Come on you dishonest people point the errors in my facts...

He presented numbers in the OP. You have not tackled one yet. You are a liar and a disgrace to the human race.

I do know Boehner and he's a hack. He's been one from the start.

Your last claim is laughable. He was a Tea Party favorite and he got elected...all against you wishes and wet dreams.

Your opinions have you unmanned and unthinking. They are unsubstantiated and mean nothing. Sasse was and was not and was supported by various factions in the GOP, including the split TP factions, one of which eventually opposed while the other generally folded.

McConnell and Sasse get along fine, which should off air raid sirens for you. :lol:

You do not know Boehner at all. Yes, he dearly wants a comprehensive immigration program and he will get it next year.

Tough to be you.

Your analysis is as worthless as Nancy Pelosi. There are no opinions Fakey. Either you argue with the OP's NUMBERs or you don't. You choose not to which only outs you as the moronic piss-for-brains liar that you are.

Sasse was the most far right candidate there was. And he was selected. I know that screws up your view of the world and you have to keep yourself in salty sheets by convincing yourself that it's O.K.

Boehner will get whatever will keep him in power. He'll screw the country like he has for the past four years. He's a total dick and not worthy of his position. But you keep sending him money. And he'll use it to keep himself in more.

Sasse is about the only marginal claim that Listening has to the primary season as the TPM candidates crashed and burn, so 2010 and all.

Listening is unable to nuance the context. The article does that for him, which he ignores as the good little TPM stooge he is.

Sasse, if he wins and should, will huddle with Rand, not the mccartyites Cruz and Lee.

This is good for the mainstream GOP and further repudiation of the far right wankers.
Your opinions have you unmanned and unthinking. They are unsubstantiated and mean nothing. Sasse was and was not and was supported by various factions in the GOP, including the split TP factions, one of which eventually opposed while the other generally folded.

McConnell and Sasse get along fine, which should off air raid sirens for you. :lol:

You do not know Boehner at all. Yes, he dearly wants a comprehensive immigration program and he will get it next year.

Tough to be you.

Your analysis is as worthless as Nancy Pelosi. There are no opinions Fakey. Either you argue with the OP's NUMBERs or you don't. You choose not to which only outs you as the moronic piss-for-brains liar that you are.

Sasse was the most far right candidate there was. And he was selected. I know that screws up your view of the world and you have to keep yourself in salty sheets by convincing yourself that it's O.K.

Boehner will get whatever will keep him in power. He'll screw the country like he has for the past four years. He's a total dick and not worthy of his position. But you keep sending him money. And he'll use it to keep himself in more.

Sasse is about the only marginal claim that Listening has to the primary season as the TPM candidates crashed and burn, so 2010 and all.

Listening is unable to nuance the context. The article does that for him, which he ignores as the good little TPM stooge he is.

Sasse, if he wins and should, will huddle with Rand, not the mccartyites Cruz and Lee.

This is good for the mainstream GOP and further repudiation of the far right wankers.

The world according to jake spins round and round...then the trap opens and Jake winds up with his ancestors.

Jake does not deal in facts. Jake only comes to the board to post those things he needs to ensure his wet dreams of the coming evening.

Jake can't refute the opening post. He claims it has been refuted. But can't show where. Because it hasn't.

Then he drools all over himself thinking that somehow the mainstream is gaining something back. Like maybe Dickhead Lugar. :badgrin:

The TPM is alive and well in many places and is influencing things that Jake does not like.

Jake is one of those rare examples of why people should be forbidden from breeding.
Listening simply supplants reality with his ignorance. In fact,

The TPM is marginalized and dying. One so-called and questionable victory out of dozens of primary defeats does not a victorious party make.

The Boehners, the McConnels, the Rands, the Reids, the Pelosis, the mainstream of the parties, run Congress now. The extreme wankers of the left and the right have been almost eliminated.

The TPM has shot its bolt, has influenced America very little in the long run, and has guaranteed the perpetuity of ACA.
Listening simply supplants reality with his ignorance. In fact,

The TPM is marginalized and dying. One so-called and questionable victory out of dozens of primary defeats does not a victorious party make.

The Boehners, the McConnels, the Rands, the Reids, the Pelosis, the mainstream of the parties, run Congress now. The extreme wankers of the left and the right have been almost eliminated.

The TPM has shot its bolt, has influenced America very little in the long run, and has guaranteed the perpetuity of ACA.

Blather on Fakey.

But don't address the OP. Just claim it has been debunked. Please show us where.

Can't. We know. We also know you are the board asshole.

As to the rest, you keep blatering. It took six years for your predictions to come true ?

First, six years is an eternity in politics. The Tea Party gave the GOP the house....but your forget that because you back is sore from bending as you shove your head up your ass.

Second, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Which is twice more than you are ever right.

Get off the board and go outside. You need some air to clear you tiny little brain.
The OP has been exploded many times in many threads on the Board.

The TPM is gutted now with no chance of recovery.

No, wankers, you don't get "just once more." :lol:
I'm big enough and definitely smart enough to know I make mistakes.

you quote all of the lies perfectly....just like paid shills are supposed to.

Please point out the lies and show why they are lies or STFU.

You are always a leading contender for most worthless poster.

All of that has been done, and the victors in this argument do not allow you like a dog to return to your TPM vomit.

You don't get "just once more."

You are finished.
you quote all of the lies perfectly....just like paid shills are supposed to.

Please point out the lies and show why they are lies or STFU.

You are always a leading contender for most worthless poster.

All of that has been done, and the victors in this argument do not allow you like a dog to return to your TPM vomit.

You don't get "just once more."

You are finished.

Still flapping your oversized lips in the breeze.

You simply have neither guts nor the brains to take on this argument.

We can all see that.

Carry on with masturbating to your pictures of Barbara Boxer.

You can't be never got started.
The OP has been exploded many times in many threads on the Board.

The TPM is gutted now with no chance of recovery.

No, wankers, you don't get "just once more." :lol:

Point to one then...or shut up and accept that you are the asshole we know you to be.
The OP has been exploded many times in many threads on the Board.

The TPM is gutted now with no chance of recovery.

No, wankers, you don't get "just once more." :lol:

PLEASE with what LITTLE logic you obviously have left..
Explain how come Politicfact ALSO agreed 10 million illegal citizens should NOT be counted as "uninsured" hence there are 36 million!

Then you have the Census telling you that they undercounted those 14 million that all need to do is register with Medicaid and this WAS before ACA..
That leaves 22 million.

And now with 18 million that don't WANT insurance, but can afford they make over $50k and refuse their
employers' plans... YOU want to bogusly count them as "uninsured"???

There after subtracting these 42 million you have 4 million left.......NOT 46 million!

WHY is that so hard to comprehend? Is it because YOU have FAITH in the Messiah to turn 4 million into 46 million?

How truly complicated is this math? Let me try again
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS! leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million just need to register/enroll with Medicaid! leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million don't want and therefore WHY are you and idiots insisting they should be counted as part of the 46 million?
THEY don't want it so why the f...k are you forcing it down their throats?

These 4 million that want a truly need health insurance is the REAL number!
The OP has been exploded many times in many threads on the Board.

The TPM is gutted now with no chance of recovery.

No, wankers, you don't get "just once more." :lol:

PLEASE with what LITTLE logic you obviously have left..
Explain how come Politicfact ALSO agreed 10 million illegal citizens should NOT be counted as "uninsured" hence there are 36 million!

Then you have the Census telling you that they undercounted those 14 million that all need to do is register with Medicaid and this WAS before ACA..
That leaves 22 million.

And now with 18 million that don't WANT insurance, but can afford they make over $50k and refuse their
employers' plans... YOU want to bogusly count them as "uninsured"???

There after subtracting these 42 million you have 4 million left.......NOT 46 million!

WHY is that so hard to comprehend? Is it because YOU have FAITH in the Messiah to turn 4 million into 46 million?

How truly complicated is this math? Let me try again
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS! leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million just need to register/enroll with Medicaid! leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million don't want and therefore WHY are you and idiots insisting they should be counted as part of the 46 million?
THEY don't want it so why the f...k are you forcing it down their throats?

These 4 million that want a truly need health insurance is the REAL number!

You'll never get FakeJake to look at numbers. He probably can't read them to begin with. After that, he's got his head so far up Mitch Mconnell's ass, he looks out Mitch's bellybutton.
SO IF by no further disagreement that there NEVER were 46 million uninsured what the f..k was ACA all about???

If the government can't even subtract 42 million from 46 million how in the hell can anyone expect them to run 1/6th of the economy?

IF the ONLY purpose for ACA was to provide the uninsured... THEN do it... but don't destroy the entire health system!
Just pay a private insurance company the $4,000 for each of the 4 million or $16 billion. Problem solved!
HELL we are going to pay for Obama administration to spend $20 BILLION on helicopter program to replace his private fleet of 23 choppers – but they won't be ready until 2022
Federal govt approves $20 BILLION presidential helicopter replacements | Mail Online
Surely we can afford $16 billion for the 4 million truly uninsured!
The OP has been exploded many times in many threads on the Board.

The TPM is gutted now with no chance of recovery.

No, wankers, you don't get "just once more." :lol:

PLEASE with what LITTLE logic you obviously have left..
Explain how come Politicfact ALSO agreed 10 million illegal citizens should NOT be counted as "uninsured" hence there are 36 million!

Then you have the Census telling you that they undercounted those 14 million that all need to do is register with Medicaid and this WAS before ACA..
That leaves 22 million.

And now with 18 million that don't WANT insurance, but can afford they make over $50k and refuse their
employers' plans... YOU want to bogusly count them as "uninsured"???

There after subtracting these 42 million you have 4 million left.......NOT 46 million!

WHY is that so hard to comprehend? Is it because YOU have FAITH in the Messiah to turn 4 million into 46 million?

How truly complicated is this math? Let me try again
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS! leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million just need to register/enroll with Medicaid! leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million don't want and therefore WHY are you and idiots insisting they should be counted as part of the 46 million?
THEY don't want it so why the f...k are you forcing it down their throats?

These 4 million that want a truly need health insurance is the REAL number!

You'll never get FakeJake to look at numbers

The numbers have been gone over and over, and every time hm and those who support him look very unintelligent.

No, guys, you won't get "just once more." You are through. The primaries just proved that.
The public health care system has been destroying the system for a very long time.
PLEASE with what LITTLE logic you obviously have left..
Explain how come Politicfact ALSO agreed 10 million illegal citizens should NOT be counted as "uninsured" hence there are 36 million!

Then you have the Census telling you that they undercounted those 14 million that all need to do is register with Medicaid and this WAS before ACA..
That leaves 22 million.

And now with 18 million that don't WANT insurance, but can afford they make over $50k and refuse their
employers' plans... YOU want to bogusly count them as "uninsured"???

There after subtracting these 42 million you have 4 million left.......NOT 46 million!

WHY is that so hard to comprehend? Is it because YOU have FAITH in the Messiah to turn 4 million into 46 million?

How truly complicated is this math? Let me try again
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS! leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million just need to register/enroll with Medicaid! leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million don't want and therefore WHY are you and idiots insisting they should be counted as part of the 46 million?
THEY don't want it so why the f...k are you forcing it down their throats?

These 4 million that want a truly need health insurance is the REAL number!

You'll never get FakeJake to look at numbers

The numbers have been gone over and over, and every time hm and those who support him look very unintelligent.

No, guys, you won't get "just once more." You are through. The primaries just proved that.

The primaries somehow affect the numbers.

Now that is logic for you.
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PLEASE with what LITTLE logic you obviously have left..
Explain how come Politicfact ALSO agreed 10 million illegal citizens should NOT be counted as "uninsured" hence there are 36 million!

Then you have the Census telling you that they undercounted those 14 million that all need to do is register with Medicaid and this WAS before ACA..
That leaves 22 million.

And now with 18 million that don't WANT insurance, but can afford they make over $50k and refuse their
employers' plans... YOU want to bogusly count them as "uninsured"???

There after subtracting these 42 million you have 4 million left.......NOT 46 million!

WHY is that so hard to comprehend? Is it because YOU have FAITH in the Messiah to turn 4 million into 46 million?

How truly complicated is this math? Let me try again
1) 10 million are NOT CITIZENS! leaves 36 million!
2) 14 million just need to register/enroll with Medicaid! leaves 22 million.
3) 18 million don't want and therefore WHY are you and idiots insisting they should be counted as part of the 46 million?
THEY don't want it so why the f...k are you forcing it down their throats?

These 4 million that want a truly need health insurance is the REAL number!

You'll never get FakeJake to look at numbers

The numbers have been gone over and over, and every time hm and those who support him look very unintelligent.

No, guys, you won't get "just once more." You are through. The primaries just proved that.

So I guess with Jake Starkey 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4.
Jake Starkey says it is dark when the sun is out and it is day when the moon is out.
It truly proves that Jake Starkey doesn't know as the famous line from the movie "The Jerk"..
"Now listen here, boy. See that? That's shit. And this....this is Shinola."

So it looks like Jake still believes that 10 million illegal citizens should get ACA.
Jake also believes that 14 million people that were missed by the same group the first time will be covered by more laws, more rules ...ACA!
And not figuring out that 24 million people either weren't legal or didn't know they were covered is right...
JAKE wants to force 18 million people that don't need (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) to buy something they don't want!

YUP Jake Starkey with his inability to tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground is a LOST cause!
He will NEVER admit UP is UP. Day is when the Sun shines and Night is when the moon shines. NOPE not Jake-- the FLAKE!
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You'll never get FakeJake to look at numbers

The numbers have been gone over and over, and every time hm and those who support him look very unintelligent.

No, guys, you won't get "just once more." You are through. The primaries just proved that.

So I guess with Jake Starkey 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4.
Jake Starkey says it is dark when the sun is out and it is day when the moon is out.
It truly proves that Jake Starkey doesn't know as the famous line from the movie "The Jerk"..
"Now listen here, boy. See that? That's shit. And this....this is Shinola."

So it looks like Jake still believes that 10 million illegal citizens should get ACA.
Jake also believes that 14 million people that were missed by the same group the first time will be covered by more laws, more rules ...ACA!
And not figuring out that 24 million people either weren't legal or didn't know they were covered is right...
JAKE wants to force 18 million people that don't need (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) to buy something they don't want!

YUP Jake Starkey with his inability to tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground is a LOST cause!
He will NEVER admit UP is UP. Day is when the Sun shines and Night is when the moon shines. NOPE not Jake-- the FLAKE!

Like I said...nobody has challenged the numbers.

Jake wouldn't go into the bull ring because he knew he'd get his ass kicked.

He just steps back pretends he has threads that back up his vomit.
The numbers have been gone over and over, and every time hm and those who support him look very unintelligent.

No, guys, you won't get "just once more." You are through. The primaries just proved that.

So I guess with Jake Starkey 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4.
Jake Starkey says it is dark when the sun is out and it is day when the moon is out.
It truly proves that Jake Starkey doesn't know as the famous line from the movie "The Jerk"..
"Now listen here, boy. See that? That's shit. And this....this is Shinola."

So it looks like Jake still believes that 10 million illegal citizens should get ACA.
Jake also believes that 14 million people that were missed by the same group the first time will be covered by more laws, more rules ...ACA!
And not figuring out that 24 million people either weren't legal or didn't know they were covered is right...
JAKE wants to force 18 million people that don't need (under 34) Can afford (make over $50k) to buy something they don't want!

YUP Jake Starkey with his inability to tell the difference between his ass and a hole in the ground is a LOST cause!
He will NEVER admit UP is UP. Day is when the Sun shines and Night is when the moon shines. NOPE not Jake-- the FLAKE!

Like I said...nobody has challenged the numbers.

Jake wouldn't go into the bull ring because he knew he'd get his ass kicked.

He just steps back pretends he has threads that back up his vomit.

What I hope is that more and more people become aware of this absolutely GROSS more then 1,000% exaggeration (4 million not 46 million).
Once they agree, then they comprehend the enormity of this exaggeration as it has destroyed our health care system... and all because of 7 votes!
These 7 yes votes passed ACA.

If more people grow aware of this totally fabricated number that PROVES the administration not only is totally inept in comprehending that
14 million people SHOULD have been enrolled in Medicaid... Obama's fault that they weren't! --- That leaves 32 million..
10 million people were not citizens WHICH Obama now (AFTER the bogus 46 million was used to pass ACA) agrees .. leaves 22 million.
18 million people that can afford make over $50k, don't need (under 34 years) and spend less per year on health services then joining employers' plans.

That is 42 million bogusly counted of the 46 million AND all of us are going to pay!

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