Commie FDR gets a free pass all the time!



Even the limp wristed politically correct ''can't we all just get along''Republicans give red menace FDR a free pass on the socialist mess he has turned this country into.The Democrat socialists have made FDR out to be their God ''but who's really the antichrist''when it comes to everything from socializing our economy to imprisoning a whole minority race of U.S.born citizens and confiscating their property.Teddy K.the captain of the S.S.Oldsmobile gets a hickup fit over dog collars being placed on Muslim terrorist prisoners and condemns Bush and the Republicans for being cruel while not one Republican has the balls to tell Teddy that his false God hero FDR enslaved a whole race of U.S.born minority citizens and confiscated their property during wartime.Hell,after 9-11 Bush was going to Ramadan or whatever the hell made up festivus parties the foreign born Muslims that live here on sweetheart deals the government provides them were having.To the socialist elitist democrat commies Bush is an insensitive racist meanie to the Muslims and FDR was a compassionate liberal to the Japanese U.S.citizens.This fricken world of right is wrong and wrong is right thinking the commie libs have brainwashed the majority of people in this country into believing has brought down this country.If you were a big multi national company would you want to do business in the U.S.A. with our public school systems,litigious society, and the nanny state womb to the tomb social service system that has turned everyone into pill popping hypochondriacs.Thankyou FDR for implementing your brand of socialism to make our country uncompetitive, morally bankrupt and Godless.We now have big government as our religion.I'm sure you are gimping around in your grave with glee over the social chaos you have created!
Yup,when Reagan passed away last week he was lambasted by the commie libs for everything he did good for this country and the world.Reagan rid the world of eastern block communism that enslaved 100's of millions of people.What did FDR do,he supplied money and gave his blessings enabling his good friend uncle Joe Stalin to enslave that whole side of the world.Another wonderful chapter in the FDR legacy the liberals can be oh so proud of.
The controled socialist subsidized economy that FDR put in place gave us false or borrowed worth.All we do with the whole ponzie scheme of programs like social security is to pass along the payment to some other poor schmucks just being born,''White middle class men working 50-60 hours a week''We really don't own much in this country we just borrow our possessions. In Rockford,Illinois an area run by liberal union democrats if you own a house that is assessed at 90 K it's stagnant in rising value and the property taxes are $400 a month.Ya,the democrats and republicans are finding common ground in the FDR economic false planned economy ponzie scheme where they are all playing the same game.All the industry is forced to leave the country because the companies couldn't afford the high cost of paying public school social dysfunctional droan employees in need of every benefit under the sun.So the government created a socialized Price is Right,Jeopardy,game show suggested retail ripoff inflated price medical system.The government prints money to support the bogus bloated medical system and that is our new industry to take over for the lost industrial base besides direct government employment. There are 80% too many therapists,psychologists,social workers,stool samplers,potty chair cleaners in nursing homes and hospitals and in a real world we would all be just as healthy spending 20% as much $$$on healthcare if the government had not turned us all into hypochondriacs.Oh,the government puts out their public service announcements bashing Mc Donald's and obesity but they never tell the gays to prevent getting aids by not porking people in the beehinds.That wouldn't be politically correct in the socialist society we live in.Where I live the government subsidizes certain companies to start up and then they compete against the same sort of companies that may be struggling that started with private capital.That my friend is socialism and we are no better than the old U.S.S.R.I personally know someone who was elderly and had a beautiful house,garden and yard and the local democrat run government forced him to sell so that a government subsidized hotel could locate on the property.Yup,FDR always had that we know what's best for you attitude when it came to the government making decisions for you.The days of rugged individualism are over and it's due to FDR lighting the socialist time bomb fuse.
FDR basically wiped his ass on the Constitution.

And, somewhat like a current commander-in-chief, he lied our country into a war we didn't have to fight on behalf of foreign interests.
Originally posted by William Joyce
FDR basically wiped his ass on the Constitution.

And, somewhat like a current commander-in-chief, he lied our country into a war we didn't have to fight on behalf of foreign interests.

WJ has a new buddy. That's sweet. :cool: :D
When I get hot under the collar just talking about FDR and democrats I get so angry that I just type run on sentences like a mad man and make spelling typos etc because I don't proof read.I just want to get the damn posts bashing the commies out as quick as I can!!!!I somehow lost two of my best posts in this thread due to me being in a hurry and clicking the mouse the wrong way.I could write posts here till the end of time bashing the socialist democrats and I would still have material left to write.
Originally posted by William Joyce
FDR basically wiped his ass on the Constitution.

And, somewhat like a current commander-in-chief, he lied our country into a war we didn't have to fight on behalf of foreign interests.

William, if you think pulling support of israel will stop the islamofascist infestation, you're just being naive.
Originally posted by Socialismbegone
When I get hot under the collar just talking about FDR and democrats I get so angry that I just type run on sentences like a mad man and make spelling typos etc because I don't proof read.I just want to get the damn posts bashing the commies out as quick as I can!!!!I somehow lost two of my best posts in this thread due to me being in a hurry and clicking the mouse the wrong way.I could write posts here till the end of time bashing the socialist democrats and I would still have material left to write.

Here they are, you had started them in a new thread:
"William, if you think pulling support of israel will stop the islamofascist infestation, you're just being naive."

I don't think I've ever said that. If I did, I was being emphatic to make a point. Muslims are often their own unique problem, even absent Jewish influence, but this does not mean the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Muslims must be fought, but at least they haven't taken over the U.S. media and government. How would you feel, rightwing, if every major newspaper and TV station in the U.S. were owned by Arab Muslims? You wouldn't like it, I bet. But what we have now is no different. It's just another Semitic group that cares as little about white America as the Muslims do --- they're just more crafty about it.

Now that the 9/11 Commission has reported that Osama's MAIN GOAL was to punish the U.S. for its support of Israel, I hardly think our support of Israel HELPS in this regard. And it certainly doesn't benefit the U.S. in any event. So why do we do it? Because of Jewish influence in the U.S., plain and simple. That's not good for America as a whole.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"William, if you think pulling support of israel will stop the islamofascist infestation, you're just being naive."

I don't think I've ever said that. If I did, I was being emphatic to make a point. Muslims are often their own unique problem, even absent Jewish influence, but this does not mean the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Muslims must be fought, but at least they haven't taken over the U.S. media and government. How would you feel, rightwing, if every major newspaper and TV station in the U.S. were owned by Arab Muslims? You wouldn't like it, I bet. But what we have now is no different. It's just another Semitic group that cares as little about white America as the Muslims do --- they're just more crafty about it.

Now that the 9/11 Commission has reported that Osama's MAIN GOAL was to punish the U.S. for its support of Israel, I hardly think our support of Israel HELPS in this regard. And it certainly doesn't benefit the U.S. in any event. So why do we do it? Because of Jewish influence in the U.S., plain and simple. That's not good for America as a whole.

No. The free world needs an ally in the region.

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