Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

There are many cities in this country that require owners of Pit Bulls to have a liability insurance policy on the dog to keep it.
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds

Yet an 18 year old--who can't buy a beer yet, can walk into a gun store--pick up an AR-15 with a 30 round clip and walk out the door for a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing ignorance. Now if this semi-automatic required a liability policy on it to purchase it, how interested would this kid be in it? How many insurance companies would want to issue this kid a policy on this gun? Probably not too many.

Trump has proposed raising the age limit to 21 and banning bump stocks, the NRA supports these changes, do you?

as to liability, if you commit a crime you are liable under the law, we don't need to make any insurance companies richer.
the NRA agrees with that. no flip or flop involved, sorry

Okay, if you can find us an official statement from the NRA endorsing raising the age to 21 to buy guns, or to buy certain guns like the AR 15,

please post it and I'll consider myself educated on that detail.

there was nothing in the post about AR 15s or any other kind of gun. it was about mental health as part of the background check and bump stocks.

"Raise age to 21"

lol you're too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.

So everyone over 21 is mentally competent? I have no issue with making the age 21, how about making the age to vote 21 also, and the age to serve in the military, and the age to buy tobacco, booze, etc.

the problem is not age, its a sick society that glorifies violence and violent people. What is your cure for that?

I own several guns, have a CC permit, and have never shot anyone, and hopefully never will. But if my life or the life of someone I care about is put in danger I will not hesitate to shoot the person creating that situation.

YOU are too stupid to participate in this debate, you know nothing except what has been pumped into your little head by the far left media liars.

lol, it's like every week I catch you lying.

you have never done that and never will. If I ever misspost, I correct it as soon as I realize it. Your credibility here is zero.
I don't like the idea of 10 year olds being able to go to a store and buy a Thompson submachine gun, no questions asked,

but if you pay attention to a good number of the gun nut posters here, that is just what they're endorsing,

even if they howl in protest when you call them on it.

bullshit, show us where anyone has said that a 10 year old should be able to buy any kind of gun.
OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

How do we know your gun is not going anywhere without "you"? There is no requirement on how you store it, or if Billy Bob Jr. has access to it & what he plans to do with it. You can't permanently attach it to your body so no one else can get it.

If you get into a car accident and you or "the person driving your car are at fault"--including if someone steals your car--your car is insured for liability to the person "not at fault".--that will pay for medical, property--rehabilitation and death benefits.

So explain to me again--why semi automatic guns that are capable of killing hundreds of people within mintues are not required to have a multi million dollar liability insurance policy to own them?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

How do we know your gun is not going anywhere without "you"? There is no requirement on how you store it, or if Billy Bob Jr. has access to it & what he plans to do with it. You can't permanently attach it to your body so no one else can get it.

If you get into a car accident and you or "the person driving your car are at fault"--including if someone steals your car--your car is insured for liability to the person "not at fault".--that will pay for medical, property--rehabilitation and death benefits.

So explain to me again--why semi automatic guns that are capable of killing hundreds of people within mintues are not required to have a multi million dollar liability insurance policy to own them?

Oh, did you miss the phrase "or another human being"? No, you didn't. You deliberately ignored it so that you could blather on about some point you desperately wanted to make, be damned to whether or not it was relevant. Piss off, you dishonest piece of crap. If your cause was really righteous and worthwhile, you wouldn't have to lie to advance it.
If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

How do we know your gun is not going anywhere without "you"? There is no requirement on how you store it, or if Billy Bob Jr. has access to it & what he plans to do with it. You can't permanently attach it to your body so no one else can get it.

If you get into a car accident and you or "the person driving your car are at fault"--including if someone steals your car--your car is insured for liability to the person "not at fault".--that will pay for medical, property--rehabilitation and death benefits.

So explain to me again--why semi automatic guns that are capable of killing hundreds of people within mintues are not required to have a multi million dollar liability insurance policy to own them?

Oh, did you miss the phrase "or another human being"? No, you didn't. You deliberately ignored it so that you could blather on about some point you desperately wanted to make, be damned to whether or not it was relevant. Piss off, you dishonest piece of crap. If your cause was really righteous and worthwhile, you wouldn't have to lie to advance it.

No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

How do we know your gun is not going anywhere without "you"? There is no requirement on how you store it, or if Billy Bob Jr. has access to it & what he plans to do with it. You can't permanently attach it to your body so no one else can get it.

If you get into a car accident and you or "the person driving your car are at fault"--including if someone steals your car--your car is insured for liability to the person "not at fault".--that will pay for medical, property--rehabilitation and death benefits.

So explain to me again--why semi automatic guns that are capable of killing hundreds of people within mintues are not required to have a multi million dollar liability insurance policy to own them?

Oh, did you miss the phrase "or another human being"? No, you didn't. You deliberately ignored it so that you could blather on about some point you desperately wanted to make, be damned to whether or not it was relevant. Piss off, you dishonest piece of crap. If your cause was really righteous and worthwhile, you wouldn't have to lie to advance it.

No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?

Sorry, but I only take questions from people I respect. You are neither worthy of respect, nor a person, at this point.
No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?

Well, there is a document that says:

A well regulated Pitt Bulls, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear cars, trucks, and semis, shall not be infringed.

Or isn't?
we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

There are many cities in this country that require owners of Pit Bulls to have a liability insurance policy on the dog to keep it.
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds

Yet an 18 year old--who can't buy a beer yet, can walk into a gun store--pick up an AR-15 with a 30 round clip and walk out the door for a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing ignorance. Now if this semi-automatic required a liability policy on it to purchase it, how interested would this kid be in it? How many insurance companies would want to issue this kid a policy on this gun? Probably not too many.

Trump has proposed raising the age limit to 21 and banning bump stocks, the NRA supports these changes, do you?

as to liability, if you commit a crime you are liable under the law, we don't need to make any insurance companies richer.
LOL, even the ATF says they are having trouble finding how they can ban an external slide mechanism ("bump stock"). Anyone smart enough to load and drop the bolt carrier group on an AR should be able to figure out how to 'jury rig' one of their own....
perhaps x2 pins sliding in x 2 slots... in any configuration & application will have to be Federally regulated...

O... and ban pants with belt loops, for people shooting any semi auto long gun....
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Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

How do we know your gun is not going anywhere without "you"? There is no requirement on how you store it, or if Billy Bob Jr. has access to it & what he plans to do with it. You can't permanently attach it to your body so no one else can get it.

If you get into a car accident and you or "the person driving your car are at fault"--including if someone steals your car--your car is insured for liability to the person "not at fault".--that will pay for medical, property--rehabilitation and death benefits.

So explain to me again--why semi automatic guns that are capable of killing hundreds of people within mintues are not required to have a multi million dollar liability insurance policy to own them?

Oh, did you miss the phrase "or another human being"? No, you didn't. You deliberately ignored it so that you could blather on about some point you desperately wanted to make, be damned to whether or not it was relevant. Piss off, you dishonest piece of crap. If your cause was really righteous and worthwhile, you wouldn't have to lie to advance it.

No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?
If your car, truck or, van is sitting on your property, you aren't going to be sued. You have to insure them because you actually use them in public and thus are a danger to those around you. If you take the Pit Bull out on the sidewalk, you risk the dog assaulting someone. The firearm cannot harm you if holstered. It actually has to be deliberately pulled out of the holster and fired (generally that is to deliberately injure or kill someone). As for those who have the AR or AK type rifles, I disagree with the notion that they need to walk around town with the rifle strapped over their shoulder. I see idiots do this and consider them to be deliberately trying to get someone to call the police to test the law enforcement's actions so that they can video them. Personally, I own a few semi-automatic rifles and would never walk around town with them; it's absurd (unless the civil war I believe just may be coming to protect gun rights, does in fact erupt).
From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?
Your gun can't get away from you!
No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?
Your analogy only works if it is common practice for people to go out in public, draw their weapons and start shooting in different directions. Or, you would constantly be concerned that your car would drive off on its own and run over people.

The ONLY time a gun fires is if someone pulls the trigger or if it is tossed into a really hot fire (1600 F). You could drop a gun from 10,000 feet, and it still wouldn't go off on its own. You can swing it around our head, point it at the pope and shove it up your ass. Until you pull that trigger, nothing will happen.

The only time people are "accidentally" shot is when someone "accidentally" pulls the trigger.

Nearly every state that allows open or concealed carry, requires training, safety instruction, and shooting qualification. Concealed carry people don't have "accidental" (negligent) discharges because they are trained to prevent it 100% of the time.

Proper holstering and trigger discipline.

Hell, both my kids have excellent trigger discipline.

You can tell who the poorly/untrained jackasses are from that alone. Most idiots who hate guns and know nothing are fucking obvious.

Good trigger discipline:

Shitty trigger discipline:
No it's you that can't answer the question. Why is it that people who own Pit Bulls, and all cars, trucks, commercial semi's are required to have liability insurance on them, but you can buy a semi-automatic with no requirements what-so-ever as to whom you're going to let "borrow" it, with no requirements what-so-ever as to how you store it, (meaning someone could steal it) and all without a liability insurance policy on it?
Your analogy only works if it is common practice for people to go out in public, draw their weapons and start shooting in different directions. Or, you would constantly be concerned that your car would drive off on its own and run over people.

The ONLY time a gun fires is if someone pulls the trigger or if it is tossed into a really hot fire (1600 F). You could drop a gun from 10,000 feet, and it still wouldn't go off on its own. You can swing it around our head, point it at the pope and shove it up your ass. Until you pull that trigger, nothing will happen.

The only time people are "accidentally" shot is when someone "accidentally" pulls the trigger.

Nearly every state that allows open or concealed carry, requires training, safety instruction, and shooting qualification. Concealed carry people don't have "accidental" (negligent) discharges because they are trained to prevent it 100% of the time.

Proper holstering and trigger discipline.

Hell, both my kids have excellent trigger discipline.

You can tell who the poorly/untrained jackasses are from that alone. Most idiots who hate guns and know nothing are fucking obvious.

Good trigger discipline:

Shitty trigger discipline:

Again, I am a gun owner. I store them safely--and handle them carefully, and they're for hunting and self protection. I have never felt the need for a semi-automatic.

It's very clear that these semi-automatics are a weapon of mass destruction. We have had 9 mass killings since 2010-when Republicans took over the house. Republicans have refused to do anything to keep these types of guns out of the wrong hands. When they don't agree to common sense gun control, their minset is to protect the NRA and nothing else. That's exactly what they did as soon as Trump became President.

Republicans repealed Obama's order on mental health that he initiated after Sandy Hook.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

Republicans refused to even put people that were on a no fly list and FBI terrorist watch list on a no gun list. Which is why 49 innocent people died in Orlando, Florida.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Today business's across this country are dumping the NRA services--credit cards, donations, & logo's faster than you can drop a hot rock.
Bank, Enterprise parting with NRA following Florida school massacre
U.S. bank halts NRA credit card, car rental firm ends discount
Companies cutting ties with NRA as calls for company boycotts spread
First National Bank of Omaha drops NRA credit car
US companies distance themselves from NRA as pressure mounts


That's the reality of what happens in this country when people have had enough and expect more than just sympathies and prayer vigils from leaders in government.

The 2018 midterm election cycle for Republicans is going to be it's own bloodbath. They don't have a shot in hell of maintaining leadership in either house.

And at that point you will see common sense gun control at the Federal level passed. And I imagine it will be a bi-partisan bill, because the wipeout is going to scare the crap out of any remaining Republicans that are left--and they will vote for gun regulations.
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The left learned their lesson in gun controlled France with the Bataclan massacre. 130 killed, 352 injured. Not including the other areas like the deli also attacked. Disarm Americans and they can be killed by the hundreds. This is what the DNC wants and they have no trouble engineering it.

Parkland is a democrap op. They did this to advance their gun grab agenda.

Don't let them.
Again, I am a gun owner. I store them safely--and handle them carefully, and they're for hunting and self protection. I have never felt the need for a semi-automatic.
Fine. But, I do.

In fact, I feel like I need a fucking machine gun. Buncha commies are trying to overthrow our government.

But, that's neither here no there.

It's not a bill of needs. It's a bill of rights.

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

There are many cities in this country that require owners of Pit Bulls to have a liability insurance policy on the dog to keep it.
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds

Yet an 18 year old--who can't buy a beer yet, can walk into a gun store--pick up an AR-15 with a 30 round clip and walk out the door for a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing ignorance. Now if this semi-automatic required a liability policy on it to purchase it, how interested would this kid be in it? How many insurance companies would want to issue this kid a policy on this gun? Probably not too many.

Trump has proposed raising the age limit to 21 and banning bump stocks, the NRA supports these changes, do you?

as to liability, if you commit a crime you are liable under the law, we don't need to make any insurance companies richer.

leftists should be happy about this however I am not

i am against banning a class of lawful people from a right

now on the other hand if we changed the age of adulthood to 21

well then then i could get behind that
Republicans repealed Obama's order on mental health that he initiated after Sandy Hook.
Even the ACLU was against that. It was terrible and would NOT have stopped Parkland.

Republicans refused to even put people that were on a no fly list and FBI terrorist watch list on a no gun list.
The no-fly list is not carefully done (anyone can end up on it for no reason) and it lacks due process. I am sure we can do that in a way that maintains due process rights. Nobody (democrats included) has even half-ass tried to make the no fly list protect due process rights.

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