Commie Castro Dox's Republican Donors Hoping for Violence and Harassment

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Just another classless piece of crap like Maxine Waters, and Hillary Clinton who use the violence of others to harass, intimidate, and criminally assault their political rivals.

No doubt his brother not only knew this was going on but put him up to this. Castro should remove himself from the race, and so should Warren.

Why would anyone SANE do this on the heels of two Left Wing Mass Shootings in this country?

Joaquin Castro slammed for tweeting names of major Trump donors from San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO - San Antonio Congressman Joaquin Castro is catching heat online for posting a list of locals who contributed the maximum amount to President Donald Trump’s campaign this year.

Joe Pags, a conservative radio host in San Antonio, called Castro a “Hispanic Supremacist” in a tweet. “An elected official to the US House just threatened the lives of those who donated to” Trump, he wrote.

“Thank you! Going to get a full tank at Valero and stopping by Bill Miller on way to list my house with Phyllis Browning!,” wrote @RafanAustin.

A white 21-year-old man from the Dallas area used a semi-automatic rifle to carry out a massacre that targeted Hispanics at an El Paso Walmart on Saturday. Authorities are investigating an anti-immigrant, white supremacist manifesto apparently posted by the shooter that riled against the "Hispanic invasion of Texas" and other language similar to that used by Trump on the campaign trail. The gunmam has been charged with capital murder and federal authorities are investigating the shooting as an act of domestic terrorism.

What was left out of the above story is that The Walmart shooter hated Trump, hated Hispanics that supported him, and had a hit list of religious organizations, Court Houses and Public Officials who were Conservatives and Republicans.

And in another story, Democrats show us how they really feel about Smelly Walmart Shopping Conservatives, leading one to ask, why are Democrats urging their followers to commit hateful acts of violence against Republicans.

Texas Speaker apologizes for alleged comments about Republican colleagues in secret recording: report

Sullivan, the CEO of Empower Texans, a conservative non-profit focused on promoting free-market principles in the state, claimed that Bonnen and Burrows spoke about offering his organization House media credentials in exchange for making attacks against a “hit list” of 10 Republican House members they wanted to target before the 2020 primary election, the Texas Tribune reported.

Bonnen admitted to trash-talking fellow Republicans in Tuesday's email but did not mention the alleged list. He previously denied the existence of the list and demanded Sullivan make the full recording public. Meanwhile, Sullivan has privately played the tape to several House Republicans, the report said.

State Rep. Tan Parker, a Republican on the alleged list, said that he listened to the secret recording and can confirm that Bonnen and Burrows “did engage in targeting specific members of the Republican Caucus.”

"I find this reckless ambition to be absolutely disgusting. Their actions directly contradict the bylaws and culture of our Caucus. The disparaging commentary that was also heard was the epitome of disrespect and a clear attack on the values of the Republican Party and the integrity we have established in the Texas House," Parker said.

He refuses to release the recordings so it must be bad. Isn't it enough Lefty that you DOX everyone you can, and have violent hate filled radicals standing outside of the houses of conservatives like Mitch McConnel, who is recuperating from a broken shoulder and scream death threats at him at 3:00 AM in the morning?

What is wrong with you people?

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Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It's important for people to know who is supporting Trump's hateful rhetoric. Those responsible for funding him should be identified.
The left is trying to incite the bravest and most dangerous among them to attack. That's what the screaming to stab Mitch McConnell in the heart was all about. It was trying to incite someone to break into that house and kill him.
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.

I always new you were crazy, but crazy and threatening violence is new.
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.

I always new you were crazy, but crazy and threatening violence is new.

Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley All Refuse to Condemn Antifa Terror Attack on ICE Facility

PA Democrat Refuses to Say Pledge of Allegiance at Committee Meeting
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.

I always new you were crazy, but crazy and threatening violence is new.

I think what he is saying is that, you should put yourself in Conservatives Shoes. What you and your party are doing, is engaging in sedition & rebellion and your Race Baiting, Doxing, and Violent Wings of your party are pushing us towards a potential Civil War.

It's plain to see that your party and it's supporters are in an all out effort to assault Democracy, and have abandoned the concept of Peaceful Exchange of Power.

When are you going to accept The Results of The Election?

Why do you persist in Rebellion with this so called "Resistance"?

Do you want to know why Hillary Clinton will Never Be President?

1 Samuel 15:23

23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, he hath also rejected thee from being king.

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It's important for people to know who is supporting Trump's hateful rhetoric. Those responsible for funding him should be identified.
There is no Hateful Rhetoric. There are only your lies calling truthful statements he makes as Hateful Rhetoric. You are The Hater.
You refuse to denounce the Para Military Wings of The Democrat Party, in ANTIFA, The KKK, and Your Islamic Radical Allies.

You don't see Conservatives marching in the streets asking that people rise up to Kill Law Enforcement Officers, or Border Patrol Officers. You don't see Conservatives attacking Immigration Centers, and trying to Kill Hordes of "Deplorable Smelly Walmart Shoppers"
You don't see Conservatives gun down Congressmen at Softball Practice.

You have a sickness, and a deluded sickness at that.
As I have said, all three latest Mass Shootings were Leftists Snowflakes and products of The Public School Systems Run By Leftists. The El Paso shooter, is trying to be portrayed as some kind of right win fanatic, but the truth is, he targeted Deplorable, Smelly Walmart Shoppers...i.e. Trump Supporters.

The El Paso Shooter Admits he is a Progressive Leftist - America First with Sebastian Gorka

The section of his manifesto entitled “Economic Reasons” is by far the most shocking part, in terms of directly contradicting the media spin that this shooter was somehow far-right. He explicitly expresses his support for “a basic universal income,” which he says is the only thing that can “prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest.” He then goes on to support “ambitious social projects like universal healthcare.” Later, he claims that the American lifestyle “is destroying the environment of our country,” and that “the decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations.”

So clearly this killer supports some of the most openly socialist policies in American political discourse today, including universal income, socialized medicine, and a belief in “global warming.” Yet, according to the media, he is somehow just another “far-right” shooter who has been motivated by President Trump.

Most interestingly, the shooter does mention President Trump…but not in the way the Democrats would hope. Towards the end of his “manifesto,” this Leftist murderer m admits that his “ideology has not changed for several years,” and that his “opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president.”

In the most direct refutation of the inevitable media spin, he even admits that “I’m putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric.” In a macabre self-fulfilling prophecy, he then states “The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.”

Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.

I always new you were crazy, but crazy and threatening violence is new.

It was fine to do to Mitch McConnell! Why isn't it just as good to do to Castro? Even you thought that it was acceptable to identify Trump donors for violent retribution.

Let's get this party rolling.
Thank you for the 5th thread on this topic in the last 12 hours.
The only reason to DOX your political rivals is to incite violence against them.

Quit requesting that your foot soldiers in ANTIFA and the KKK and other Left Tard Loons commit Violence against Conservatives, Smelly Walmart People, and Irredeemable Deplorables.

Why is your rhetoric filled with hate and violence?

Protesters chase and attack Trump supporters in San Jose – as it happened

New O'Keefe Video: Clinton Campaign, DNC Coordinated With Organizations To Incite Violence At Trump Events

It is time to dox and identify democrats. Have a protest show up at Julian Castro's home threatening to kill him. Get this party rolling.

I always new you were crazy, but crazy and threatening violence is new.

It was fine to do to Mitch McConnell! Why isn't it just as good to do to Castro? Even you thought that it was acceptable to identify Trump donors for violent retribution.

Let's get this party rolling.

How about The Texas Democrat who met with a Leftist Media Shill and gave him a HIT LIST of 10 Republicans he wanted The Media to attack between now and 2020?

Texas Speaker apologizes for alleged comments about Republican colleagues in secret recording: report
That's illegal AF. If I did that, they'd throw me under the jail.

It is not illegal, it is publicly available information.

Doxing a politician or supporter for purposes of criminal harassment is illegal, and it's time people be prosecuted for it.

And then of course you have The Leftists, telling The Newspaper how to write it's headlines.; just like Hillary Clinton told them how to write their articles, and even edited it for them.

The Left, particularly Trump Hating Dem Candidates for President, barraged The New York Times to change it's headline for the next printed edition, because God Forbid that a Headline like "Trump Urges Unity over Racism" ever gets printed. Oh The Horror of The Truth!

One has to asks exactly what are you people up to, that you have to resort to lies, violence and intimidation in order to carry out your agendas?

Trump blasts NYT for changing headline under pressure from ‘Radical Left Democrats’

“'Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism,' was the correct description in the first headline by the Failing New York Times, but it was quickly changed to, 'Assailing Hate But Not Guns,' after the Radical Left Democrats went absolutely CRAZY!” Trump tweeted.
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