Common ground, Kaiser


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The new member Chip's post on measles got me to wondering after reading the link at National Public Radio and noticing Kaiser as one of their partners.

My daughter was born at Kaiser hospital. The husband's aunt was a nurse there and the yhe worked at Kaiser Steel so of course I was covered at Kaiser hospital when the daughter was born. Sadly though my grandpa was not. He and grandma lived just a few blocks away from the Kaiser Hospital. Grandpa was hit by a car while he was crossing the road. The driver was going 63 miles and hour in a 35 mph zone. The ambulance rushed him to the nearest hospital. That hospital was Kaiser. They refused to take care of him. Can you imagine a 76 year old man hit by a car going 63 mph and a hospital refused to provide him emergency care. That was a few months before his first great grand daughter was born. He was transported to Loma Linda hospital. That extra time could have made the difference for him but we'll never know. He passed a week later. I had some misgivings about going there for my daughter's birth but I was young and we did not have any other real options at the time. Besides the husband's aunt worked there and my doctor after all did treat me very well. Nurses from throughout the hospital came to look at my daughter the day she was born each one told me she was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen.

A few years later Kaiser Steel shut down and the hospital went public and started selling services. It was no longer just for Kaiser employees as there was no longer a Kaiser Steel. The whole thought of Kaiser brought this back in my mind. I decided to do a search and see if anyone else had lost a loved one at Kaiser hospital due to negligence. While I was searching through CDC vaccine research records I had found where Pfizer uses Kaiser for a lot of their studies. It makes sense that they would since Kaiser also accepts medicaid. They would have a host of babies from poor families to study on. It sickens me to read that hundreds of these children have died within a year of these initial vaccines & studies but that is just me. It may not matter to other people.

Here are a few of the people that have died at Kaiser and their family members told their stories online.

Kaiser killed my wife.
Kaiser Permanente Medical vs. Melva Jeanne Barkley - a descent into Hell Kaiser killed my wife, Melva Jeanne Barkley, Kaiser

Many stories at this site
Fourth patient has died after mistake at Kaiser hospital Kaiser Permanente Thrive Exposed

Hamid Safari: Kaiser tried to bribe baby-killing doctor Kaiser Permanente Thrive Exposed
Kaiser Fraud, Corruption & Cover Ups, Kaiser Kills, Kaiser Permanente Lawsuits, Kaiser Retaliation

[How do you like that? Only at Kaiser can you kill two babies and endanger countless others, only to be handed $2 million of member money to quietly resign. The pattern should be glaringly obvious by now. Kaiser always tries to lie and buy its way out of a scandal, and only does the right thing when its malfeasance becomes a media event. Note that even after Safari turned down the settlement, Kaiser still would have declined to suspend him if only CMS hadn't rejected the first plan of correction.....

Another mother buries her child thanks to Kaiser Permanente Kaiser Permanente Thrive Exposed
Another mother buries her child thanks to Kaiser Permanente
in: Kaiser Kills, Kaiser Permanente Lawsuits, Kaiser Permanente: Failure to Thrive

This heartbreaking story arrived in our in box a few days ago. There is only one thing we can think of that is more tragic than a mother having to bury her child, and that is having to live with the knowledge that the death occurred unnecessarily at the hands of the doctors entrusted to save him. Justice rarely prevails in these situations, because the system has long been stacked against patients and in favor of corporate abuse of money and power. We ask our readers to keep Sean Berlin in heart and mind as they witness KP CEO George Halvorson making his rounds, touting Kaiser-style health care “reform” for all… because your child could be next.

Comment, Oh no, I just recieved my third denial letter today and I was not aware of what I am up against. I have read over a thousand medical documents concerning my brother-inlaws death, caused by Kaiser doctors and hospital. Facts, not personal feelings or beliefs. I have presented evidence of surgical procedures that were never consented to. Experimental and uselss with no regard or concern of being caught
Happy Birthday Lehna Jordann Brewer Kaiser Permanente Thrive Exposed
By Beth Stover

For a complete documentation of the events surrounding the death of My Baby at Kaiser Permanente, please read part one of my story.

Part Two:

Lehna Jordann BrewerOne year ago today, March 4th 2006, My Beautiful Baby — Lehna Jordann Brewer — was stillborn at Kaiser Permanente in Walnut Creek, California. She didn’t have to die, but because Kaiser Permanente chose to withhold care and send me home, she died. This is a follow-up story documenting all of the challenges and roadblocks of the past year. It is not enough to be victimized only once at Kaiser. Kaiser chooses to continue victimizing by withholding critical medical information that the patient — EVERY PATIENT — has a right to as a U.S. Citizen. This is clearly stated in The Patient’s Bill of Rights.
It's shocking how easily Kaiser Permanente manipulates the media about things like this. They call it a "medication error" as if that absolves them of any responsibility. Three people having died at a single facility in this amount of time due to improper dispensing or incorrect administering raises some big questions, especially given they admitted the first two were due to inadequate policies and procedures. So suddenly those policies and procedures are working perfectly, but, still, an infant dies?

There are reasons why most hospitals have a "check twice" policy for both dispensing and administration. It sounds like, in this case, there wasn't even a "check once" procedure. According to the article, KP claims it was a dispensing error, not an administering error. Inherently, there were mistakes on both the part of the pharmacy staff and the nursing staff if the dispensing error was not caught at the time the medication was administered to the infant.

I wonder if you might be able to dig deeper into this story. There have been several unreported "medication error" deaths recently at hospitals where KP has gone live with HealthConnect Pyxis integration. I hope more people don't have to die before the DMHC or someone (anyone?) starts demanding honest answers (not spin!) from Kaiser Permanente regarding the safety of HealthConnect.
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More information on Kaiser.

Kaiser Permanente at AllExperts

I found this interesting if Nixon helped bring in communist biologist to top level labs in this country.
By 1976, membership reached three million. In 1977, all six of Kaiser's regions had become federally-qualified HMOs. Some believe President Nixon specifically had Kaiser in mind when he signed the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, as the organization is mentioned in an Oval Office discussion of the Act.Transcript of taped conversation between President Richard Nixon and John D. Ehrlichman In 1980, Kaiser acquired a non-profit group practice to create the Mid-Atlantic region, encompassing the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. In 1985, Kaiser added Georgia.

This part is interesting seeing NPR has that recent article on a so called measles outbreak because parents are said to be declining vaccines more often.
Kaiser doctors and others carry out research publishing in peer-reviewed journals and in the organisation's own journal Permanente Journal.
Kaiser operates a Division of Research which in 2006 declared around 200 active studies in progress. Kaiser's bias toward prevention is reflected in the areas of interest - vaccine and genetic studies are prominent.

;Edmonston-Zagreb Measles Vaccine ProjectBetween June 1990 and October 1991, Kaiser, along with the Los Angeles County Department of Health, Johns Hopkins University and the CDC carried out a clinical trial of the Edmonton strain of Measles vaccine. The Los Angeles arm of the trial involved 1500 (900 receiving the study treatment) mostly black and Latino babies. Other arms ran in Haiti and several African countries. The aim was to induce immunity to Measles earlier, as cases in young children had been causing alarm. The trial was ended early when increased mortality appeared in other countries. Inadequate consent had been obtained, in that parents were not informed that the vaccine, licensed in other countries and registered with the FDA as a trial medication, was unlicensed in the U.S. This raised concerns over US government department ethics, and occasioned an apology by the CDC who ascribed it to an administrative oversight.

Article excerpts.. Michael Zakharov, a former Soviet biochemist, has commented on the Soviet use of these venoms in research. He confirmed that the central Asian cobra is being used to produce one of the most powerful toxins ever known to man. He said, "If we isolate this gene -- and it's absolutely possible -- and place it, introduce it%
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