Come on Republicans........Don’t you think it is time to Impeach?

They were physically looking to find Congressmen. The woman who was shot was trying to forcefully enter an area where Congressmen were being protected. There were Molotov cocktails and pipe bombs found. There was a gallows erected outside.

I don't believe that nonsense about the gallows. Save all that for Paris, 1781! People, you've GOT to have validated evidence, or you're spreading false rumors!
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

In what manner did Trump launch an insurrection against the US Congress?

If Trump really wanted to launch an insurrection, which is code you're easily offended, don't you think more than a few hundred Trump supporters, nut cases & left anarchists would have showed up for the party? That's rhetorical, kidding about thinking.

People died needlessly because of it. Sounds like you're having a wet dream

Who had ongoing TDS for 2021?
Glad you asked

In his misguided attempt to avoid having to admit defeat, Trump created a misinformation campaign claiming that he had been cheated in a corrupt election

As his final act of desperation, he called a rally of his supporters, told them they were being cheated, Democracy was in jeopardy that THEY a needed to do something to save it.

He specifically told them to march on Congress, stop them from stealing the election and even threw his own Vice President to the wolves.

He then stood back and watched the carnage

People died fighting for his false claims
the Evidence shows that he was cheated-------------the numbers don't lie-------and things like idiot dems allowing other idiots dems to use their address to claim residency-------and flipping votes are definately fraud .
No proof.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached earlier last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
If they convict him he cannot run. Try to keep up with what is happening.
An answer to the hate and intimidation. Deal with it, there are 80 million Trump supporters.
74 million voted for Trump
81 million voted for him to leave

flipped votes, dead votes, multi votes, illegal alien votes etc don't count pumpkin
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

In what manner did Trump launch an insurrection against the US Congress?

If Trump really wanted to launch an insurrection, which is code you're easily offended, don't you think more than a few hundred Trump supporters, nut cases & left anarchists would have showed up for the party? That's rhetorical, kidding about thinking.

People died needlessly because of it. Sounds like you're having a wet dream

Who had ongoing TDS for 2021?
Glad you asked

In his misguided attempt to avoid having to admit defeat, Trump created a misinformation campaign claiming that he had been cheated in a corrupt election

As his final act of desperation, he called a rally of his supporters, told them they were being cheated, Democracy was in jeopardy that THEY a needed to do something to save it.

He specifically told them to march on Congress, stop them from stealing the election and even threw his own Vice President to the wolves.

He then stood back and watched the carnage

People died fighting for his false claims
the Evidence shows that he was cheated-------------the numbers don't lie-------and things like idiot dems allowing other idiots dems to use their address to claim residency-------and flipping votes are definately fraud .
No proof.
Actually there is proof babe---------pull your head out of the sand...
An answer to the hate and intimidation. Deal with it, there are 80 million Trump supporters.
74 million voted for Trump
81 million voted for him to leave

flipped votes, dead votes, multi votes, illegal alien votes etc don't count pumpkin
Not playing your conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories get people killed
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached earlier last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
If they convict him he cannot run. Try to keep up with what is happening.

Impeaching and a Senate trial are two very different things, try to learn difference between impeaching and the Senate trial. They are two completely different processes.
I don't believe that nonsense about the gallows. Save all that for Paris, 1781! People, you've GOT to have validated evidence, or you're spreading false rumors!


To show, no man is ABOVE the law, including the President.

And no, he can NOT constitutionally PARDON HIMSELF for his own crimes...

can you imagine if every president could commit all the crimes they wanted while in office, because they knew they could just pardon themselves... even for murder?
There is nothing in the law that prevents him from pardoning himself. Stop making up chit.
Sure there is... in the constitution it dictates presidents SHALL BE prosecuted for their crimes after they are impeached from office or simply no longer in office.

There would be no specifics on this, if the Founders believed a president could simply pardon themselves....

The constitution makes clear, no man including the president is above the law.

The DOJ established under Nixon, a president can NOT pardon himself, due to the law standard of no man can judge in his own cause. He can not make the judgement that he himself should be given a pardon. Nixon tried, but was legally advised, that he could so.... that is why he resigned and Ford pardoned him.

And the constitution says a pardon is a grant. People are granted pardons by the President. GRANT is a term used legally, as a gift given, to someone else.... not yourself.

AGAIN...The founders did NOT give presidents the power to pardon themselves for federal crimes they committed....They gave instructions on how they SHALL be prosecuted for their crimes.

When Trump pardons himself, he does so illegally and he will be contested on it, and with no doubt, the supreme court will side with the founders and their constitutional intent....

We are a nation of laws, not men...

And no man, is above the law.
Oh brother, you have trouble with facts.

I will try to type slower this time for you.

THE president has the right to law not by founders. When this rule was made---there was nothing that specified that the president could not pardon himself....

Only if the house and senate both decide to impeach him which they have what around a week and 1/2 to do so, but if the swamp did that then pence could pardon trump. If pence failed to do this, then this would be the final straw before trump supporters started sharp shooting I do believe.

Playing stupid games is eventually going to earn several people lots of stupid prizes.
In 2020, Democrats launched an insurrection against the American people, causing riots, which people died needlessly because of it.
Stop comparing BLM to what happened in the Capitol.

BLM was not right vs left. It was minority communities reacting to their perceived persecution by law enforcement after the unnecessary death of a black man.

The Capitol riot was a political riot perpetrated by a political party and political supporters for the benefit of their politician to affect by force the outcome of a political process.

These are not even remotely the same.
Yes they are you idiot. By YOUR definition this was a peaceful protest. You don’t get to run away from YOUR sides bullshit because you can’t defend it. These people did not murder, loot, or destroy property like YOU people did. So no, they aren’t the same. These protesters were right. You people were criminals.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Would be a waste of time and money.

HE has less than two weeks left.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached earlier last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
If convicted he can not...
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

It's time to impeach President* Biden.
In 2020, Democrats launched an insurrection against the American people, causing riots, which people died needlessly because of it.
Stop comparing BLM to what happened in the Capitol.

BLM was not right vs left. It was minority communities reacting to their perceived persecution by law enforcement after the unnecessary death of a black man.

The Capitol riot was a political riot perpetrated by a political party and political supporters for the benefit of their politician to affect by force the outcome of a political process.

These are not even remotely the same.
Yes they are you idiot. By YOUR definition this was a peaceful protest. You don’t get to run away from YOUR sides bullshit because you can’t defend it. These people did not murder, loot, or destroy property like YOU people did. So no, they aren’t the same. These protesters were right. You people were criminals.

US Capitol Police officer dead following injuries suffered during riot | Fox News

Laptop stolen from Pelosi's office during Capitol riots | TheHill

Curators Scour Capitol for Damage to the Building or Its Art - The New York Times (

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