socialist or communist.
I will start off:
Russian and Chinese Communist managed to kill more of it's own people than Hitler did in WWII. By persecutions or purges or wildly inefficient or just stupid policies thought up by Commissars.
PRO: Great PR department. Nice weapons. And the never ending supply of empty promises of a brighter tomorrow. Or else.
Communalism the first religion of mankind. CONS: destruction & mass death. PROS: Mass death & destruction.

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