Even the limp wristed politically correct ''can't we all just get along''Republicans give red menace FDR a free pass on the socialist mess he has turned this country into.The Democrat socialists have made FDR out to be their God ''but who's really the antichrist''when it comes to everything from socializing our economy to imprisoning a whole minority race of U.S.born citizens and confiscating their property.Teddy K.the captain of the S.S.Oldsmobile gets a hickup fit over dog collars being placed on Muslim terrorist prisoners and condemns Bush and the Republicans for being cruel while not one Republican has the balls to tell Teddy that his false God hero FDR enslaved a whole race of U.S.born minority citizens and confiscated their property during wartime.Hell,after 9-11 Bush was going to Ramadan or whatever the hell made up festivus parties the foreign born Muslims that live here on sweetheart deals the government provides them were having.To the socialist elitist democrat commies Bush is an insensitive racist meanie to the Muslims and FDR was a compassionate liberal to the Japanese U.S.citizens.This fricken world of right is wrong and wrong is right thinking the commie libs have brainwashed the majority of people in this country into believing has brought down this country.If you were a big multi national company would you want to do business in the U.S.A. with our public school systems,litigious society, and the nanny state womb to the tomb social service system that has turned everyone into pill popping hypochondriacs.Thankyou FDR for implementing your brand of socialism to make our country uncompetitive, morally bankrupt and Godless.We now have big government as our religion.I'm sure you are gimping around in your grave with glee over the social chaos you have created!