Come on Republicans........Don’t you think it is time to Impeach?

FTA: Senate rules provide that such a ban may be enacted by a simple majority vote after two-thirds of the Senate has voted for conviction in an impeachment trial. It has never happened to a president before because none has been convicted. But is is clearly a penalty severable from the primary sanction of removal from office.
You amaze me. I'll keep that in mind.
Ain't gonna happen and I'm not sure why everyone's wasting their time on talking about the 25th and impeachment. There's no stomach on the Republican side to do anything about this man. He cucked them. All of them. Talk to Pence, talk to the rest of the cabinet, talk to the White House council. Take away his toys, lock his social media accounts if he utters one more word about a stolen election, make sure the military leaders don't let him start a war. He's done at noon on the 20th. Let him sit there and stew in his utter shame and embarrassment. The more hours that go by, the more of his soft core supporters drain away.

The worst he can do right now is pardon people. While it's distasteful, he cannot blanket pardon. And he cannot pardon himself. The SC has already ruled that even a President isn't above the law. I'm sure there is a shitload of legal action coming down the pipe for him. Even more than there was before Wednesday. Let him leave and let the legal system handle him.

Sure it can happen. Trump does not even have to be in office when it happens. I'm sure there are at least 17 Republicans in the Senate who don't want Trump to be the nominee in 2024, and this insures he will NEVER be the nominee for the Republican party ever again.

That's neither here nor there. Even if Donald J. Trump were disqualified, Trump would just ask Mrs. Trump to run as a proxy. I can't see anyone primarying Melania in 2024.

Except she wants nothing to do with politics....and that isn't allowed in this country. :)
That's neither here nor there. Even if Donald J. Trump were disqualified, Trump would just ask Mrs. Trump to run as a proxy. I can't see anyone primarying Melania in 2024.

She could be prez of Slovenia ------ where she was born.

America? Not so obvious.

Mrs. Trump has other interests, I can't see her as being actual President of the US, just a proxy for her old man.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Its time to impeach alright----BIDEN and many of the others who have been taking chinese bribes or contributing to the fraudulent election.

BINGO! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Fuck Beijin Biden....impeach the POS and all the corrupt anti-American scum, greedy demonRats who have taken money from China.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Its time to impeach alright----BIDEN and many of the others who have been taking chinese bribes or contributing to the fraudulent election.

BINGO! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Fuck Beijin Biden....impeach the POS and all the corrupt anti-American scum, greedy demonRats who have taken money from China.

Exactly. The first order of business for the new Congress needs to be the impeachment of Joseph R. "Sleepy Joe" Biden and Kamala "The Hoe" Harris.

Attempted destruction of our country is a "high crime" by any definition of the word.
That's neither here nor there. Even if Donald J. Trump were disqualified, Trump would just ask Mrs. Trump to run as a proxy. I can't see anyone primarying Melania in 2024.

She could be prez of Slovenia ------ where she was born.

America? Not so obvious.

Mrs. Trump has other interests, I can't see her as being actual President of the US, just a proxy for her old man.
I can see Melania getting her long awaited divorce right after Trump leaves office
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do
Are you stupid? What point is there in trying to impeach a guy who is gonna leave office in 11 days?
Because Trump launched an attack by his followers on Congress

Well Donnie, since you have only ten days left, we will just let that go

Does not cut it
That's neither here nor there. Even if Donald J. Trump were disqualified, Trump would just ask Mrs. Trump to run as a proxy. I can't see anyone primarying Melania in 2024.

She could be prez of Slovenia ------ where she was born.

America? Not so obvious.

Mrs. Trump has other interests, I can't see her as being actual President of the US, just a proxy for her old man.
I can see Melania getting her long awaited divorce right after Trump leaves office

What makes you think that Melania wants a divorce? That is your hope I'm sure, but nothing to indicate that it is based in reality.
FTA: Senate rules provide that such a ban may be enacted by a simple majority vote after two-thirds of the Senate has voted for conviction in an impeachment trial. It has never happened to a president before because none has been convicted. But is is clearly a penalty severable from the primary sanction of removal from office.
You amaze me. I'll keep that in mind.

Not as much as you amaze me, I won’t keep you in mind, you aren’t that important.
You want to start an impeachment against someone who will be out of office in 12 days I don’t know which is more embarrassing the riot or this type of response to it. All I can say is anyone who is not embarrassed by both should be.
If they do try to impeach him again I won't object or care.

It only seems like a wasted effort.

For all we know he could be arrested by DC police or the capital police once he leaves office.
He hasn't committed a crime, so no.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

I will say it as I said it in my other thread do a censure and let ride this out until January 20th 2021and why?

His base will revolt and many innocent people will die and is it worth it?

So censure please!
If you impeach he cannot hold public office again.

He was impeached earlier last year and ran again this year, that blows your claim that if he is impeached he can't hold office.
If they convict him he cannot run. Try to keep up with what is happening.
They try to impeach him after he leaves o
Ain't gonna happen and I'm not sure why everyone's wasting their time on talking about the 25th and impeachment. There's no stomach on the Republican side to do anything about this man. He cucked them. All of them. Talk to Pence, talk to the rest of the cabinet, talk to the White House council. Take away his toys, lock his social media accounts if he utters one more word about a stolen election, make sure the military leaders don't let him start a war. He's done at noon on the 20th. Let him sit there and stew in his utter shame and embarrassment. The more hours that go by, the more of his soft core supporters drain away.

The worst he can do right now is pardon people. While it's distasteful, he cannot blanket pardon. And he cannot pardon himself. The SC has already ruled that even a President isn't above the law. I'm sure there is a shitload of legal action coming down the pipe for him. Even more than there was before Wednesday. Let him leave and let the legal system handle him.

Sure it can happen. Trump does not even have to be in office when it happens. I'm sure there are at least 17 Republicans in the Senate who don't want Trump to be the nominee in 2024, and this insures he will NEVER be the nominee for the Republican party ever again.
IOW, they're afraid he could win again.
You know that if any President deserves it....Trump does

He launched an insurrection against the US Congress. People died needlessly because of it.

But we know you still fear Trump. What if he sends a nasty Twitter against me?
But is there ever a better time than now to get rid of your “Trump Problem”?

He has already lost the election, he has disgraced your party, he has disgraced the country. Impeach him NOW and he will never run for President again. Impeachment will politically neutralize him. Impeachment ends Trumps control of the party once and for all.

But face the real reason to impeach
It is the right thing to do

In what manner did Trump launch an insurrection against the US Congress?

If Trump really wanted to launch an insurrection, which is code you're easily offended, don't you think more than a few hundred Trump supporters, nut cases & left anarchists would have showed up for the party? That's rhetorical, kidding about thinking.

People died needlessly because of it. Sounds like you're having a wet dream

Who had ongoing TDS for 2021?
Glad you asked

In his misguided attempt to avoid having to admit defeat, Trump created a misinformation campaign claiming that he had been cheated in a corrupt election

As his final act of desperation, he called a rally of his supporters, told them they were being cheated, Democracy was in jeopardy that THEY a needed to do something to save it.

He specifically told them to march on Congress, stop them from stealing the election and even threw his own Vice President to the wolves.

He then stood back and watched the carnage

People died fighting for his false claims
the Evidence shows that he was cheated-------------the numbers don't lie-------and things like idiot dems allowing other idiots dems to use their address to claim residency-------and flipping votes are definately fraud .
No proof.
Actually there is proof babe---------pull your head out of the sand...
Prove it.
Well 18 pages in PROGS made it clear Trump should be impeached because their feelings.
What happened in DC has probably been cleaned up and repaired already.

Five people died
Clean that up

I'm surprised you counted the woman shot by the guy in the building.

And what did the other 4 die of?

I think I heard there are six now; two police officers dead and that woman. The others died of strokes and heart attacks, evidently, and it just goes to show that Geezers Are Great and Boomers Are Better, but maybe we shouldn't be running around in violent protests.

My question is how many people died of the same thing at the anti-fa/BLM protests. Here the MSM wants to up the body count, because they hate the people protesting.
Not as much as you amaze me, I won’t keep you in mind, you aren’t that important.

I didn't mean my comment on your post sarcastically --- I appreciate the information! We need difficult information on these complicated processes at this time. I'm sorry if I was not clear.

I apologize as well, I have been ripped lately by people because I’m a fiscal conservative but I am not a Trump supporter, but I did agree with some of his policies on deregulating some industries. Thank you again, for the apology, I appreciate it.

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