Common sense gun regulations--need to be passed now.

In response to your litany of "solutions."
1. Millions of private individuals who own AK's, AR's, et cetera, such as myself, are safe sportsmen/women who are no threat to you, your loved-ones, friends, neighbors or strangers and thus the number of ammunition they hold is also no threat to you. As I've said on other posts, There are 80+ million private citizens legally owning over 300 million firearms and we are no threat to you. The fact that some cockroach crawls out of the woodwork and kills innocent people, has nothing to do with those who would step in and protect you, if they were there to do so.
2. I can't speak for others, but I keep all firearms, excluding the one that is on my person, locked up in my gun-safe and since I take possess what I consider adequate deterrence (the safe), insurance isn't needed. There will always be criminals breaking into peoples homes and even with a safe, theft does take place. I keep a list of the firearms and their serial numbers separate from the safe and can produce the list should the safe be broken into.
3. All parents should keep firearms inaccessible to children, unless you are out with them on the range or on the farm property (we had .22 rifles for shooting nuisance varmints on my uncle's farm and were allowed go out without supervision, but had parents who taught gun use and safety).
4. Agree. No private sales, although one's sons/daughters can inherit the items if the parent feels they are to be used safely.
5. I agree totally with a background check, however, all it takes to deny a person the right to own a firearm is a biased anti-gun psychologist and even the most stable person would get denied and I can easily see the democratic party planting such individuals in positions to deny gun ownership based upon false accusations of mental instability. If a person is under therapy for "mental-illness" that could lead to violence or, has a "domestic-violence conviction (not just an accusation").
6. They are already prosecuting straw purchasers. No new law needed on that one.
7. My late-wife was temporarily on a no-fly list as her name happened to be similar to an individual who was considered a risk, however, it was eventually cleared up. No weapons should be taken from anyone on a no-fly list without due-process and having gone through the courts to ensure that the correct person is on the list.
If you will pay attention to these school shooters, they have one thing in common.....their age. They fall into the category of teens and young adults. As the male frontal-cortex is not fully developed until the age of 25, I recommend that the age to purchase any firearm be raised to 25 years of age, assuring maturity in the process.
Now, to be a "devils-advocate" for a minute, no matter what law you may want to implement, we have reached the stage whereby your average homeowner can actually make a fully functioning firearm with no trouble at all and no serial number. Thus, all the laws in the world won't stop someone from making homemade guns. They can also make Improvised Explosive devices (IED's) and so on. A teen or young adult can take his/her car, dad's or mom's car or steal a car/truck/van and run over a lot of people, killing many in the process. One can also easily make "napalm" block exits at nightclubs and burn dozens to death. In China, a crazy guy killed a bunch of children in a nursery years ago...simply by stabbing them to death.
One of the real disturbing things on the horizon is if you look at a map of Europe to see locations in Europe where there were Islamic terrorist attacks, the European map is dotted all over the place, excluding Poland which rejected Muslim entry and we just keep allowing them to pour in and thus at some point there will be a spike in killings via various methods in the name of Allah, all because of our naiveté.

One bad apple spoils the whole bunch--in this case it's been 9 bad apples. Look I am a gun owner also, and have many good friends that own semi automatics--that are responsible and safe with them.

Republicans have done this to themselves. They have actually lessoned the background check requirements--on mental health.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

When Obama asked them to put people that are on no fly lists and FBI terrorist watch lists on no gun lists, Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando Florida happened, where a terrorist that was on the FBI watch list was able to walk into a gun store and load up. 49 innocent people were killed in that nightclub attack, and Republicans still didn't do anything--except to offer their sympathies and do prayer vigils. They didn't even go back and revisit--Hey you know Obama had a good idea maybe we should put people who are on a FBI terrorist watch list on a no gun list. They didn't even do that.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


The blood is on their hands for their inaction over 9 mass killings since they took over in 2010. And your semi-automatics are looking less and less likely to survive this one.

People are realising how much power the NRA has over Republicans, and by their inaction of strenghting background checks (insurng they don't get into the wrong hands, they did the exact opposite.) Now the chickens have come home to roost. There are protests going on all over this country--and people are finally pissed off about it, and Republicans are going to pay dearly for it in November 2018.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


As far as my friends owning semi-automatics, I am certain they would give them up if they thought it would save a single life.

Cutting through all the memes and babble, what I'm hearing you say is that Republicans deserve to be blamed for things that aren't their fault because they refused to allow law-abiding citizens to be Unconstitutionally deprived of their rights simply because Democrats/leftists thought it was a good idea. Basically, we should be blamed because we didn't immediately surrender and give leftists their way.

Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.
Uh oh. Rough day for Trump cult:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16m16 minutes ago

I will be strongly pushing Comprehensive Background Checks with an emphasis on Mental Health. Raise age to 21 and end sale of Bump Stocks! Congress is in a mood to finally do something on this issue - I hope! will the Cult flip flop to stay obedient to their Dear Leader???

the NRA agrees with that. no flip or flop involved, sorry

Okay, if you can find us an official statement from the NRA endorsing raising the age to 21 to buy guns, or to buy certain guns like the AR 15,

please post it and I'll consider myself educated on that detail.

there was nothing in the post about AR 15s or any other kind of gun. it was about mental health as part of the background check and bump stocks.
One bad apple spoils the whole bunch--in this case it's been 9 bad apples. Look I am a gun owner also, and have many good friends that own semi automatics--that are responsible and safe with them.

Republicans have done this to themselves. They have actually lessoned the background check requirements--on mental health.
Trump repeals an Obama regulation keeping guns from people with certain mental health conditions

When Obama asked them to put people that are on no fly lists and FBI terrorist watch lists on no gun lists, Republicans said NO.
Obama: It's 'insane' that people on the 'no-fly' list can buy guns - CNNPolitics

Then Orlando Florida happened, where a terrorist that was on the FBI watch list was able to walk into a gun store and load up. 49 innocent people were killed in that nightclub attack, and Republicans still didn't do anything--except to offer their sympathies and do prayer vigils. They didn't even go back and revisit--Hey you know Obama had a good idea maybe we should put people who are on a FBI terrorist watch list on a no gun list. They didn't even do that.
Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance - CNN


The blood is on their hands for their inaction over 9 mass killings since they took over in 2010. And your semi-automatics are looking less and less likely to survive this one.

People are realising how much power the NRA has over Republicans, and by their inaction of strenghting background checks (insurng they don't get into the wrong hands, they did the exact opposite.) Now the chickens have come home to roost. There are protests going on all over this country--and people are finally pissed off about it, and Republicans are going to pay dearly for it in November 2018.
'Thoughts and prayers' — and fistfuls of NRA money: Why America can't control guns


As far as my friends owning semi-automatics, I am certain they would give them up if they thought it would save a single life.

Cutting through all the memes and babble, what I'm hearing you say is that Republicans deserve to be blamed for things that aren't their fault because they refused to allow law-abiding citizens to be Unconstitutionally deprived of their rights simply because Democrats/leftists thought it was a good idea. Basically, we should be blamed because we didn't immediately surrender and give leftists their way.

Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.
Uh oh. Rough day for Trump cult:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16m16 minutes ago

I will be strongly pushing Comprehensive Background Checks with an emphasis on Mental Health. Raise age to 21 and end sale of Bump Stocks! Congress is in a mood to finally do something on this issue - I hope! will the Cult flip flop to stay obedient to their Dear Leader???

the NRA agrees with that. no flip or flop involved, sorry

Okay, if you can find us an official statement from the NRA endorsing raising the age to 21 to buy guns, or to buy certain guns like the AR 15,

please post it and I'll consider myself educated on that detail.

there was nothing in the post about AR 15s or any other kind of gun. it was about mental health as part of the background check and bump stocks.

"Raise age to 21"

lol you're too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.
Cutting through all the memes and babble, what I'm hearing you say is that Republicans deserve to be blamed for things that aren't their fault because they refused to allow law-abiding citizens to be Unconstitutionally deprived of their rights simply because Democrats/leftists thought it was a good idea. Basically, we should be blamed because we didn't immediately surrender and give leftists their way.

Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

I don't want them to, but there is no way to prevent it. If you have one, lets hear it.
Uh oh. Rough day for Trump cult:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16m16 minutes ago

I will be strongly pushing Comprehensive Background Checks with an emphasis on Mental Health. Raise age to 21 and end sale of Bump Stocks! Congress is in a mood to finally do something on this issue - I hope! will the Cult flip flop to stay obedient to their Dear Leader???

the NRA agrees with that. no flip or flop involved, sorry

Okay, if you can find us an official statement from the NRA endorsing raising the age to 21 to buy guns, or to buy certain guns like the AR 15,

please post it and I'll consider myself educated on that detail.

there was nothing in the post about AR 15s or any other kind of gun. it was about mental health as part of the background check and bump stocks.

"Raise age to 21"

lol you're too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.

So everyone over 21 is mentally competent? I have no issue with making the age 21, how about making the age to vote 21 also, and the age to serve in the military, and the age to buy tobacco, booze, etc.

the problem is not age, its a sick society that glorifies violence and violent people. What is your cure for that?

I own several guns, have a CC permit, and have never shot anyone, and hopefully never will. But if my life or the life of someone I care about is put in danger I will not hesitate to shoot the person creating that situation.

YOU are too stupid to participate in this debate, you know nothing except what has been pumped into your little head by the far left media liars.
I am just fine with vigorous background checks to buy guns, how about equally vigorous checks on immigration and voter ID?
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.
Cutting through all the memes and babble, what I'm hearing you say is that Republicans deserve to be blamed for things that aren't their fault because they refused to allow law-abiding citizens to be Unconstitutionally deprived of their rights simply because Democrats/leftists thought it was a good idea. Basically, we should be blamed because we didn't immediately surrender and give leftists their way.

Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

There are many cities in this country that require owners of Pit Bulls to have a liability insurance policy on the dog to keep it.
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds

Yet an 18 year old--who can't buy a beer yet, can walk into a gun store--pick up an AR-15 with a 30 round clip and walk out the door for a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing ignorance. Now if this semi-automatic required a liability policy on it to purchase it, how interested would this kid be in it? How many insurance companies would want to issue this kid a policy on this gun? Probably not too many.
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Last edited:
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.
Just leave the 2nd the way it is and there won't be an issue. By the way the only thing that is a peashooter in trained hands is an actual peashooter.

From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?
Uh oh. Rough day for Trump cult:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 16m16 minutes ago

I will be strongly pushing Comprehensive Background Checks with an emphasis on Mental Health. Raise age to 21 and end sale of Bump Stocks! Congress is in a mood to finally do something on this issue - I hope! will the Cult flip flop to stay obedient to their Dear Leader???

the NRA agrees with that. no flip or flop involved, sorry

Okay, if you can find us an official statement from the NRA endorsing raising the age to 21 to buy guns, or to buy certain guns like the AR 15,

please post it and I'll consider myself educated on that detail.

there was nothing in the post about AR 15s or any other kind of gun. it was about mental health as part of the background check and bump stocks.

"Raise age to 21"

lol you're too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.

So everyone over 21 is mentally competent? I have no issue with making the age 21, how about making the age to vote 21 also, and the age to serve in the military, and the age to buy tobacco, booze, etc.

the problem is not age, its a sick society that glorifies violence and violent people. What is your cure for that?

I own several guns, have a CC permit, and have never shot anyone, and hopefully never will. But if my life or the life of someone I care about is put in danger I will not hesitate to shoot the person creating that situation.

YOU are too stupid to participate in this debate, you know nothing except what has been pumped into your little head by the far left media liars.

lol, it's like every week I catch you lying.
I don't like the idea of 10 year olds being able to go to a store and buy a Thompson submachine gun, no questions asked,

but if you pay attention to a good number of the gun nut posters here, that is just what they're endorsing,

even if they howl in protest when you call them on it.
From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?
Any insurance mandated by the state is illegal.
Are background checks unconstitutional? What was the ruling on that?

we already have background checks. If they don't work whose fault is that? Hint: the government does the checking.

we will never be able to do a background check when a gangbanger trades a gun to another gangbanger for a bag of pot or crack. We will never be able to do a background check when your neighbor trades a gun for a lawnmower.

Background checks for private sales are not universal. You're ignorant.

background checks on sales by a licensed dealer are universal. sales between individuals will never be monitored or checked. You're ignorant.

Every day I am further amazed as to why people like you want individuals to be able to sell guns to felons and other disqualified people without liability.

There are many cities in this country that require owners of Pit Bulls to have a liability insurance policy on the dog to keep it.
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds

Yet an 18 year old--who can't buy a beer yet, can walk into a gun store--pick up an AR-15 with a 30 round clip and walk out the door for a couple of hundred bucks. Amazing ignorance. Now if this semi-automatic required a liability policy on it to purchase it, how interested would this kid be in it? How many insurance companies would want to issue this kid a policy on this gun? Probably not too many.

Oh, my freaking God, THIS lie again.

If you Google "how easy is it to buy an AR-15", you get two pages of stories about how "shockingly easy" the reporters found it to buy one. Only problem is, if you read the stories yourself, you realize that it wasn't all that easy.

The first one you see is from Huffandpuff Post, decrying that it "only" took them 38 minutes to buy, "less time than it takes to buy a cart of groceries", as if that's relevant to something. Once you skim past multiple paragraphs of fact-free hysteria, you get to the meat of the story. "Within seconds, we had it in our hands: A rifle that weighs less than a small watermelon and can, like the MCX Sig Sauer that Mateen used, easily fire several dozen rounds in less than 10 seconds." How shocking, that the gun store actually let the reporter hold an unloaded weapon to look at it. The horror! (What's significant about the weight was not mentioned.) They also go on to tell you that the gun, far from your claim of "a couple hundred bucks", was actually $644, not counting any ancillary costs. "t’s a relatively affordable murder weapon." Yeah, I've got that in my couch cushions on any given day. *eye roll*

Moving on, we have several more paragraphs of empty hyperbolic fluff (Ehrmagerd, the store employees ADMITTED that guns are sometimes used to shoot people! Like they've never heard that self-defense is a primary reason for gun ownership), we get "There’s a three-day waiting period for handgun purchases in Florida, but that rule does not apply to rifles." Could be because handguns are used in crimes vastly more often than rifles are.

And then this: "All it took to attain one was a driver’s license (the one we used was from out of state) and a few minutes to wait for the background check to clear. " So they asked for a picture ID from a presumably reputable government agency, and they ran a background check. And your problem is . . . what? That technology, in the form of the Internet, performs search functions too quickly and efficiently?

"We signed state-issued proof of sale documents that asked whether we were felons or drug addicts, and where we lived." Uh huh. If the process was too shockingly fast for you, I guess you could have written more slowly.

More hysteria, more hysteria, and finally, "As of this writing, we have the same firepower that Mateen had when he opened fire at one of Orlando’s most famous gay clubs", this being right after the Pulse nightclub shooting. Unless the reporter in question was actually some crazed, violent felon and forgot to mention it, I don't see the cause for shock and alarm. He's presumably a law-abiding adult citizen without a recorded history of violent crime or mental illness, so why WOULDN'T he be able to purchase a gun? What, precisely, is the POINT?

Another story to be found in your search, which I thought was hilarious (and you have to scroll through about three pages to find it), was where a Sun-Times reporter tried to do one of these "gotcha!" pieces, and actually got turned down for the purchase because the background check turned up that he was an alcoholic wife-beater. So apparently, just because the procedure is "shockingly fast" doesn't mean it isn't effective.
From the outside looking in, very few people want the 2nd changed. Even liberals. However, where liberals differ from the gun lobby is that they do want restrictions. IMO, they are reasonable restrictions. People can still have their guns, just not certain types.

OK, let's discuss that.

What is the certain type they don't want? Assault weapons?

Despite that I think they shouldn't be, the assault weapons are already regulated. The AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon, although the lefties like to call it that, because it looks like military weapon.


These two rifles are both Ruger Mini 14, they shoot the same cartridge , at the same rate, from the same magazines, and for some reason, the bottom one is an "assault weapon". Neither one is.

Perhaps the bottom one could be call an "assault weapon" because it's black. :D

We're not worried about "reasonable restrictions", we're worried about what leftists are selling under "reasonable", since nothing reasonable comes from the left. We're not buying... because what today sounds "reasonable, is just "foot in the door", and if today these semis can be banned, tomorrow All semis will be banned, including handguns.

While we're at it, would it be reasonable that we keep our individual rights, and protect our kids in schools the same way we protect, let's say, our court rooms, or Congress?
One of my rifles is the bottom one you are depicting. It's a good rifle and I enjoy it at the range, although I wish when they made it, they had made a magazine well similar to the AR-15.
Now, as for the left, we have to keep in mind that they have swung so far left that they are now neo-Marxist in nature. Their goal is to disarm the populace so that they can implement various objectionable laws to suppress those who are not like-minded. Under the left, the Constitution would be, over time, scrapped.
The sources of this neo-Marxism are the various leftist colleges/universities which are turning out their followers. This nation has been opposed to Marxism for decades and yet, we are allowing it to grow.

If you want to buy & keep these type of semi-automatic guns then why aren't you required to purchase a multi million dollar Liability insurance policy on it. If owners of Pit Bulls are required to insure their dogs, then why don't you have to insure a weapon that can kill dozens of people within minutes?
Pet Liability Insurance for Bully Breeds
Pit Bulls and some other aggressive breeds are.....believe it or creatures that can actually get away if the owner is careless. Also, if a thief breaks into your home and manages to steal the dog without getting chewed up somehow, you aren't responsible if the dog attacks someone else. If you own firearms and keep them in a safe, they aren't going to jump over a fence, run down a sidewalk and shoot someone on their own. You've taken "adequate" measures to keep them out of the wrong hands.

Your car can get away from you too, but you're required to have liability insurance on it anyway. Why is it that you can buy a semi-automatic very capable of killing hundreds, but don't require a liability insurance policy on it?

Actually, like a gun, my car isn't going anywhere without me or another human being. It's like they're inanimate objects, subject to the will and influence of people.

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